Why did Rome fall?

Why did Rome fall?

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why didn't Eastern part fall as well?
also, you are aware that Germanic tribes that invaded Rome were Christian by then?

It slipped

To get to the other side

The militaries' reliance on foreigners and the lack of stable succession, compounded by having huge frontiers with few natural borders.

They didn't build a wall.
Constantinople and China did.

>why didn't Eastern part fall as well?
Because it was an inefficient shitpile whose sole purpose was clinging onto a name and legacy and building large walls, sitting around for 1000 years contributing nothing to society until eventually it finally rotted away and became the feast of roaches



Got too heavy to walk around comfortably

The capital of the Roman empire was moved to Byzantium.

Years of decay and throwing away their values for "strong can do what they want to the weak" mentality (just nothing but civil wars due to that).

Posting my amateurish hypothesis. Now I wonder if the usage of lead led to an actual IQ decline amongst the population.

"It would not be the Rome we know. Remember, cities are blenders for certain traits. A hardworking and stoic population can be blended with people that put a high value on time. In doing so, wrt the traits that defined the population of republic, original behaviors and inclinations are changed into ones that would have never founded a republic but which are adapted to taking advantage of the pool of plunder and surplus that Rome possessed.

Let's use an example of sports teams. Personally, I don't get it. Each team is a constant shuffle of players. The Red Sox now aren't the Red Sox of yesteryear. So why are you loyal to a team that has a different composition of abilities each year, let alone amongst decades?

People fail to realize that institutions are only as good as the people who run them. Someone who has a high time-preference is going to blow money away because they're focused on pleasure now. Not the same traits of the population which rose Rome to a republic

In short, the rise and fall of (past) empires seem to be cyclic. Because a population that builds the capital of the city turns into a population that is out competed by a population which is able to game the various institutions of the capital.."

Emancipated women and foreigners.

A long string of child emperors led to administrative infighting, which led to a weakening of a central authority.

Many reasons, economic strife, political turmoil, invading Germanic tribes, large religious changes etc etc

The huns + barbarians + Persian war

Christians secretly replaced all Rome's pipes with lead, making them retarded.

They had an entire century full of nothing but the ancient equivalent of Drumpfs.

30~ emperors in 50 years

fucking hell

Catholics aren't Christian
These are all correct

Always relevant.

>Why did Rome fall?

"Thus sayeth God: the Emperor is always wrong." - Anonymous Burning Bush (~600 BC)


And all of them died by violent means, except for two, who died due to illness.



Religious unrest, mass migration of barbarian tribes trying to avoid climate change and violence, and a series of bad leaders. The Crisis of the Third Century was the beginning of the end.

Gay Feminist Christian immigrants