Which historical societies have been the most virgin-friendly? As in, they would help them lose their virginity and wouldn't mock them
Which historical societies have been the most virgin-friendly? As in...
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Probably the ones where males were encouraged to go to a prostitute when they're old enough so that they are experienced at pleasing a woman for their wedding night.
This is a very stupid question.
Well herodotus says that in Babylon...
Middle Ages to Early Modern Europe when everyone respected priests, monks, and nuns and correctly saw celibacy as a virtue rather than something to make fun of.
Why, do you know some I can move to?
probably native/mesoanerican cultures. Sex was a thing you were pretty much entitled to.
Even if you couldn't get it, you could always rape a neighboring village's women.
Also Viking culture I guess? I would imagine they raped a lot too.
Ironically: old Southern European Catholic Societies.
The kind that are superpatriarchal that your dad thinks Sex-Education is "A visit to the Brothel."
Imperial China was also like this. Scholar-Bureaucrat and Merchantile Classes frequently sent their sons to brothels as their coming of age party.
>Ironically: old Southern European Catholic Societies.
Wasn't that more of the church knew prostitution was going to exist no matter what, so it was better to just have it regulated under their watch?
Oh I would also add another one: modern western society.
Fuck whatever /r9k/ thinks. There are very few things that gets in your way with sexing other people nowadays. Fathers with "disgraced" daughters couldnt hunt you down like an animal no longer, nor could the village stone you for being a slut.
Virgin friendly society would not promote the lose of virginity.
Modern society, while positive in not demonizing people who have sex, does kinda mock virgins. Especially after you're 25 years, regardless of gender.
I would think a virgin-friendly society would make it damn near impossible to not lose your virginity.
Of course. The fault lies on the Virginfag, so to speak. Very few people and cultural norms in Western Society is stopping him and still he is in such a state.
Not him but, I think it is an issue people don't like to talk about. I can't believe Bill Maher of all people was the one who brought this up, but there does seem to be a correlation between mass shooters in the US and men who can't seem to get any, and we live in a society where if you aren't having sex, it feels like everyone else is. People blame it on mental illnesses like depression, they were just blue. You know what else was blue? Their balls.
It certainly doesn't help that it's also a society that criminalizes prostitution, so even if a person is so socially inept that they can't get laid on their own, they can't pay for it without fear of being arrested. Human beings are not supposed to go without sex, and if they feel they are denied it, they tend to snap.
There is more sex, yes. However it's concentrated on smaller groups of men than before. Instead of it being evenly distributed, it's certain groups that succeed and have a lot more sex than what used to be the norm before, while others have none.
I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, just saying.
is this just a fancy way of saying BLACKED?
>However it's concentrated on smaller groups of men than before.
This is usually the case in highly patriarchal, clannish, polygamous societies where marriage before sex is law.
Not when Chadette moves between boyfriend 1, 2, and the occassional side fuck.
>muh chad
The only people that ever make this argument are the people that can't get laid themselves.
I'm just stating facts, llook at numbers and statistics from first world countries like US(white population), UK, Japan, etc.
Chad is a shitty meme anyway, there's no chad, only virgins.
How does it even take you that long
What do you look like user
>there's no chad, only virgins.
You're right, because there's more autists.
Not him but yeah, and autists have a serious problem getting laid because their brains lack the correct social skills. Then people are surprised when they take out their frustration on others.
You sound like a guy with time machine trying to get laid.
You are a fucking retard that doesn't know what we are speaking about here. Total moron.
Modern western society had introduced the free-market(aka the mass bottom get less) into sexual relations. That is not a virgin friendly society.
Demonstrably not true. Virginity rates are on the rise in the West.
>be born unintelligent
>family tries to find you some kind of menial-but-doable work to be independent
>be born crippled
>family tries to find you some kind of non-physical work to do
>be born socially autistic
>WTF just talk to girls you virgin
I'm not an Elliot Rodgers type that believes all men should be guaranteed women or anything, but it's a simple fact that arranged marriages and positive social pressures from family caused couples to be married that would not have happened others.
Or at the very least, legalize prostitution
Google image search, user
>but it's a simple fact that arranged marriages and positive social pressures from family caused couples to be married that would not have happened others.
