Since genetic autism is omnipresent here

Can someone explain to me why autosomic DNA is more important than Y and mitocondrial DNA?

Can some giga genetics expert (not some East European autist) really explain to me how this shit works?

Is it true that genetics use in anthropology has improved a lot in the last years?

Since when? how?

>Can someone explain to me why autosomic DNA is more important than Y and mitocondrial DNA?
autusomal dna: explains your whole genetic make up
Y/mtDNA: explains a small part of your genetic make up. For example you could have I2 as your Y-DNA yet have like 1% european dna
>Is it true that genetics use in anthropology has improved a lot in the last years?

How can leftists look at that picture and then with a straight face say that we're all the same?

Becase the genetic difference between us is minuscule compared to other's species races.

No it's not, there are different species of crows that have more in common with each other than an Scandinavian has with an abbo.

>other's species races
What are you referring to?


It is the contrary

Y-DNA is far more important cause it show who is your ancestor

Autosomal DNA just show with which population your ancestor mixed with

oh my god what a fucking brainlet

oh my god what a fucking brainlet

Oh my god what a fucking brainlet

He is right, you're the brainlet

shut the fuck up before i kick your inbred skull in
jesus fucking christ are you an amerimutt? only an amerimutt can be this retarded

kek idiot or troll

Go ahead, keyboard warrior

are you amerimutt or not? answer me, brainlet.

>irrational hatred towards americans
>low iq
>name calling
>inbred behavior

You live in the red circle, amirite ?

I live in your mother's bedroom

I'll take that as a yes

A meme


Pick one

Haplogroups just show where your masculine direct ancestor is from, but it says nothing about the rest of the ancestors

There are maternal haplogroups too.

Y-DNA is irrelevant.

Y-DNA is the only thing that matters, it allow you to know your patrilinear ancestor and to know that the French come from Pannonian/Trojan

>come from Pannonian/Trojan

came from Pannonia/Troy

when you realize trolling is just dna transcription but on a higher plane

it's A-DNA that makes french cluster with hungarians, not Y-DNA

This is why. Brainlet.

Y-DNA literally only shows you a single paternal ancestor out of thousands of ancestors you might have.

We only have one J1a1, i bet that the huge majority of the Pannonians were R1b

Fixation index.

Yeah it was a typo. Anyways it's just a little part of dna

How so?