Why did the Soviets overreact to the Germans in WWII?
The Russians killed so many Germans and raped so many German women. Wouldn't the world had been better off if the Germans had beaten them?
I think the Russians went a little too far on the Germans over WWII. Sure the Wehrmacht was brutal and yes the Holocaust was pretty shitty and the Jews didn't deserve that treatment but why did the Russians behave so barbarically towards the Germans?
Why did the Soviets overreact to the Germans in WWII?
It wasn't rape, it was consensual sex.
Lol, its war. What did you expect?
Its the shittiest thing imaginable for everyone.
It was actually a good thing, it helped to raise Germany's birth rates, something they could use right now.
its not a rape when she does it willingly
5 million Germans were raped.
20 million Russians were.
They didn't go far enough.
There were also outright mass-murders, many columns of refugees were strafed by aircraft (see the Wilhelm Gustloff documentary for footage of a Soviet pilot recounting it) and plowed into and shot at by tanks, and thousands were simply executed even in places like Slovenia, where the mass graves are still being excavated. One was recently opened in Malbork in Poland, of 2000 Germans, two-thirds women and children. Over two-million Germans from eastern Europe went missing from 1945, permanently, on top of the 12 million brutally expelled into what was left of Germany without food or possessions where many starved.
Jesus, thats depressing.
Imagine being at war for 6 years, now barely holding your country and losing it and the women of said country that you had to protect going 'nah, ill just give in to the conqueror no biggie'.
Maybe /r9k/ isnt so wrong after all
it clearly wasnt enough
Mainly because almost all of Soviet society was hurt one way or another by the German invasion.
The grand majority of those soldiers fighting lost their homes, their families, everything they knew was either burned to the ground or carted off for slave labor in the camps, In Hitler's own terms, it was a war of annihilation against the Russians, an extermination of their people.
To the Soviets, at first it was just a desperate fight for survival, but as the Red Army advanced and retook occupied territory and the brutality of German extermination programs in those territories became increasingly clear, the soldiers fought with a near suicidal sense of vengeance against them for everything the Germans did, to fight for all that they lost to occupiers who saw them as inferior beings and killed them in masse as such.
Even today in Russia you see endless marches of people holding pictures and possessions of those that were killed in the war and occupation. Personally it's hard to even wrap my head around how angry I would be if my entire town was burned to the ground and my entire family taken out and shot just for being seen as inferior.
>literal farmer boys
>havent seen a woman in months and rape everything with a hole on it
>their superiors send them to die just so the enemy runs out of ammo
>All that ebin speech
Lmao, your heroes died for a regime that starved them and held them prisoners inside it for 80 years
poor germans ;_;
what the literal fuck is wrong with you?
Do you guys have any evidence to that as a few anecdotes?
Because of what I heard many women killed themselves after that shit
So I would like to learn more about this perspective
What kind of heartless monster could do such a thing :(
To the victor goes the spoils.
What the fuck's wrong with you.
Its war. Both sides wanted to destroy each other, the russians won. But thats no reason to paint them as pinnacles of freedom, or assume that the brutal occupation of germany was justified. Thats straight up hypocrisy.
There were good men amongst them as well as bad. War made them into village erasin'- rapin' monsters. Both sides
Are you really that shocked because someone didnt agree with you or are you baiting?
why didn't his clothing burn too
It didn't cause it's a fake Dresden bombohoax pic.
He didn't say anything objectionable you baitsucking moron. He's right on all points, whether or not propaganda is involved
its literally written on that pic
Besides that anecdote I mean...
Just because one woman said one thing it does not mean it represents what everyone was thinking, i met plenty of people who want a socialist regime in my country
It does not mean it represents the will of everyone
I would like some more anecdotes or at least something historically accurate
No, one Slavic life is worth ten Germans.
>Invade and plunder a country for four years, doing unspeakable things to its people and with the full intention of ethnically cleansing them
>Why the fuck are your regular souldiers raping our women and murdering our civilians, we didn't do anything to them!
Should have Lebensraum'd germany's ass after the war