None of you can even read. Why bother?
White Paper is out
Other urls found in this thread:
so, the token sale begun while there was no whitepaper?
sorry.. not interested. it may be a good pump and dump but srs stuff for me only pls
have fun get burned with this
I just hope my presale contribution got through.
>so, the token sale begun while there was no whitepaper?
No, the presale did.
The public token sale (ICO) is thursday.
chainlink fudders moving the goalposts
no fud. just what i gathered from your photo, was only giving thread a free bump =(
Holy shit. This is the moon mission of 2017.
They have also moved the date of the ICO to 19th September.
>The public token sale (ICO) is thursday.
Yeah, I just read that they moved it to give the community time to process the white paper.
See Link to the actual whitepaper:
It looks legit af, but let's read it first.
Chainlink ICO starts in 2 weeks, on 19. september. They have postponed to give everyone enough time to read the whitepaper.
also there will be a whitelist for the ICO.
sorry user, thought you were a shitposter like this guy
So does the ICO start on the 19th now or is it just 2 weeks longer?
1) Do you have a link to the actual document?
2) is there any point in a human even trying to get in on this ico, or will it be bot only?
It looks like he pushed the ico date back. Do you even read?
>So does the ICO start on the 19th now or is it just 2 weeks longer?
Chances are the ICO will sell out in literal minutes, so I'm guessing they moved the start date to the 19th.
>1) Do you have a link to the actual document?
See >2) is there any point in a human even trying to get in on this ico, or will it be bot only?
Wish I knew.
Dropped a few ETH into the presale, but won't know for sure if it went through until they distribute the tokens.
Thats the date of the happening if im not /pol/staken
It's 38 pages and you can't read. Not many pictures
If I read this all, will you die?
Why the fuck would you need pictures for a whitepaper plus a whitelist, based Sergey
i cant read but after scrolling through i think this is best white paper to have ever been written
>releases a whitepaper on slack
I cannot even. Just when you think it cannot get any worse.
God forbid they use this OFFICIAL twitter for anything:
Look at how sad that account looks.
It's on the webpage as well retard
I know it's on the webpage you retard, it's not like people are refreshing their piece of shit website every 5 minutes hoping it will pop up.
You have the official twitter, use it. This is no way to communicate.
I have 50 ETH in this, I hope it crashes and burns so hard because it's pennies to me.
People this incompetent don't deserve to succeed.
holy shit, are you telling me you actually read the paper and are still falling for this scam?
i expect people to buy to flip bc blerks and buzz, but no one actually legit believes this shit right?
>are you telling me you actually read the paper
Not yet lol.
Just woke up and found out about it.
>this scam
Oh good, you apparently already read it.
Please point out the key indicators of a scam, with page numbers of course.
Chainlink will burn.
section 4.1 they straight up admit it doesn't even work
more than sufficient for everyone involved to end up locked up for fraud
What is your source on the ICO whitelist?
sergey on slack. Join it and see for yourself
I have 500 eth on this
>section 4.1 they straight up admit it doesn't even work
Just read it over, didn't spot it. Please enlighten me.
if you read section 5 where they blather on about measurability of oracle reliability you get deep into the fraud
it isn't the case, and never has been, that the oracle problem was hard under normal circumstances. oracle functionality for smart contracts is economically useless because the edge cases don't work. your oracle can be correct about the stock market prices 99.999% of the time, but if 0.001% of the time it fucks up and destroys billions of dollars, it isn't worth using
this is the same sort of bullshit that caused the 2008 financial crisis. the tail events are the most important ones in automated financial models. your oracle is either 100%, or worth $0. pick one.
if you find some faggots pretending to have a "solution" to the oracle problem that is less than 100% reliable, their solution should be valued at ZERO
Stay poor faggot. I knew idiots like you wouldn't understand fuck all after reading the whitepaper.
nothing wrong with buying to flip, but if you think this is an oracle solution you are mentally retarded.