And it's a simple fact that any woman forced to marry your slovenly autistic fat ass would have openly resented you for it, made your life a living hell as a henpecked husband, and there was nothing either of you could do to change the situation because divorcing would mean severing your every last social bond, so you both suffer in silence and lash out at each other in the most passive, petty ways possible. You went to the brothel to hate-fuck qts in order to numb the emptiness of being stranded in a marriage built on bonds of coercion and social repression instead of bonds of genuine caring and shared values/interests
Literally sexual selection at work. If you can't get a woman of your own accord in the age of total sexual promiscuity you don't deserve to spread your genes anyways.
>You went to the brothel to hate-fuck qts
Pretty sure the problem is they're not fucking anyone at all.
>If you can't get a woman of your own accord
Pretty sure everyone can, just not in ways that don't break the social contract.
As I said, I don't support forced marriages. However, gave one very easy solution to the problem, which third-wave feminists and religious types shut down with "Reeeeeeeeee muh sacred femininity". There are literally no options beyond masturbation if you're an ugly autist living in the USA.
>Pretty sure the problem is they're not fucking anyone at all.
That's a prison they built all by themselves. That's not a prison that Dad imposed on them when they were a toddler because it would make him more money if your family joins with the family of your future bride.
They can do something about that prison they built for themselves. They can stop obsessing over porn, clean themselves up, lift more, eat healthy, and make a conscious effort to socialize and overcome their lack of meaningful human interaction fueling their depressed apathy.
You can't do anything when you're living in a prison society designates for you, you just suffer. Like poor old Socrates, whose wife Xanthippe was legendary for being an icy mega-bitch
>which third-wave feminists and religious types shut down with "Reeeeeeeeee muh sacred femininity".
It's not that, it's more that no politician wants to be the guy who proposes lifting that bad.
And what about the people who just have mental problems?
>And what about the people who just have mental problems?
They can get mental health care, therapy and drugs, and learn to mitigate the worst symptoms of their condition. And severe mental problems being a massive turn off is just Darwin, hard at work.
But could you imagine being forced to marry that?
>It's not that, it's more that no politician wants to be the guy who proposes lifting that bad.
Yes, because of Christians and third-wave feminists. No Democrat wanted to be the politician that gave gay marriage the OK until public opinion turned in favor of it.
I'm not talking about forced marriage, that was someone else. I just think that when people go without sex, they go crazy. I say this as a wizard who has himself felt violent impulses.
My sister flashed me her tits and let me feel them for a few seconds when she found out I was a virgin. I still haven't seen/felt other tits than hers.
You know what to do
>marriage built on bonds of coercion and social repression instead of bonds of genuine caring and shared values/interests
The idea of marriage as a mutual love bond has maybe a couple of centuries and only in the West.
What the fuck is this shit?
That's weird as fuck. How are they?
>I just think that when people go without sex, they go crazy. I say this as a wizard who has himself felt violent impulses.
And I'm saying this as a guy who has also gone years without sex and currently with a gf having sex regularly: it's just sex
After like, 3 or 4 months the novelty of fucking wears off. Even if you're fucking the qt of your dreams, in less than half a year you'll grow accustomed to it and it no longer becomes "sex with an explosively hot girl", it's just regular sex with someone you know. Why do you think Tiger Woods chronically cheated on his 10/10 swedish figure model wife? Because the novelty wears off and now you're stuck in a relationship with a person with whom you probably have extremely little in common.
That emptiness that you're feeling is meaningful human interaction. Sex is just one small aspect of that, and the trap that the wizards fall into is turning sex into an obsession as a distraction from getting their priorities in order and learning to socialize more.
A lot of really amazing things have happened in the West in the past few centuries, something which has never happened any other time in the thousands of years of recorded human history.
>implying capitalism = social liberalism
>implying people would not rather get laid than leave poverty
>And I'm saying this as a guy who has also gone years without sex
That is very different from never having it ever.
>That emptiness that you're feeling is meaningful human interaction.
I had that, then I lost all of it due to circumstance. So I joined the military so I could take out my impulses on our enemies instead of innocent people.
>let me tell you why this thing I receive regularly is no big deal and you should just accept your lot, virginboi
And no one isn't saying the emotional part of a relationship isn't important either, but 99.99999% of virgins receive neither.
>>implying people would not rather get laid than leave poverty
No, all it's implying is that this era of egalitarianism is forcing people to reconsider social norms, especially when the economic reality fueling that behavior is no longer relevant.
We don't need socially arranged marriages because families aren't facing financial ruin and literal starvation if they don't merge with another family and pool their resources by marrying the kids off.
user according to that chart that's still a billion people, 1 in 7 humans.
