Post your favorite book, fiction or nonfiction, and then let people make assumptions about what ideology or ideologies you subscribe to.
Pic related is mine.
Post your favorite book, fiction or nonfiction, and then let people make assumptions about what ideology or ideologies you subscribe to.
Pic related is mine.
You probably watch Jordan Peterson videos and like it faggot
pic is probably the best book I've read this year, although currently reading Alvin Toffler's Future Shock which is pretty ok also
some meme-tier variant of communism/socialism
i suspect a non-liberal democratic variant of a republic
>some meme-tier variant of communism/socialism
wew nah, just a pretty regular libdem, I just like the clear portrayal of revolutionary politics and the USSR's ironically anti-revolutionary foreign policy
also, the civil war stuff was pretty neat too
Damn thats actually pretty fucking accurate
The wierd thing is finding out that the book's actual message is how tv rots your brain.
Yeah, I guess the anti-authoritarian themes in the book just happened by accident. Funny how that works.
There was that one time where a bunch of college students Bradbury was speaking to literally told him he was wrong about his own damn book.
>There was that one time where a bunch of college students Bradbury was speaking to literally told him he was wrong about his own damn book.
the two types of people who like this book are diametrically opposed in other areas, and I fall into one of those categories
This is the same shit the left was saying 10 years ago. The book is kinda timeless regardless of what you think of it's readers.
Literal meme
Ancap Libertarian?
(((classic liberal)))
cool negro
>Yeah, I guess the anti-authoritarian themes in the book just happened by accident. Funny how that works.
It's not even anti-authoritarian as it is anti-anti-intellectualism, and if you knew tv from the time you'd understand Bradbury's issue because it was called the Boob Tube back then for a reason
I don't even fucking care if it's related or not because I love this book, it's legit my favorite book of all time.
>Is revenge worth it? Hell yeah it is!
No, it's about how humanity's abandonment of intellectual pursuits would be its downfall, because all the people smart enough to prevent nuclear annihilation would be ostracized from society by the stupefied masses.
I can't find any sources I'd consider reliable about the incident. I only heard about it from a friend of mine.
Still, it wouldn't surprise if something to that effect actually happened.
This is a tough one.
Satan is a little bitch?
>tries to fight God
>cast down, talks shit
>God says "you wanna try again, 1v1 me bro"
>Satan backs off
Always gets overshadowed by 1984
>people unironically think Brave New World is a dystopian novel rather than a utopian one
>people unironically think 1984 was dystopian