Gold price per ounce 1,341.60
It's not too late, user.
Gold price per ounce 1,341.60
It's not too late, user.
I hate this fuckers face so god damn much.
oy vey thats anti-semitic
his grandparents were gassed twice by the nazis. have some respect
shitcoin doesnt even have segwit
Why is this such a meme here? Gold and silver, for their industrial uses alone, are going to be undervalued in the future. Doesn't hurt to diversify into metals to go along with your crypto. Gold and silver have held value since the beginning of history. And it's all manipulated pretty hard now.
Gold is the shittiest investment you can make.
>Zero dividends
>Zero to negative growth over the past decade
>Current growth is absolutely pathetic compared to literally every other possible investment
>Physical limit to how much you can safely store
>"Paper" gold is a ponzi scheme
>Have to buy it over market price
because gold is a pretty poor investment when it comes to stocks. cryptos are speculative and in the early stages of disruption which makes it interesting and potentially rewarding. gold on the other hand is not disruptive.
long term value of gold is not rewarding. short term holding is speculative, but we have crypto's for that already.
>for their industrial uses alone, are going to be undervalued in the future
Less than ~20% of all precious metals are used for industrial use.
The rest is just a glorified rock and coin collection
>its not on bittrex
piss off pajeet
Because they don't understand anything beyond insta-gains, porn, bideo gaemes and burgers. They don't understand that the Dollar itself, which their crypto is valued in, is going the way of all Fiat currencies, and they don't understand that gold and silver are money itself, not only commodities. Metals are not an investment, they're insurance and a hedge.
What was the ICO price?
digits and peter schiff is right about crypto
Your ponzi scheme will not last faggots. Keep on playing with your video game money while us big boys make real fiat to play with.
Vitalik "money skeleton" Buterin on Joe Rogan experience when?
>gold and silver are money itself
Holy fucking top fucking kek batman
This isn't the bronze age anymore.
They don't even hedge against the dollar anymore.
>Muh lolbertarian Fallout 4 dystopia where all of society collapses, but somehow the economy keeps functioning normally and just uses gold instead of USD
Precious metals are actually a really good thing to have a portion of your assets in. They maintain true to real inflation because of their scarcity. They're not a growth or speculative investment. They are a hedge. It is a defensive position to place your money into when your local currency is weakening or simply to 'lock in' some of your gains. Are all of you so broke that you can't imagine having 5-10% of your portfolio in anything other than memestocks and cryptocurrency?
>good thing to have a portion of your assets in.
Literally everything has beat them over the past 15 years. Even magic the gathering cards had better ROI
>They maintain true to real inflation
Absolutely false, when you factor in opportunity cost and inflation over the past 15 years, you've lost money
>because of their scarcity.
Artificial scarcity
>They're not a growth or speculative investment.
Blatantly false
>They are a hedge. It is a defensive position to place your money into when your local currency is weakening or simply to 'lock in' some of your gains.
This is a myth perpetuated by gold bugs.
>Are all of you so broke that you can't imagine having 5-10% of your portfolio in anything other than memestocks and cryptocurrency?
Not an argument. Just because you can afford shit doesn't mean that it is okay to have a significant amount of your resources invested in it. And yes, 10% is significant if it's losing value to inflation
Metals aren't for the post apocalypse, ya dumb busted cumshitter.
They're not for investments either
>muh hedge maymay
How can you control your private keys with gold?
How can you hide it if someone comes to take it?
How can you transport it overseas if war rapes your country?
buy goldshares they said
muh leverage on the goldprice they said
meanwhile I made fucking 20 bucks on 1000 USD worth of junior gold-minder ETF shares
even physical gold is up more than 20 bucks!!!
fuck this boomer investment shit
Nobody gives a fuck about gold's use in whatever. It's a speculative asset and a way to store wealth, and Bitcoin is 21 million times better than gold at doing just that.
