This had to be ceremonial armor right? Who could possibly fight in this shit?
This had to be ceremonial armor right? Who could possibly fight in this shit?
Metal barrels are very hard to break, it's a flawless design
You'd ask yourself the same wearing full mail armour lol.
wonder if theres a video of someone trying to move about in that
is that a reconstruction based on archeological finds or is it some retcoon based on reliefs or writings or somesuch?
>Who could possibly fight in this shit?
a person in a chariot?
It's based on a real thing, helmet is a little different
They used it on a chariot
Anyway the helmet is wrong, that weird weapon seems out of place, LARPers really are retarded
Central European bronze age armors were much more beautiful and more practical
u w0t m8
It looks like very good protection.
Maybe not individually but in a disciplined unit shoulder by shoulder, I imagine that would be pretty hard to fight against.
They fought on chariots, oplites were not a thing in 1450 bc
Pic related, Hittite warrior
the virgin fitted breastplate vs the chad barrel
I would unironically fight in dendra armour
From the Mycenean frescos at Pylos
Probably for chariot riding. Horses move for you so all you need to do is not get fucked with arrows.
>cut off his arms
>move onto the next soldier
>tip him over if he tries waddling towards me
GG ez.
>have cylindrical armour
>have 360 degree protection
>be invincible and thus feared by all
These shitters were cut apart by the Calabrians
I'm fucking invincible!
wish they had more reproductions of bronze age Armour,shields and to a lesser extent weapons.Id love have a large cow hide shield and bronze armour. I wouldn't care if it costs a bomb
Until you push him over.
The arm strength to do that would be herculean, it's the ultimate defence
Just push him, he will never get up.
The armor doesn't give him magical leg strength. The center of gravity alone would make the wearer of the suit extremely ponderous and easy t to put off balance.
I want to be as alpha as the bald guy one day.
One swift crack with a warhammer and he'd be tumbling down the hill somewhat comedically.
Elmer Fudd.
Came here for this
>Who could possibly fight in this shit?
Your ancestors :)
as someone already mentioned most historians believe this armor was meant for fighting on a chariot, specifically as the charioteer controlling the horses.
Also, you realize those faulds are loosely hung on thongs and will freely slide up, right? There's no restriction of mobility going on here.
also lol at all the LARPers giving their opinions like "I'd just cut off his arms and push him over" in this thread.
Not as fashionable as this ancient Cherokian warrior.
>gets kicked in the chest
>fighting in a uneven terrain
>falls over
>canĀ“t stand up again
>war is over
>suddenly realize the enemy does not need to cut thought your armor to make you an injury or to win
even if they were used in chariots what is the point?
A low mobile armor in a high speed vehicle is kind of dumb, it is not like people easily could hit you in the first place, and using such shitty Armour would just make you more likely to fall
>A low mobile armor in a high speed vehicle is kind of dumb, it is not like people easily could hit you in the first place,
Like... Hitting the guy driving the enemy chariot was literally the point of chariot warfare.
sure, but with such armour it makes harder for the guy dodge the hit, and a simple hit it would make you fall miserably
That oughta do it
Hahaha what
You're overestimating the mobility problem. It was not that restrictive.
Regardless, the chariot was primarily an archery platform. That guy is likely an archer fighting other archers. He's not dodging shit under any circumstances.
It's not like he couldn't move at all, and besides the point of armor that heavy is so you don't have to dodge every little attack. Arrows would probably just bounce right off of it and a spear would probably only dent it at best. Considering that the people attacking him aren't gonna have the luxury of taking careful aim for the gaps in the armor or getting up close to him, it's a pretty great set of armor for his role.