>can be correct about the stock market prices 99.999% of the time, but if 0.001% of the time it fucks up and destroys billions of dollars, it isn't worth using
Pretty sure that's a better success rate than whatever investors are using today. Or ever.
wrong. my broker has accurate stock price responses 100% of the time because if the data feed looks fucky, he uses human intelligence instead of faulty code to recognize edge cases and halt action
how can you be so fucking stupid that you dont get this immediately?
What the fuck is the 'Oracle problem'
Holy shit you massive autist, please be bait.
You gave some russian on slack almost $200k without a whitepaper or any form of communication except with 2 or 3 biztards on slack?
I don't even care about my money anymore I hope you all suck a major dick and the russian escapes with all of our money to the Bahamas.
>giving money to ICOs without working products
>my broker has accurate stock price responses 100% of the time
This is very likely the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read on Veeky Forums. Bravo.
Also, you haven't responded to yet.
You are full of shit, holy jesus.
What are you implying? Most of the ICOs don't have a working product.
I only got in because everyone was hyping muh oracles and muh swift so I threw in a couple of bucks.
But this guy takes the cake for 200k lmao I hope for his sake that he's larping.
He's an obvious troll and time burglar
It's like pointing to a recipe for cake and screaming "THE NAME OF KENNEDY'S KILLER IS IN THERE".
you only think it is dumb because you are an illiterate mongrel that thinks it has something to do with brokers predicting the future.
it simply means that any human being familiar with google stock knows that it doesn't go from $1000 to $0.01 overnight, i.e., it can recognize erroneous edge cases even if 100% of data feeds are reporting the same $0.01 price
kys before you spread more of your retardation
Hey guys.
Fighting/arguing has zero probative value and does nothing but cause people to dig their heels in and double down on their existing position as a response to feeling attacked.
I feel like we have a good opportunity here to have an actual intelligent discussion about a potentially interesting piece of technology.
I'm excited about Chain Link but happy to hear any criticisms.
If you be less partisan you learn more. Learning more helps you make better investment decisions.
Let's chill out and discuss this without lowering the tone to the usual shill/FUD bullshit.
"of course, faults may be correlated ...."
in other words they admit THE ORACLE CAN BE WRONG
in other words the oracle is ECONOMICALLY WORTHLESS
you tards are turning me into a believer in accredited investor regulations. double digit IQ mongrels really have no business investing
>100% correct stock responses
>thinks it has something to do with brokers predicting the future
And now you prove that your reading comprehension is shit too.
>it can recognize erroneous edge cases even if 100% of data feeds are reporting the same $0.01 price
If all data feeds show a price of $0.01, guess what price humans are going to pay?
Fuck off with your pathetic fud attempts.
Or at least change your IP and try again, more better this time.
>I'm excited about Chain Link but happy to hear any criticisms.
Me too.
But there's a guy spreading obvious disinfo.
hypothetical smart contract:
market sell order on stock A if price falls below XYZ
Hypothetical execution:
oracle with 0.0001% error detects erroneous price of $0.01 for my $1000 AMZN stock, sells for $0.01. oracle failure costs me $999.99 per AMZN stock
my broker is alerted to erroneous $0.01 stock price, realizes it can't be right, decides not to execute contract, i save $999.99 per stock
you tards realize why a non-zero failure rate for oracles renders them worthless now right?
>Scientific paper discusses potential limitations of product
>"It just doesn't work goys, throw money elsewhere"
The thing is most of the people here have no idea what this thing does. They see on their website potential partnership with the big banks and think "muh dyk look at those gains to be made".
Another problem is that these future bagholders are defending the devs who are doing an absolutely pathetic job so far. Instead of telling them to step up they attack me for giving valid complaints about how this is handled.
This confirms my theory that nobody really cares about the tech here but only to flip this for 5x as soon as possible and then they will be the ones fudding instead of me, mark my words.
you're essentially making an argument against all automation you realize. The same could be said of all online order books
>It moved to the same date as /pol/'s HAPPENING event by pure coincidence
>Might be in a timeline where theres no bingebuying cryptos until after WW3 gains are a thing of the past
Current bots cause stock trade crashes all the time, then things are fixed in 5 minutes. They make errors yet are worth loads.