It's just natural selection. It's been that way from prehistoric times. If you can't get laid, then you're out of the gene pool faggot
Most of them Africans
>It's been that way from prehistoric times.
Not really, for most of human history you could rape your way to future progency.
>It's just natural selection. It's been that way from prehistoric times. If you can't get laid, then you're out of the gene pool faggot
Sure, tribal societies with alpha/beta hierarchies operated that way. More advanced civilizations did not. Might as well say rape has been around since prehistoric times so that's ok too.
>I had that, then I lost all of it due to circumstance. So I joined the military so I could take out my impulses on our enemies instead of innocent people.
And this is why you're still a wizard: instead of addressing the problem, you avoid the issue entirely and focus on making "acceptable targets" more miserable than you are.
You're not dealing with your feelings you're avoiding them, and that's why you're having a difficult time establishing truly empathetic bonds with other people. There are all kinds of behavioral therapy programs which can teach you social finesse, can teach you how to be emotionally intimate with people so that they accept you as an authentic person. They'll teach you how to pick up on subtle cues that women give men to let them know their level of interest, as are turned off by men who lack the skill or motivation to pick up on them. Social grace is a skill, and like any skill you only get better by perfect practice. If you don't know how to perfect practice, find a teacher
Virgin friendly society looks for the interests of virgins, and their first interest is to lose virginity.
>If you don't know how to perfect practice, find a teacher
Yeah go hire a PUA to teach you "The Game", that works so well, kek
She was drunk and she's kind of a slut so it didnt seem that weird. Her boobs were pretty big but saggy and they felt really soft and a bit hard at the center and heavier than i expected. It was awesome.
>>let me tell you why this thing I receive regularly is no big deal and you should just accept your lot, virginboi
That's not at all what I said. I said that obsessing over it is both unhealthy, and a massive turn-off.
I said that they may not have control over a situation, but they can control their reaction and their attitude, and if they can just find it within themselves to make a change for the better by seeking professional help, they stand a real chance of improving themselves. I get it that it gets pretty fucking difficult to self-motivate when complacency sets in, and that's why they need to be mindful of how they manage their time.I'm the one saying that their problems are not as bad as they think they are, and I say that as somebody who was once one of them.
Beta autists didn't rape so they rightfully remained a minority
Advanced civilizations absolutely had natural selection; it's just that the selective pressures shifted. There should always be selective pressure; that's how species evolve. If every man were allowed to mate, that would be the degeneration of the species
Most people are terrible at controlling their actions without external help, let alone their thoughts.
>Advanced civilizations absolutely had natural selection; it's just that the selective pressures shifted. There should always be selective pressure; that's how species evolve. If every man were allowed to mate, that would be the degeneration of the species
Thanks for refuting a lot of stuff I never said.
>eah go hire a PUA to teach you "The Game", that works so well, kek
Kek those are just dude-bros jerking each other off. Find an assertiveness training program with a licensed psychologist. Go take improv comedy lessons. Learn how to sing. Actively seek out groups of like-minded individuals Fostering a rich inner life will teach you to respect and be proud of yourself, and that's what women will be attracted to: your confidence to be yourself. Faking it only works if you're rich/good looking/have game naturally, it needs to be genuine confidence.
>it's easy, just become a singer or comedian, careers that require you to roll a 17 in charisma
the point is not to become a singer or comedian, the point is teaching yourself how to think like one.
But I don't want to have anything to do with women outside of their bodies.
>However, gave one very easy solution to the problem, which third-wave feminists and religious types shut down with "Reeeeeeeeee muh sacred femininity"
I dunno man, there's a pretty big sex-positive element to modern progressivism. The main reason America criminalises prostitution is still Christianity, which is a bizarrely sexless religion.
>The main reason America criminalises prostitution is still Christianity
Well that and the official statement of the government is that it encourages human trafficking. That has really nothing to do with prostitution, in the pure sense of an exchange of value for sex between 2 parties. It's really everything to do with organized crime, racketeering, kidnapping, extortion, and rape.
That's the real crime when you're talking about human trafficking and the resultant prostitution activities. If you're justifying outlawing prostitution solely because of human trafficking, you basically are cutting off the product because one method of production is illegal. As callous as that may sound, at the philosophical root, that's what it boils down to.
