Why are wh*Tes on this board so eager to wh*Tewash Turkey/Anything related to Turks? Are you mentally retarded? How many times do we have to fuck you to prove that we're not related to Yakub's race?
Why are wh*Tes on this board so eager to wh*Tewash Turkey/Anything related to Turks? Are you mentally retarded...
Because we're one of these non whites that managed to conquer whites. Hence they always say shit like "u-ur mediterranean gr-greek" or "u-ur actually mediterranean a-anatolian" without backing their arguments with proofs.
I think they're just afraid of the fact that we're outbreeding them in Europe and eventually we will begin to genocide them, if they somehow manage to make us believe that we're ehl-i yakub we'll love them :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
>ehl-i yakub
i'll use that word
Who ever says Turks are white lmao
You're hardly human let alone white
>Who ever says Turks are white lmao
literally most of this retarded board and i hate it. i'd rather be associated with BLACKs than fucking wh*Tes.
>You're hardly human let alone white
>wh*Te subhuman talking about who's people and who's not
LOL fuck off ape
>Who ever says Turks are white lmao
newfag spotted
Samefag spotted
Go back across the bosphorus, roach
shoo shoo wh*Te subhuman
Is this kind of thread common? I'll admit, I just joined Veeky Forums today.
Is this the same guy spitting his hate against white again and again on every thread ?
>not wh*te
Nice try, divide and conquer shill.
What's your point with this pic ? Turks aren't white ( God forbid ) but they're not black either... No one wants to be associated with roaches.
Do you want me to stick that up your ass?
whenever a retard talks about us it always says we're white greeco-anatolians which is wrong. our euro dna does not even exceed 20%. same also goes for Western Turks who are favorite whitewashing subjects
we're not only one guy.
anti white insurgency began months ago. you should've visited pol and int.
reminder that turks are white and based
either way everyone is just making fun of you so it doesn't really matter how many more roaches we have to crush under our boots
reminder that turks are white and based
>What's your point with this pic
what was your point with that pic, retard?
holy shit wh*Tes are so fucking low iq it hurts
I didn't send any pic lmao
Fucking roach
My niBBa how do I smash wh*Te skulls?
Funny how he looks turkish with that beaten face
yes you did wh*Te subhuman see however. if it wasn't you then why did you reply to my post? are you fucking retarded, yakub's seed? your low iq almost wants me to run over you with a truck
create as much anti wh*Te threads as possible those retards should know their place i'm literally tired of being associated with those subhumans
I just try to understand roaches and the way they see the world, that's all
why turk roaches are obsessed with the blacks? is because you can only feel equal to them seeing as you are monkeys too?
do ur duty and breed white women
>wh*Te subhuman calling BLACKs monkey
fact you have saved this pic shows you're obsessed
roaches just love black men because their tiny Arab dicks don't work well haha haha
get fucked wh*Te subhuman.
and BLACKs are based.
to be honest i love wrecking whites on Veeky Forums, they're very confused when they confront counter-racism and they're totally clueless about it. all they can say is either "roach" "nigger" or other lame name calling while we're insulting them in very creative ways
also i agree with the part that i'm being associated with europeans. if it were true i'd be okay with it but it's just mental retardation at this point. same also goes for being anatolian. those retards really think we wuz pure hittitez lmao one of them also created about how we created all the ancient anatolian states (pic very related, stop associating us with them) yet brag about steppeniggaz. hmm i wonder why.
we need a fifth crusade for modem day t*rks honestly
Bring it on we'll crush you how our ancestors crushed wh*Te subhumans.
that would be the fifteenth crusade we fucked in the ass white boy, have you not been counting? :DD
Modem turks are really scary.
ITT: a T*rk baits user into calling him white using reverse psychology.
Take a bath of dead T*rk.
Why Turks are so fucking angry always lol
they have literally no chill
This why you'll never have real civilization
I gotta love wh*Te subhuman logic
are wh*Te supremacists actually black?
are jihadists actually christians/infidels?
was hitler actually antifa who hated racism?
dumb wh*Te subhuman.
we'll never have a real civilization
but we'll have your mother
you fucked him well my teacher :DDDD
tfw you live in a city that has an entire section named after fleeing Turks