"Non-zero failure rate = worthless"
Your words.
Let's reflect on how stupid you sound. Nothing in the external world is failure proof, dumbass.
Wouldn't a smart contract be able to have additional referents (like a % change over time) to protect against extreme cases?
I have no idea what you're talking about, what happens on that date?
Guess what homeboy, the "faults" they are referring to are the "faulty sources" they literally mention earlier in the fucking section ABOUT DEALING WITH FAULTY SOURCES.
This is like saying "glue is broken!!!" because the manual explains how to glue broken things.
You do realize what you are saying.
>non zero failure rate oracles
You can't be this retarded.
>implying the ICO won't sell out in minutes
>implying this will ever be even close to a 32M market cap when it hits exchanges
>implying that most people won't make back at least 3x of what they threw in the ICO when this starts trading
>mark my words
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH I hope you have a nice collection of pink wojaks faggot
>My broker is fucking perfect 1000% of the time bro
Lol damn you should pay him in shitcoins then
>dat computer-hating boomer argument
you know what happened with the eth flash crash this summer right? exchange decided to reimburse everyone
why did they do that?
no one tolerates services that cost them money in edge cases. in other words no one tolerates smart contracts with failure rates above 0
in other words chainlink is worth zero, because no one will tolerate it.
You do realize never in your lifetime or in the lifetime of your children will a smart contract be created that has an absolute 0% margin of error or failure rate right?
Are you fucking retarded?
>ETH flash crashes
>gets fixed, people tolerate
>chainlink flash crashes
Derp a dubderp.
Protip: everything flash crashes or otherwise malfunctions at one point. Even the rustiest AK will jam once in a while.
yea, but it doesn't change anything
the oracle failing and costing 5% or failing and costing 99.99% is really no different
the main point is that you can't control edge cases completely which means catastrophic failures are inevitable
Why does it have to sell for 1 cent rather than just the previous offered price, give or take a few %?
If the problem is autoselling too fast, just have it ask permission before dumping lambotickets for pennies or something
>What happens when its happening?
Do you know how much you don't know?
Theres more to Veeky Forums than lambocoins
which is why the smart contract fad is just conmen and fraudsters
doesn't work.
wall street tried smart contracts already in 2008 and blew up the whole financial system. government aint gonna bail out ethereum bag holders for repeating the same mistake all the smart folks in the room know about already
so you think etherparty and agrello are scams too?
So was the fucking internet, so was fucking smart phones, so was fucking internet of things.
They were all fucking memes at one point dipshit. There is a massive difference between Smart Contracts and Chia Pets.
>I'm in the presale with 50 ETH
>this shit is handled like absolute ass not a legit project with a future
You marketcap shills are the absolute worst.
>This relatively low marketcap is a sign it will go 100x because some random coin in the past also did the same
That's not how it works.
You realize all those projects that had massive gains in the beginning of trading had a good marketing campaign and were pumping out new partnerships and announcements every other day.
These guys don't do any of that, nobody outside of Veeky Forums will know about this project because of these lazy dumb fucks. They don't even post tweets, they are way too late with the whitepaper.
I wouldn't be surprised this thing gets below ICO price if they continue to ignore the marketing.
I'm familiar with the picture but you don't have to sperg out because they moved the date due to them being lazy.
the thing you dont understand is chaos theory and dynamic instability. smart contracts with non-zero error rates on oracles create dynamically unstable waves that blow up to chaos.
just like a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm on the other side of the planet, small errors can rapidly magnify through interrelated smart contracts and blow up the whole system.
it'll never work until the oracle problem is ACTUALLY solved, not this retard tier chainlink shit
>muh butterfly effect
The internet should've blown up the earth 100 times over by this logic.
yeah, the whole smart contact ecosphere is nothing but a scam. ethereum and everything that goes with it, pure scam shitcoin shit
they've been talking a good game for like 3-4 years now, but there are no real use cases. the only use cases on ethereum are ICOs and gambling, neither of which need an oracle
some genius might solve the oracle problem eventually, but chainlink isn't even remotely close. they didn't even scratch the surface of mentioning the real fundamental problems, much less solve them
Those tokens that were pumped have more bagholders then winners.
