Should all keynesians be killed?
Should all keynesians be killed?
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t. Thatcher.
t. corporate cuckold who likes being poor
All neoliberals should
>"In order to stimulate the economy, we should make it easier for the productor to produce so the offer will rise and with it the employment rate etc"
>" Why would the offer rise if the demand stay the same?"
>All neoliberals should
neoliberal is a useless leftist buzzword that doesn't make sense
anyone who uses it should be gassed
fuck central banks and fuck leftists
How would you call them then?
call who?
government parasites that hate the free market and love government monopolized banking
die classicalnorm
Doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it?
god shut the fuck up
you have no argument
go back
go baack to leftypol
die /pol/norm
die economic slave
why do you love being poor
gas yourself you degenerate fuck
just die you fucking waste
It refers to reagan cock sucking trickle down cucks like you.
die fascismnorm
>dude I rely on leftist media pushing reagan and trickle down memes to brainwash me to make me a slave
you are so pathetic, its so fucking hilarious lmao
im a moderate libertarian
nice try
die fencesitter
>using a brainwashed term like trickle down
you are just proving you are a corporate slave
kill yourself leftist
>Why would the offer rise if the demand stay the same?
Better quality and lower prices of products and services, it's obvious
Wow, /leftypol/ should work on their bait game, it's really obvious and only a complete retard would fall for it.
If you have issues with language that usually means you are a special snowflake
>issues with language
this translates to "I can't understand your argument so I have given up"
all leftists need to get suffocated
kill them all
you initiated an argument by dismissing it based on the use of one word
You couldn't refute what I said.
What is it that you want me to refute?
>you are just proving you are a corporate slave kill yourself leftist
this is an insult
>this translates to "I can't understand your argument so I have given up"
This would be applicable if an argument had been made instead of solely an insult
>all leftists need to get suffocated kill them all
once again another insult
You got fucking owned
your replies were less than 5 minutes apart and now more than twice that time has elapsed and still no reply
fucking moron or bot, not sure which
Fuck a Keynesian hating thread and it started without me?
Short answer: it wouldn't hurt but there are worse people I think we'll all agree.
State directed investment in the economy is a smart move. Look at America's development of infrastructure and its funding of high tech industries, as well as East Asia's rapid expansion and state owned enterprises.
I sure love well thought out /pol/ threads that are not hyperbolic at all.
Maybe it will help.
Pretty much this.
You've got to spend money to make money.
Does digging up a hole and then burrying it creates two productive jobs?
>All modern economies work on Keynesian economics
>"Keynesian economics doesn't work!!!!"
I can't speak for the rest of the world, but here in Latin America, "Keynesians" never read Keynes at all, they are just people who believe that government spending is the solution to everything and that inflation is actually neoliberal propaganda that doesn't exists.
Im gonna be generous and say that it's socialism that doesn't work. Keynesian third way is just mediocre and since it involves significant control of the economy by the politicians of course they love it. They really limit themselves even if they have the chance. There's a reason modern US presidency is called "imperial".
>Most of Europe socialist
>America half socialist
>Canada, Australia socialist
>but socialism doesn't work
What kind of socialist? There are some social democratic ideas that will not go away (though it was Bismarck who introduced pensions). Those countries can afford it now at least for some time because they got rich in the past. Also Australia is very economically liberal to this day.
u wot.
t. American education
>neoliberal is a useless leftist buzzword that doesn't make sense
A lot of people get Keynes wrong. It's not an economic system, but a set of theories on how to handle recessions; in fact Keyenes theories were pretty much forgotten for decades because there were no severe recessions that monetary policy couldn't handle.