Literally everything has beat them over the past 15 years. Even magic the gathering cards had better ROI
So lower your % holding? The point is that they're a substitute for cash. I don't like having more cash than what I need to work with and there are few liquid options that are worth anything.
>>They maintain true to real inflation
>Absolutely false, when you factor in opportunity cost and inflation over the past 15 years, you've lost money
That can be said for any place you put your money. If you invested in cash under your mattress over the past 15 years ago, you missed out on the chance to buy Amazon!
>Artificial scarcity
There is a finite amount of easily obtainable precious metals on this earth. We're becoming less wasteful now to the point where people salvage metals from old electronics instead of letting them sit in a landfill, so that's a good start... Until we start mining comets or have a massive breakthrough in material sciences, there will be a desire for gold and it will be 'scarce' in some capacity.
>>They're not a growth or speculative investment.
>Blatantly false
Agree to disagree, I guess. They're less speculative than oil or other commodities, and I don't buy it with the thought that it will increase in price.
>>They are a hedge. It is a defensive position to place your money into when your local currency is weakening or simply to 'lock in' some of your gains.
>This is a myth perpetuated by gold bugs.
This is literally the main argument for crypto's viability, but it becomes false when it's applied to gold? Ok.
>Not an argument. Just because you can afford shit doesn't mean that it is okay to have a significant amount of your resources invested in it. And yes, 10% is significant if it's losing value to inflation
Hence why I gave a range. I do not have 10% of my assets in precious metals. I am mostly in equity positions with some high yield bonds. I would do TIPS, but metals have crushed TIPS for 15+ yrs.
Gold in the 70's was at $35/ounce and now remains the largest bubble yet to pop.
Cryptocurrency is going to faciliate gold's absolute slaughtering over the next 10-15
years. If gold had risen with inflation since the 70's, then gold should be priced at
around $200-$220.
Delusional boomers and goldbugs need to realize most millennials don't give a shit
about gold. Even in a collapse scenario, gold will most likely not be used as a medium
of exchange.
Gold is finished. It's over. It's done. It's time to let go. Sell your gold and find
an appreciating asset.
money being backed by gold is the future ... no more massive quantitative easing
Ico price on Gold was $5, then it held at $20 for years. Heads up from a Goldhound though, it will crash hard when the Korea Troubles pass, so only put 5% of your portfolio in it, and get it in your physical possesion.
Whats the marketcap on this shitcoin
It was supposed to end there.
Gold and silver were only money themselves when they were viable for trading with.
They're too heavy, take up too much space, and take up way too much fucking time and effort to verify purity. Using them as a currency is just absolutely unrealistic.
Back in the day they had value from their capability to be physically secured. Plus the fact that both governments and banks would trade gold for equivalent notes. It was a guaranteed liquid store of wealth.
But nowadays, that shit doesn't work. Physical security just means physical capability of theft. Banks and governments aren't required to buy back gold for reserves. And again, the process of verification takes way too much time and effort.
The inherent value as a widely known currency is growing more and more irrelevant. For better or worse.
wow, .05% gains since this time last year
Gold is a trade, not a long-term investment. Even then, you play the gold equities not the underlying metal itself. Because gold is non-yielding, it performs best in an enviroment where real rates (nominal rates - inflation) turn negative.
I think Schiff's arguments against the USD are valid in most respects but I just think he gets it 100% wrong when he thinks cryptos are a flash in the pan, and underestimates the propensity of the younger generation to adopt something digital with gold-like properties.
>Less than ~20% of all precious metals are used for industrial use.
>The rest is just a glorified rock and coin collection
That's why I'm long on gold and short on palladium.
hardly keeps up with inflation
Anyone shilling gold backed crypto, I want your sales pitch
Wow, massive gains right there.
I unironically think Gold is shit. too yellow.
Silver is beautiful however, silver is pure glistening moonlight
Gold is a days old piss sitting unflushed in the shitter