Bancor is literally unstoppable.
Bancor is literally unstoppable
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well meme'd my friend
In the down direction*
shhhh I want to acumulate more
It's not as if the nobancs here understand how the smart tokens will move the price. You're fine until the hundreds come next year.
Bancor is literally one of the few tokens that will be able to comply with sec regulations.
You autist Token card has already been partnered with Bancor for way longer. See you at $10+
They all will :)
Stop shilling this jew coin. It is an unethical set up. It gives market manipulators a guaranteed floor when they fuck with low volume coins.
40 lines of code produced with a market leading network established. Laughable project, dead on arrival
You must be larping.
No, I am just not a stupid piece of shit who shills coins because you want to, but will never, fuck one of the founders. Guaranteed liquidity isn't a good thing you stupid motherfucker. It encourages pump and dumps. Literally. Like shady people will see coins with Smart Contracts guaranteeing them a floor and pounce all over that shit. Bancor literally just reduces risk for the worst elements in the trading world. No getting caught holding your dick. Pump and dump at will.
>40 lines of code
You mean 60k+. I know research is hard sweetie but try it out.
Why do you think floors are guaranteed on every token? That's not stated anywhere. People sell to the contract and the price/supply goes down.
it's unlikely the long tail tokens will make it onto exchanges so the only place to pump them is through the contract. There won't be exchange arbing.
>a shitcoin used to create even more shitcoins
only kikes could come up with this
>Why do you think floors are guaranteed on every token?
Literally jew speak.
Even in coins where a price floor isn't set, first to act is an absurd and shady advantage. And price floors can/will be set by their set up. They fucking state this openly. God. This is why people hate jews.
>Why do you think floors are guaranteed on every token?
Fuck off you fucking Kike.
Bancor is literally a shitcoin of a shitcoin that's used to make more shitcoins.
Normies gonna love this shit.
Time to buy more.
>Guaranteed liquidity isn't a good thing you stupid motherfucker
are you retarded
Race traitors will pay
No, this is why Hitler did nothing wrong you fucking Kike. You create a fucking coin for the express purpose of ripping people off and then act indigent when people point it out. Guaranteed liquidity is a very bad thing. Bad coins need to die. When they don't, market manipulators make a killing and first to act becomes an unethical advantage. But you know this, you fucking Kike, which is why you Kikes designed this coin in the first place: So other Kikes could rip people off. Fuck you. Die.
youre delusional
Dead. On. Arrival.
>ico flippers dumped when they didn't get their 5x and this means it will never rise
Gas yourself.
You are so fucking mad that you're down 40% on your investment
Your coin will never ever be a success
Do you hate jews because they are jews or do you hate a specific group of jewish people if so why and which group (Bancor excludes)?
Wrong. There will be 100s of smart tokens using a BNT reserve next year and token changers for every major coin.
At what price will one's whimsical delusions about Bancor's future end? $2.00? $1.50? $1.00? Guess we'll find out soon
The other legitimate investments have already recovered from Monday. Ark, OMG, Monero are all back up to normal numbers. Bancor, on the other hand...
You're asking someone who is either 1) a paid shill or 2) Deeply invested in it, to be realistic about it being a complete shitcoin.
What kind of answer are you expecting from him? Are you expecting these people to give a real rebuttal instead of just calling you a fud hater noblanc and other memes?
More jew speak. I give a specific example and your first instinct is to completely exclude it and revert to "muh antisemitism". Fuck you, Kike. You know what you are.
i'm bored at work
$100+. Fuck off arkie.
What's the point. None of your arguments ever change. Bancor will succeed without you.
You sound like you spent too much time on /pol/. I spent years on pol and I always saw through the bullshit. Also, I am not jewish. I wish I were because I would probably be richer kek
how much are you down buddy? 30%? 50%? Good thing I bought ARK at $.35 because I have basic business sense
i still want to know why liquidity is a bad thing
I bought bancor at 1.85. Only 27 bancs but I want at least 500 before it hits 4 dollars.
I already explained it before. This delays bad coins from dying. It isn't fucking complicated.
>This delays bad coins from dying.
what does this mean can you explain it logically
if I am holding 100 units of Shitcoin on yobit and theres literally only 50 units worth of bids on the orderbook, I have a liquidity problem
now if theres another 50 units of bids on cryptopia for Shitcoin, I would have to transfer my Shitcoin over there if i wanted to liquidate my holdings
theoretically as i understand it the bancor network or exchange or whatever its called would be able to provide the liquidity of the combined orderbooks. furthermore, if Shitcoin was trading at 1 sat on yobit and 3 sats on cryptopia, bancor network would perform automatic arbitrage and equalize the price to 2 sats
the only conclusion i can think is that perhaps you are an arbitrage trader who is upset that bancor would make your line of work obsolete? either that or your just a retarded /pol/fag who is just fudding this because hurr it da jooooos
>being this deluded
/nobancor/ here
Didn't this coin get released the same time as the last bear market started to happen?
How much is it trading right now compared to the ICO?
t. Digimarine
it came out at peak hype
it helped push ETH over 400
it is way down from its ICO value
I have a nice profit off a small investment. What's there to be deluded about? That I won't reach 500 bancs before it hits 4? Or do you think it will never hit 4 dollar ever again?
I think you are accumulating like the rest of us. You gave me a nice idea, I'll start fudding bancor aswell.
I just wanted to say, my simple explanation is not entirely accurate. bancor would not be actually interacting with exchange orderbooks, I just described it that way to make it more understandable
in reality there would be two bancor tokens. in the first one there is contained BTC and Shitcoin in a proportion that Shitcoin = 1 satoshi, and in the second one there is contained BTC and Shitcoin in proportion that Shitcoin = 3 satoshi
then when I come along with my Shitcoin and I want to sell it (deposit it into the network and pull out bitcoin from the network in its place), the proportions within the bancor tokens starts to shift and the arbitrage etc takes place to give me bitcoin at the proper equalized (i.e. liquid) value
thats all
desu im pretty new to bancor but in my opinion it seems like a genius idea that will affect a lot if it is utilized on a wide scale
Am I the only bancholder with profit kek?
When BTC hit $5K I was up $70 FIAT in profit in BNT. That is gone now.
You didn't sell right? So you have nothing to worry about. Just HODL.
I've lost nearly 50% BTC investment on BNT. Every day I lose more faith in this coin...but I hope...I hodl
id bang her so fucking hard
>sweetie posting
How much lower aprox?
ICO price was 1 BNT = .01 ETH
today 1 BNT = .008 ETH
so its down 20%
shit she looks like a fucking alien kid what the fuck
Thanks alot
Thoight it was much worse given all the FUD
The only reason I love how bancor is shit is because everyone crashed the alts by buying into the bancor ico
Coins can die. You can withdraw the all the reserve. The difference is I can still go to that smart token and give it BNT (or whatever it's based on) and get the coin.
Bancor will pump hard this werk with the blogupdate... screencap this
what would be super funny is -99% on bancor roi since inception if SEC bans the shit out of it
i bought at the ico and traded my stack, with the daily dips, it's pretty stable and easy to do. made a profit and sold to buy more omg, might buy back in later on