holy shit, can you really just click on your own referral link and get 20$ over and over again without using a VPN or anything? this is too good to be true
Holy shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
what happens when nobody wants to buy the shitcoin u spent forever trying to get u dumb faggot nigger lol
Nice just clicked 100k
On their first page they are already talking about the price of their coin. They have a "recommended" starting price of just 0.15 cents. What a deal.
They don't want everyone dumping instantly
see proposed timeline.
>tfw this shit has a better whitespace than chainlink
you mean whitepaper?
white paper*
Why would I pay for books if libgen exists? Lol get fucked scrubs.
I hate writers, journalists and all those selfobessed, arrogant, elitist, selfobsessed, dumb nonimpotrant shot blabbering leftist useless shittheads.
Fuch authors.
Learn something usefull and wprk something usefull especially.
Fuck you all u fucking dumb shit talking, reasoning-disabeled dumb niggers. Shiit i hate u !!
> wprk
Good luck with that
all journalists are trustafarians
you know this to be true
they won't need to use a coin to monetize because mommy and daddy shekelstein will support their 10/hr internship in NYC until they work their way up to editor in chief
Meanwhile we need to scrabble on shitcoins for our financial freedom
>Notice: we have ZERO tolerance against fraudulent referrals and your account will be suspended if we determine you are involved in such activities. All signups are manually verified.
Not all writers are leftists, user
But all lefists are writers.
greatt idea and solves problems! nice cartoons too! BULLLISh~
why are all intellectuals leftists?
Jesus man, get a grip.
worked like a charm, thanks
This is a good meme. Posting it on Veeky Forums
Wait wait wait
Will this coin pay me for my hardcore loli rape snuff stories? Because I keep getting blacklisted by advertisers for "obscene content".