What are you trying to say?
They picked the same date /pol/ predicts the jews will pull the internet plug for global conflict 3 jewish bugaloo: time to save fiat debt edition
Nazi swastika is for evolution
Veeky Forums is for involution
Solid af.
i should add to this, you can do ICOs on bitcoin with colored coins and gambling has already been done on top of bitcoin block chain back when fees were reasonable
in other words, ethereum has ZERO novel use cases. the only reason ICOs are done on ethereum instead of bitcoin is because ethereum has a higher concentration of new friends that havent been burned by scams yet. the ICO fad is the market's way of taking money away from the idiots and leaving the wise with it, but is far from complete. this process already played out in bitcoin more or less
so maybe you dont understand statistics, edge case failures, dynamic stability issues, chaos theory, etc., but you can get this: how is it that such a revolutionary platform hasn't done anything novel, much less revolutionary, in years of existence?
obvious answer: ethereum/smart contracts = scam
>they didn't even scratch the surface of mentioning the real fundamental problems
Sounds like you're the next Satoshi.
Why are you itt posting idiocies when you could be one-upping Vitalik right now?
I'll tell you why: because you don't know dick about shit.
>muh 100% successful response rate in humans
Fuck right off you dumbass.
But when its erronous, it sends you a message user, thats what your 100 percent broker does. Why are you still typing?
just because you are too fucking stupid to comprehend this doesn't mean you gotta get so butt blasted. you can probably flip for 2x, just dont be a bagholder. be glad someone pointed out how retarded your beliefs were.
>muh legacy coin is controlled by Lizardmen from Reddit and Blockstream and is in civil war with Chinks
I comprehend enough to know that not having a 100% successful response rate "like humans (lollllll)" doesn't invalidate anything.
I also comprehend enough to know that section 4.1 of the whitepaper deals with resolving faulty external sources, and that it doesn't contain an admission of "faultiness" on the part of chainlink.
In summation, I comprehend enough to know you are full of shit.
Typical know-it-all who states provably false and obviously idiotic tripe.
>I comprehend enough to know that not having a 100% successful response rate "like humans (lollllll)" doesn't invalidate anything.
>I also comprehend enough to know that section 4.1 of the whitepaper deals with resolving faulty external sources, and that it doesn't contain an admission of "faultiness" on the part of chainlink.
wrong again
if you are sincere and not just trying to shill this coin, please never breed. you are too dumb for it to do the world any good
>postponed two weeks
this is great it means I can make mega gains on both OMG and chainlink
Not an argument.
NOTHING has a 100% successful response rate, certainly not humans.
>wrong again
Not an argument again.
You pointed out the section beginning with "of course, faults may be correlated..." as proof of the devs admitting their shit was faulty, while the "fault" in that phrase refers to faulty external sources that the system deals with.
>ethereum is a scam designed to shut down bitcoin
All you have to do is look at the people behind bitcoins competitors and ask yourself why they don't like goyim having control of their own currency supply/value
This is the same guy that stated the 2008 housing crisis was a tail event rather than something directly caused by direct government intervention with the banks. It's just some random black swan event nobody could have seen... He is dumb.
Also anyone that tries to use anology to convince others is having cognitive dissonance. It's a tell in people that know hypnosis. His FUD is pretty unconvincing and terrible 2/10.
Have you ever been to /pol/?
Does anyone here know how/why shills shill?
We (((know))).
Are you actually trying to FUD or is this reverse psychology? Cause you are actually convincing people to buy with your shitty arguments.
nah dude, this dudes broker is a hyper intelligent all knowing all seeing perfect being