ITT: we post pictures that makes us feel warm and comfy

ITT: we post pictures that makes us feel warm and comfy

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I kind of feel bad for that guy, eating McDonalds he just looks miserable.





>still posting this meme

72 years later and Jew STILL mad!









>posting dead people and deriding them
t. Edgy McEdgelord
fuck off to


cry more faggot

i fucking love anglo vs aryan memes

look at those subhuman faces

The babies dead in that photo. IIRC it was from a flame thrower or incendiary bomb.

Unironically this.
>inb4 edgelord/kike shill
It's something about ordinary people, like shopkeepers and school teachers who have never met the people they are fighting to free, risking their lives and plunging into an abyss for a higher ideal that all men should be free from tyranny and oppression. To me this picture shows how incredible humanity is capable of great hardships for greater causes despite the odds and symbolically avenge defeat tenfold.


>all men should be free from tyranny and oppression



Rip they tried.

I feel fortunate that I didn't have to fight in WWI. It makes me feel warm and comfy.

He never said this. Stormcucks can't even provide a page lol.

It's funny when you know who this guy is

I really like these photos.



Kind of gives you hope humanity isn't all that screwed up after all.





fuck, is this really from ww1? is there a video for it? because 3 photos couldn't be taken this fast at the time

wtf is wrong with his face?

They had movies @ 20fps in 1891.
Granted, these are colorized.

commie russia has no aesth....




Why was the Marmara region an international zone?



So that the Bosporus would be secured for international trade after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

In other words: perfidious Albion struck again.

Awesome picture.


>"Dutch troops in exile, veterans of the 1940 campaign, return to their fatherland as heroes and liberators."


>"Dutch girls write warm words and slogans on the hull of a Polish Sherman Firefly, shortly after the Polish 1st Armoured Division's liberation of Breda."


I really don't see why Hitler decided to attack the Netherlands...

this, very much this

no story to this one, can see part of a "France" tab above a No. 10 Commando patch on his sleeve. I just like how he's straddling a Thompson and the kid and woman are happy as can be

>the head goes flying
i cry everytyme, i remember a vatnik reeeing once saying it was staged to do that kek



Damned gopniks.


Sitting on a park bench eating semechki


Gee Ivan, How come Stalin lets you have Two Watches?

Ah yes, 1945: the year when Europe set it's course to UN sanctioned continental replacement migration.
I wonder who will get blamed for everything wrong in the world when whites will be exinct?

One for capitalist time. One for communist time. Get on my level, you kulak.

Taken between 1901-1904

blame shitler for it


Churchill did try. For like 10 minutes.

*revises history*

>I really don't see why Hitler decided to attack the Netherlands...

cyka blyaat airbrush it out!

little did they know






Contemporary history but still..

feels good man

No Brits. No Krauts. Only Men.

That is a pretty big Hans there...


the fuck is up with their faces. fucking creeps mate

>mfw my gf is a 6/10 chubby normie
>mfw I'll never fuck a fierce chocolate warrior qt

Gonna post it here not because I feel about this pic in any particular way but I read the book and apparently now they say one of the guy (whose son wrote the book) wasn't on the photo as previously thought. It was someone else and another guy was misplaced. I don't know where this mistake comes from or if I should believe it but I'm a bit disappointed if it's true.

It's a painting based on the photo from the news article which I guess isn't very common.

NoT so FASt

Why out of all the other options did the allies want to buttfuck the Ottomans so bad?

Look at this guy's age. What choice did he really have...but I know, we would have been all resistance fighters despite being born and raised in a totalitarian dictatorship and being thrown at the front barely being an adult.

So Japan could secure Indonesia's rubber and oil

Also maybe map asthetics?

You always have a choice. He chose not to dissent.


One was a compass they brushed it out because people (like yourself) would think it was two watches
