Let's have civilized discussion about Russian Civil War.
What went wrong?
What went right?
What's your most favorite part of this conflict?
Family stories welcomed.
Let's have civilized discussion about Russian Civil War.
What went wrong?
What went right?
What's your most favorite part of this conflict?
Family stories welcomed.
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my great grandfather was possible in it. he left kiev in 22 and then became a drunk miner and sold the kids off to orphanages.
basicaly, the whites couldn't unify because the only real commonality between them was they hated the bolshiviks. some were die hard monarchists, some where reformers, some were libs and some were socialists. and they couldnt really get along because the various leaders of the whites had different motives and shit. it didnt help that the bolshis got the anarchists(they were their own army) on there side long enough to fuck the whites to death in the south.
>my great grandfather
Where did he escape?
Were there any significant engagements during the civil war?
Obviously there was but I can rarely find good articles or reading material that's details a serious battle, most whole I've found mostly evolves around the Allies, the Czech legion and some Urban engagements in Petrograd.
Rarely anything about the tactics of the reds, Battles in Mongolia and the war in the air during the civil war.
Pls help i'll suck your dick.
>we don't live in the timeline where Denikin swallowed his pride and told the Poles that they could be independent if they helped him take Moscow
>we don't live in the timeline where Mahkno realized how fucked he would be if the Reds won and stood out of the war
>we don't live in the timelines where Kornilov's coup succeeded or never happened at all
feels fucking bad
>the most bad ass flag ever
Nice pirate flag :^)
>What went wrong?
Everything. The Whites loose.
>What went right?
Anything. The Royas Family was killed. Old Russia was killed.
God, what a time line we live.
pick yourself Trot
>White Russia loses
See you Space Cowboy
Makhno was even more evil than Lenin.
yeah but if he realized (or cared?) that the Reds were gonna fuck him, then he might have stalled committing troops against the Crimean Whites long enough for them to take Moscow
>What went wrong?
The Whites sent Baron Sternberg away instead of uniting under him.
kill karl marx in his birth then no russian revolution
Because that would've gone well
There would've been a revolution, it would just be a socialist one instead of communist.
there would have been a bourgeoise revolution, and no commies to ruin it
Still would've been hijacked by jews.
Then Proudhon becomes the main leftist theorist, quite the improvement
What would Russia be today if the Whites had won?
It's possible it would spiral down into an endless series of civil war just like what happened in Afghanistan.
that's fucking great, let them do their little anarchist bullshit and it'll destroy themselves faster then communism ever would. after all, anarchy is when you depose of a government and all chaos ensues. this would then force people to realize that radical leftism doesn't work.
yes, I would support this.
Industrialised, economically successful, godly, democratic, constitutional monarchy, gets along well with Europe and the West
>economically successful
That would be a first in Russian history
Alright, Veeky Forums, let's reunite the White Army!
Бoжe, Цapя хpaни!
Cильный, дepжaвный,
Цapcтвyй нa cлaвy, нa cлaвy нaм!
Цapcтвyй нa cтpaх вpaгaм,
Цapь пpaвocлaвный!
Бoжe, Цapя хpaни!
a liberal democracy with resurgences of monarchist sentiment during rough times. After the war ended one of the generals (probably Denikin) would take control of the country until it was stable and then hold semi-fair elections that are biased (if need be) to get the Kadets in, then the Duma would become more and more balanced as the country recovered
Are you a liberal tranny
not that I'm aware of, why do you ask?
He'd have crushed the Reds if he had the materiel of the full White faction at his disposal.
What comes after that, who knows? It would have been better than Communism.
I like how Russia has historical figure impersonators in their main cities and we have cartoon and pop-culture impersonators in ours.
Really speaks to each culture.
>He'd have crushed the Reds
And you're basing this on what exactly? His adventures against shit eating Chinks armed with sticks?
You're retarded. Kornilov would have been put in as a very ineffective military dictator and either overthrown via coup later or (if by some miracle he held on to power) replaced on his death by one of his lackeys.
>tfw germans destroyed russian civilization
Willy was a spastic retard not seeing what catastrophe he's causing outside of Germany. He also promised shitskin Mexicans the entire southwest corner of the US.
I can confirm this, Russians are by far the most autistic people with regard to history. I have a bit of sample bias because I hang out with MSU people, but history and the other humanities get a load more respect than in the states.
