Reminder that decentralized exchanges are the future.
The future
Yes if you're talking about Waves dex
Absolutely not
Too much liability for businesses and too much risk for consumers
You will never see a wdely adopted and functional decentralized exchange
There is also no such thing as a truly decentralized exchange. Try making a niggercoin in any of these exchanges and you'll see how centrsluzed they really are.
What did he mean by this?
I'm talking about upcoming updated 1.0 Waves dex which is partnered with moscow stock exchange and could trade up to 1trillion $ in 2018. At the moment there are about 100000tx/day and this thing is growing stronger day by day. Whoever is not seeing that is stupid as fuck but this thing will be huge.
>muh soviet centralized exchange with old money and russian mobsters is going to be better than a real liberating decentralized exchange.
Dude, you're a meme.
>direct 1:1 trades
>everything is sent straight to your own wallet
Oh yeah, so much risk
You don't even seem to know what a decentralized exchange is. Using Waves as an example, just lmao
>you will never see a widely adopted and functional decentralized exchange
>you will never see a widely adopted and functional decentralized currency
See you in a year and you'll see how big Waves dex has grown...even you'll probably use it.
bullish on this coin
Loved the Radar relay response
stop posting
Reminder that even the 0x devs have acknowledged decentralized exchanges won't get rid of centralized ones because they're much more convenient and most people aren't Veeky Forums fags that sit around on a computer all day reading about exchanges
>Reminder that decentralized exchanges are the future.
you are right, NVO is going to crash all other exchanges
tfw you never be this autistic
feels good man
Hopefully the exchange doesn't use the same scroll-jacking that site used.
Gave me fucking cancer
???? 1:1 trades
errr and what to say that I want what youre trading? can it pay the bills? sure you have a wallet but but if nobody actually uses the money in it the wallet doesnt matter
>mfw people this retarded actually exist
Decentralized bittrex, decentralized shapeshift and I'm not sure what kyber is comparable to.
Waves will go to the edge of the universe
feels comfy with kyber whitelsited acc
not memeing but whats good about a decentralized exchange over centralized but established exchanges already on the market?
Not at this rate, I could have had like 10 whitelisted accounts but I settled for 3. With the amount of ppl getting into KYC we're gonna get like 2 ETH each
thinking more lik 4-6 eth each user. I didn't calculate every day when we get the info how many ppl didn't pass the kyc but I'm excited about this
I estimate 40k approved submissions by the end, which gives us like 2.5 ETH, it's already at like 33k
It'll take a few years for it to be a mainstay but yes, I believe that decentralized exchanges are the future.
oh ffs, why did I only register 1 time. SHIT.
I went all in on DGB but didn't pull out in time.
P-please give me attention.
What's that middle one?
>its on sale now :)
that's not dnt it's fucking bancor
Thanks user.
What's wrong with Bancor? It's been in a free fall since ICO.
Future? It's here already
I don't own bancor or know anything about it. just buy zrx