I'm going to live off $1k of food in 2018, what advice do my fellow jews on here have?
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Peanut butter.
You have my attention.
Will prob taste like shit but it's a cheap healthy food
Large bags of rice, beans, oatmeal, and canned vegetables. It really isn't hard to meet that budget. Not fun, but easy to do if you're disciplined.
oats, pasta, rice, frozen juice from concentrate.
peanut butter, cooking oil, margarine
80/20 ground beef
whole meal bread and porridge with water
Peanut butter is actually expensive compared to cheaper protein options
whats cheaper than pb for that amount of fat and protein?
fuck meat. too expensive.
literally peanut butter, parboiled rice, etc other shitty cheap carbs.
Yeah but just take a scoop whenever you're starving between your one big cheap meal a deal.
a map of your regions food bank.
Rice meaby milk, you dont need anymore, some sauces if you get bored
food stamps nigga
What happened? You bought NEO at ATH?
better start stocking up on those lentils
boil a big pot of lentils, you'll shit right for weeks my friend
Lmao don't try and make this into a crypto thread... I am comfy with my neo gains tho.
Beans, potatoes and pasta.
Also rice, tho it's rather difficult to cook right.
Drink water only.
porridge, potatoes, oatmeal, pasta eggs, tofu
condiments lots and lots of condiments
user its not hard to live off that for a year depending on where you are
>18 dollaroos a week
Minot North Dakota and yea it shouldn't be easy, but that's the point.
Vegetable garden.
depending on where you live you could go to a supermarket when it's closed and look into the trashcans. They throw away so much shit that is close to expiring, and even if it did expire it's usually still good.
Friend of mine said that you get a pack of hotdogs and buns for $1 each and put just some cheap salsa on it, lasts for a week he said and it actually tastes pretty good.
This image is also worth taking into consideration. Eat lots of celery and pineapple for good cum too btw
I live in an apartment
what other foods improve cum?
Maca, L-Arginine AAKG, Zinc supplementation.
try making polenta, potato au gratin, congee, porridge, carbonara, stirfried cabbage
-->Veeky Forums
Listen trips this is a Jew thread not a fitness thread, idc about my health.
Damn, maybe get pots? if you know a relatively remote area possibly innawoods this could be worth doing, although it does take some time and upfront cost to build it, just an idea tho
can you season these options to make them taste good?
hope this helps
basically just bulk buy everything, if you desperately need meat then buy two for ones on the biggest packs of mince, cut it into blocks of the amount you will eat per meal and then freeze it. For variety you can get cheap chicken.
buy carded dominos pizza on twitter
yes but you need to learn how to cook living for 2 dollars a day is extremely doable
Bulk rice. You'll probably need about 100-150 lbs of rice.
Lentils and beans. Buy them. Bigly.
Spices. Pepper. Salt. Curry powder. Buy a lot of that shit.
Costco membership. Free food (sampling) and a $5, 3lb rotisserie chicken that can last for about a week.
Zinc and proper tongkat Ali.
Big, rubbery loads daily guaranteed.
Its not just twitter senpai. Theres some selly gg websites if you know where you're looking for
That being said, im shocked that dominos and dunkin has yet to be patched. Sad
grilled cheese is cheap as fuck.. pasta.
and look for sales on everything else
hemp seeds, expensive but a table spoon a day will keep you healthy even if you just eat plane potatoes for weeks.
grow food go fishing
Get a job retard
maybe try collecting scrap metal to sell and dumpster diving in richer neighborhoods.
I have plenty of money fag, I'm just tryna see if I can do it.
>he thinks he needs to eat to survive
the human body is resilent sir. you only need to eat once a week
If you had plenty of money you wouldnt even think of living like a pajeet.
Move to india you scum. You would fit in well.
People who do well will go out for dinner once a week and could never last a year on $1000.
Beans and rice, every meal, every day
On the plus side after a couple months you'll probably have enough leftover money to splurge on stuff on a semi-frequent basis.
Learn from your forefathers
>wanting to live like you're below the poverty line
a real jew would never eat bullshit like hotdogs or cans of beans
this isnt the holocaust
a real jew which none of the posters before me seem to be will always eat like a king
because a real jew knows how to swindle so start lieing, stealing, swindling, as much as you can today
placing the 30% off or 50% stickers from the items in an organic section onto the fresh ones in the same organic section is one of a million ways to achieve your goal without outright stealing
obviously i wont share all my secrets
if i did you would start making money instead of losing it and still eat better than the goyum
Then potatoes. You can unironically eat nothing but potatoes for weeks.
Fry them and eat with free condiments you must have gathered by now. Boil them and eat with salt and pepper when you want to go simple. Bake them (some use the term jacket potato too) and put butter + cheddar + whatever you have on top when you want to get fancy.
More tips. Use self checkout often. Put expensive items on the scale and mark it as bananas. If store clerk comes to check just act confused. Leave store with 20 lbs of steak for the cost of 20 lbs of bananas
this is what I do. I go to the homeless shelter to eat everynight. I am a college student in a dorm. spend my food money on good cryptos like Walton and OMG.. profit
See food is cool and all, but the most expensive thing is housing?
Where can one get the cheapest housing and still be near a job, people, supplies, etc?
So I can get Domino's pizza for a cheap price on twitter and other websites?
go vegan, cheap af and healthy if you do it right
instant ramen noodles. You can live off 300-500 euros a year with that. (3-4 packs a day)
you'd die before u even get to enjoy ur gains
I currently bulkbuy oatmeal and eggs as my main food sources, blend and eat as pancakes, probably the cheapest food with decent macros
Van dwelling with a gym membership for hygiene.
>not dumpster diving in 2017
Yup. But if you abuse this its jailtime for you
>you're under arrest for buying illicit discount pizza from twitter!
Ramen and Frozen chicken breasts.