Ungern-Sternberg did nothing wrong
The Chinese were at least as well equipped as the Russian communists were at the start of the revolution. They had at least modest amounts of artillery and machine guns, but still got rekt by a small army of irregular cavalry.
>Kornilov getting put in charge when he died within 5 months of the October Revolution
but user, he lost
"in the early morning of 13 April, a Soviet shell landed on his farmhouse headquarters and killed him."
We are talking about alt-History here.
I know, there were a lot of Russians in our agriculture department at **Non-descriptive Mid-Western University**.
I also like how even the farthest left-wing radical Russians (that I met at least) were still very very patriotic.
yeah I guess I was assuming victory from Denikin's march to Moscow and not just random variance stopping Kornilov from dying until the Whites won
>Sternberg will never sweep aside the encircling Bolsheviks in the White Guard's darkest hour, cresting the hilltop with his million Mongolian horse archers
The battle for the Tula arsenal was a fairly large engagement and led to heavy losses amongst the Bolshevik elite Latvian rifle regiments. The best general of WW1 AA Brusilov stayed neutral but joined the Red Army when the Polish War began. Neutrality was the least worst option for many. But you are largely right as there were very few professional units fighting. Most of the rank and file on both sides (there was actually about six or seven sides) were conscripts who deserted at the first opportunity. There was an old saying that the Bolshevik victory was caused by three things: Latvian bayonets, Jewish brains and Russian stupidity.
Any decent books on this?
Cause average Joe wouldnt recognize most of American historical figures.
Pretty amazing that Russia is still a country considering how absolutely fucked it's been time and time again
>Monarchists killing Esers instead of cooperating with them
>corrupted officers
>austistic Race on Moscow
>Entete supplying Whites with only a few weapons
>Kolchak razing entie villages to the ground instead of being polite toward the civilians to avoid partisan warfare
>Kolchak not listening to General Gajda
>Politization of the Czechoslovak Legion by Masaryk
>Japanese conquering Siberia instead of fighting the Bolsheviks
>autists like Kalmykov and Semyonov acting like African warlords and shilling for Japanese
t. general Radola Gajda
They lost almost all territories with other ethnicities, their economy is #rekt since industrial revolution, their population doesn't breed like rabbits in imperial times anymore, the country suffer from a massive brain drain, their GDP per capita is lower than in Poland and Russian homicide, suicide, HIV rates are among the highest in Europe.
I can't imagine anything worse than the current situation.
Avoiding Krushjew in power could solve almost everything.
The country could not exist, that sounds worse
Germany exists even after two failed World Wars, despite the fact that it was formed only in the 19th century from hundreds of states. Russia hever had strong regionalist movements aside of Kuban region, and you can't spleet them, maybe only relocate like Germans in Eastern Prussia.
Russia is pretty much like China, no matter what happens, absolutist taking power, communist trying to renovate its culture, it will always exist.
I see modern Russia as rape victim stripped from its own history and culture andwondering around pointlessly trying to find its own place in the world.
dat ass tho
After liberating Tsaritsyn, Denikin should have concentrated all forces to strike at the heart of Bolshevism (Moscow) instead of spreading out forces through Ukraine and Central Russia in an effort to suffocate them.
Had Wrangel been Commander in 1919, Whites would had a good chance.
Pyotr always reminds me of the White's Bedford Forrest - promoted too late to affect major policy.
Why the fuck was Japan so invested in it
>tfw Nicky watching all of this from heaven
Kornilov's mongoloid face is much more awesome
no, you're much more awesome!
Fuck, I made a thread before checking catalog and seeing a kinda relevant, sorry, was thoughtless of a Veeky Forums newfag like me to just barge into a board without checking it.
In any case, tl;dr my grand-grandfather was allegedly a Lenin's bodyguard during revolution, but then fucked off before getting killed off or something, and settled in Smarhon', Belarus and even had some Lenin-signed paper telling to give him some earth for serving revolution. Though the document was lost during WW2 so that's impossible to verify.
Is there any way for me to verify the story? Any historic records on Lenin's bodyguards or archive with backups of every single piece of paper Lenin signed?
Can you tell us his name?
Any good books/articles on the Far Eastern Front? I recall there being some fighting in Vladivostok and whatnot, and I always enjoy reading up on the more overlooked fronts.
I don't remember it, unfortuantely, but surname should be Кpeн or Кpeнь or something like that.
>that gopnik behind Stalin
Russia was their only relevant regional rival. Are you retarded?
How this picture makes you feel?