What were Rome's main religious practices, how would the average Greco-Roman worship his Gods?
What were Rome's main religious practices, how would the average Greco-Roman worship his Gods?
Many Romans had "household Gods" which were small shrines to certain God's that the would commit offerings and pray to.
Roman religion was very much about "doing" rather than "believing." You have do all kinds of different rituals to appease the Gods. It wasn't a matter of faith that the Gods were real, it was simply a fact. And if you had asked a Roman what the secret of Rome's success was, 9/10 he'd tell you it was because Rome was simply favored by the Gods because Romans were the most devout people.
Offerings, particularly to the household goods.
Some would participate in mystery cults.
Also occasionally singing "hymns" but this was also for entertainment value, like how Georgian Chants are played on the radio.
cult of their own ancestors over anything else.
the Romans didn't really much care for the gods, they sure believed they existed and that they needed to be worshiped and kept pleased, but they considered them more like facts of life beyond their understanding or concern, forces of nature the individual investment of each and every Roman personally couldn't sway, so they just paid their taxes and had the government to take care off it, with a very complex system of priesthoods and official sacred titles in place to do all the god worshipping for them.
for Romans, Zeuz didn't care that people prayed to him every morning, he just needed the rituals done on the clock and things would run just fine.
*Jupiter, fuck
1. State religion. Romans had frequent holidays, and they did or did not go to the celebration. They could very well stay home.
2. Small domestic every-day cult, of which we don't know much.
That was not like christianism, which had a huge role in every aspect of life.
They didn't worship in the same way as Christians would. Worship is less about a personal connection with the gods, than taking part in a communal demonstration of respect for the gods. It was an important social action, to stand outside the temple and offer libations to the gods.
Rome existed for 1229 years by classical dating, you're going to have to be more specific regarding the era in which you are curious. Comparing the religious practices of a Roman in 753BC to a Roman in 476 is more an effort in seeing what is the same than in what is different.
Sometimes they would sacrifice animals to their gods
then eat said animals
I vaguely remember that there was some group of priests with absolute mad lad rules like they couldn't look in the general direction of a dead body or something, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I vaguely remember one too
was it the one with "the sacred phallus"
There were instances of human sacrifice in Rome, although they were quite rare, and Roman historians usually wrote about them in a very disapproving tone, as if they were embarrassed to even be talking about it.
His armor has nipple piercing.
Ego respectere Jupiter causa de superii divi. Vulgi non honere Jupiter causa fovere div superii.
Greacii romii homini honore vena (us est non correct) causa cupilii vagin.
Ego forgetere in past
>Fovere est fear.
>once again the gods shove COCK IN ASS
That guy is riding a Segway covered with Roman-themed accesories and he is wearing earphones and sunglasses, all of which didn't exist in the times of the Roman Empire. This is not an actual Roman Empire picture.
Romans were big on ancestor worship.
Families would go and eat dinner in their families mausoleum, pouring libations of oil or wine into a small hole in the tomb's floor.
There were cults to various Gods, from many pantheons, but ancestor worship was much more important on a day-to-day basis.
They worshipped Mars by killing stupid fucking gauls and germanic niggers.