Ottoman History podcast is literally the best academic podcast out there. Covers a huge range of topics in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Some eps are a bit dry, but there's such a variety you'd be hard pressed not to find stuff worth listening to.
Benjamin Turner
Surely once or twice is enough?
Sebastian Hill
In Our Time is pretty good, if you can handle the occasional argument and Melvyn Bragg's unwavering insistence that they are running short on time
Jose Gomez
"From Yao to Mao: 5000 Years of Chinese History" is an absolute must listen if you want a podcast on Chinese history. It's done by a professor who has a P.hD in East asian History and languages from Harvard. Also studied Modern Chinese in Beijing.
Daniel Long
Eugh, every suggestion has been history. I am more interested in psychology, neuroscience, mythology, religion, zoology, ethology, and philosophy (focus on metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, stoicism, asceticism, aquinas).
Would be killer to find good lectures on Jung.
Bentley Barnes
partially examined life
John Harris
Already have that. It's more "3 dudes talking" than "single person giving a lecture" although it's not BAD. I'm just looking for other things.
I think I might just be looking for lectures that I can download easily/not have to rip from youtube/are complete series.
Robert Ortiz
This guy is so fkn good, check him out OP
Hudson Murphy
Oliver Ramirez
Carson Phillips
Ethan Williams
The Jocko podcast is pretty good when he's covering a book.
Macro Musings if you like in depth economic discussions.
The American Interest if you want analysis of current events.
The Teaching Company's Great Courses are not especially hard to get a hold of.
Adrian Walker
Hardcore History is excellent. The WW1 series is amazing although it is 20+ hours long,
Robert Adams
The Drunken Peasants is pretty good for analysis of current events, definitely Veeky Forums approved.
Charles Robinson
Hardcore History - Many people have already mentioned it.
The History of Rome - It's a podcast that goes through the history of the Rome up untill the fall of the WRE. It's the podcast I've ever listened to alltough it starts off a bit unpolished. When you get to Pyrrhus of Epirus is when the podcast starts to shine imo.
Revolutions - A podcast, by the same guy that made The History of Rome, that goes through various revolutions in depth. The revolutions he have gone through are, IIRC: The English Civil War, The French Revolution, The American Revolution, The Haitian revolution and Simon Bolivar's.
The History of Byzantium - A continuation of The History of Rome which takes off after the fall of the WRE. It's made by another guy who however tries to shape it after the finished History of Rome-podcast. The really great thing that this podcast does is that it takes a couple of episodes at the end of every century and explains the changes that have been made to the roman society and its neighbors.
History on Fire - Similar to the Hardcore History-podcast in the sense that it consists of (series of) episodes who focus on a particular happenings in history. He just finished a four-part series on the Spanish conquest of the Azteks which I really appreciated. He have also done a couple of episodes on the roman Servile Wars and one on Ötzi.
The Ancient World - A podcast about ancient times (Beginning of civilsation to the end of the achaemenid empire IIRC) with the focus on MENA. The podcast gave me an interest in a period I previously had no interest in what so ever. The episodes about the Assyrian Empires were the best imo.