You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this woman.
You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this woman
>you will never have galia crouch over your face and let out a steamy fart for you to inhale
kill me
No idea who she is.
Because she's a woman.
that's all
I'm getting out of Fiat because it's a depreciating asset.
That is really gross
>investing in a woman
You may as well watch your money burn.
>current year
>directly tithing to Jews
pick one
I'd fuck her brains out but don't do business with jews, that is just irrational. 10-15% are seriously sociopaths. They shoved their family members in ovens in order to rape other family members in Auschwitz. Most are good people, but why risk it?
Just like niggers and whites... hmm
No, both whites and blacks are about 1%. Jews are mostly good people, but their rate of producing sociopathic pieces of shit is unconscionable. I see why people irrationally revert to antisemitism. It makes sense to normies because it helps them avoid being ripped off or even killed.
Bancor is shady as fuck. It is basically a system where people like Soros Jr. could crash Nigerias whole economy if he didn't like their tax proposal. It is insidious and based only on profit potential for people, like me, who understand how currencies vary in value, and who also are immoral pieces of shit (not like me). Bancor is a horrible idea. Insidious even. You could pump and dump an entire civlization for a few million and not think twice. Literally. They created a scheme to allow the Soros' of the world to pump and dump entire economies for short term profits. It is not just dumb. It is fucking evil.
I'd cum in that jewess' mouth though.
Thanks! Just bought 100k :)
I don't invest in kikecoins as a rule.Saved me a lot of money.
the bancor whore
don't be rude
Adding this here for posterity
please tell me it was a ben garrison pic.
Nothing irrational about it at all.
Jesus, just because of that 'victim' role, I will never invest in bancor.
Fucking sjw, can't take a joke.
So just sociopathic?
Let people create Smart Contracts that peg values so Soros Jr. can pump and dump African economies on CNN at will?
It is fucking evil
>not posting the image
Oh, you can make money with Bacor, but you are basically paying jews to starve niggers. I don't know how you feel about that morally.
This isn't complicated. You create a contract pegging "Nigger COIN" to the dollar. You pump it through the media or even forums like this. You immediately dump it. Nigger economy collapses. Smart contract gives you guaranteed payout. Little nigger kids starve. You buy a Porsche.
By the way, these KIKES, and they deserve to be called KIKES, know what they are doing. Killing nigger babies to buy their Porsches.
fuck this kike whore she owes me so much gelt
I am. It takes a few minutes searching outside of here to see what's coming next year. There will be hundreds of smart tokens.
The scheme literally doesn't work except as a set up. Why would smart people adopt this? No smart person would. Their market, which they know, is literally low IQ African shitholes so they can exploit the fuck out of them.
wise user
It is literally immoral. And, while I have enjoyed jewess pussy, I am not a fucking loser. Bancor is immoral. Business wise. The only people whow
... would use it are fucking shady asshole
neck yourself pajeet.
>buy my coin, goyim!
Because it provides liquidity to their tokens without the need for exchanges.... pretty fucking simple.
Sexy af
would put penis in
but not trusting her with my money.
Which allows shady assholes to pump and dump, literally pump and dump, complete economies with little risk easily. What a great system. What could go wrong.
/pol/ told me not to
I would pump and dump her if you know what i mean.
>Which allows shady assholes to pump and dump, literally pump and dump,
> Why would smart people adopt this? No smart person would
All these coins teams will work with bancor and they're all smarter than you.
Bancor didnt work out when proposed by Keynes
Who the fuck is this bitch compared to Keynes?
Because they are gonna pump and dump you like a drunk chick at a party
read this
>muh price floor
Who mentioned the price floor? Low effort fud is disappointing, try harder.