Wrong, it's primarily women trying to protect the market value of their vaginas
Its a little too idealistic to think people can "fix" themselves. Early childhood socialization is critical to development and people who get fucked up there are basically unfixable.
>Its a little too idealistic to think people can "fix" themselves.
No, it's simple medical science, a combination of treatment, medication, and practice. Most people aren't so fucked up that they're completely irredeemable.
It's not about achieving some kind of "perfection", it's about making tiny, sustainable lifestyle changes. If they adjust their environment they adjust their attitude, they'll feel better about themselves, and it's precisely that level of confidence in themselves which will make them attractive to someone in their "league", and they'll have the properly realistic expectations to be happy about this development in their lives.
>tfw when capitalism doesn't let you get laid
Friendly for losing your virginity:
Ancient Babylon literally had temples full of women you could visit to find a future wife. And yes, you could sex them first so you know you're getting the good stuff.
Friendly for being a virgin:
Medieval Europe had tons of great monasteries and nun convents where you and your bros could hang out, scribe copies of the bible, grow gardens, try to do science, learn fun languages like Latin and Greek, and in general bro it up in a friendly inviting and ideally totally sexless little world you never have to leave.
>Medieval Europe had tons of great monasteries and nun convents where you and your bros could hang out, scribe copies of the bible, grow gardens, try to do science, learn fun languages like Latin and Greek, and in general bro it up in a friendly inviting and ideally totally sexless little world you never have to leave.
You can still do that.
Only over the internet
Yeah, but back then if you did it you were cool and special and people looked up to you. If you do that stuff now you're a loser.
Man it's a shame what happened to that body
>The foulest Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land to sit in the temple of Aphrodite and have intercourse with some stranger at least once in her life. Many women who are rich and proud and disdain to mingle with the rest, drive to the temple in covered carriages drawn by teams, and stand there with a great retinue of attendants. But most sit down in the sacred plot of Aphrodite, with crowns of cord on their heads; there is a great multitude of women coming and going; passages marked by line run every way through the crowd, by which the men pass and make their choice. Once a woman has taken her place there, she does not go away to her home before some stranger has cast money into her lap, and had intercourse with her outside the temple; but while he casts the money, he must say, “I invite you in the name of Mylitta”. It does not matter what sum the money is; the woman will never refuse, for that would be a sin, the money being by this act made sacred. So she follows the first man who casts it and rejects no one. After their intercourse, having discharged her sacred duty to the goddess, she goes away to her home; and thereafter there is no bribe however great that will get her. So then the women that are fair and tall are soon free to depart, but the uncomely have long to wait because they cannot fulfil the law; for some of them remain for three years, or four.
>Modern western society had introduced the free-market(aka the mass bottom get less) into sexual relations
Isn't that what most people here on Veeky Forums want though? The strongest get to breed and pass on their genes, those that don't work on improving themselves or are born with any disease gets weeded out and their lineage dies with them.
A meritocratic system through and through, I thought you guys were all gung-ho about this sort of stuff
Raped till Marriage or death do us part ....
Nice try, but we all know that's not true.
you're living in a chinese cartoon
>you guys
rebbit please go
I come from the Veeky Forums facebook page friend :^)
just go to a country where it's legal
isn't modern latin america like this? a father will buy his son a hooker so he could become a macho
Caesar tells us that Germanic tribes considered it a virtue for a man to remain a virgin as long as possible. They also believed it made the men stronger. Those who lost their virginity before the age of 20 would be shamed.
No, because women are bad judges of character. What a woman considers desirable does not produce good results. Society constantly improved because the father would choose the husband for his daughter. Ever since women were given rights everything went downhill.
Isn't every society friend to virgins? I'm assuming you're asking about female virgins since you posted a girl.
>Women are bad judges of character.
They are good judges of what is physically desirable of a man (i.e. good traits to pass on to offspring). That shit is instinct.
The problem is that this not necessarily comes with the best mind and character. Part of the reason why western societies are going downhill is because the choice of the husband is not made by the head of the family any more.
>So then the women that are fair and tall are soon free to depart, but the uncomely have long to wait because they cannot fulfil the law; for some of them remain for three years, or four.
Monastic communities still exist, and the church is always hiring. The current pope started as a Jesuit, and the Jesuit colleges are reservoirs of old latin learning.
>encourage to masturbate and explore with other children
>older man/women to help you learn how to fuck
>fuck anybody you want as long as you don't do it the home of you or your partner
Polynesian was until Christians ruined it