Why were the Irish so unproductive compared to other Europeans?
Why were the Irish so unproductive compared to other Europeans?
Gee, I wonder who could beady behind this post...
INB4 muh medieval monks
Around 500-1000 AD.
>The Irish
Nice meme. People imply Ireland was a single entity instead of a small, rainy, resourceless Island which was utterly and entirely fractured into many warring clans and territories where borders change all the fucking time since most wealth (cattle) is mobile.
When untouched for the most part by outward influence (aka, no differing cultures or forces other than one another to threaten them) all they did was fight for control until one dude got loads of power before he was inevitably assfucked by someone trying to usurp him, at which point it all falls apart.
The norse invasion was a mess, and then they just intermarried and lived among the Irish until Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill and Brian Boru threw the norsefags out.
The English invasion was even worse, and they fucked it up extra hard. It wasn't until Cromwell that the Irish became truly pacified, and it was under an English banner that they then """""unified""""" at which point extremely ineffective rule and general disregard for the native people lead to it being an absolute nightmare to run.
In that time, however, Ireland produced a myriad of great thinkers, pretty decent soldiers and some good writers. Also good at writing shit down and preserving documents.
tl-dr; what the fuck did you expect, man?
> instead of a small, rainy, resourceless Island
stop making excuses, the same could be said about england
Big as fuck
>resource lass
Plenty of tin, iron, copper
Name one thing the Celts did before they were conquered
But England had plenty of resources.
Sort of depends what you mean by Celts. That's a pretty huge group. Some of their art and arms were fantastic.
If you specifically mean Irish celts, their history is mostly one of infighting, writing and fending off Invaders, all of which they do relentlessly and relatively well. Extremely so, in some cases.
Britain has resources, Ireland doesn't
The Irish aren't European's, their Celts.
Ireland has a higher per capita GDP than the UK today
That's a good synonym for Celt
How so?
8 Nobel prize winners,
two of which are the Peace price.
Rich history of literature, some of which widely considered some of the greatest works in the English Language (Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, etc)
Large catalog of groundbreaking inventions, including Radiotherapy, Boyle's law of physics, the steam turbine,
What the hell do you measure productiveness as?
And Lichtenstein has a higher gdp per capita than both of us combined, what's your point?
They were dead from famine.
Look lads, the Anglo is angry
mick cunt
Dubhlinn or dublin means we black.
Kek wha'
Please leave my people alone.
>Machine Gun Marty almost got a fucking peace prize
I love this shitty island.
>The norse invasion was a mess, and then they just intermarried and lived among the Irish until Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill and Brian Boru threw the norsefags out.
Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill and Brian Boru didn't throw anyone out. Dublin was Norse until the Anglo-Norman invasion
Throwing them out was maybe the wrong phrase, it was more that Norse military power on the island was utterly shattered with the combined efforts of Tara and then Clontarf. Tara was the bigger one, though.
lower iq
bit harsh tbf
they had the best writers you pleb
Catholicism makes them have higher birth rates then the rest of europe which in return lowers their productivity because women are busy raising children.
Africans had the best musicians... so?
It has gold. Or it did, at least.
It's thought metallurgy came to the British Isles via Ireland.
>Roman-Saxon-Anglo-Norse-Norman rape baby is still assmad at the Irish
What a meme
are you able to add more titles?
I'm a perfectly happy Roman-Saxon-Franco-Norseman than you very much.
Nah, as far I as I know that about covers it.
This works too.
they were happy with their potatoes, we wuzzing, and drunk bar fights; they didn't feel like they needed to do anything more.
>It's thought metallurgy came to the British Isles via Ireland.
You forgot Dutch.
Dublin was already Gaelic by the time of the Battle of Clontarf.