Why did young men from late 19th century & early 20th century look so old respect to their age in photos compared to men now?
Why did young men from late 19th century & early 20th century look so old respect to their age in photos compared to...
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higher testosterone.
modern men are spiked with estrogen from shitty diets, resultling in low testosterone = feminine look
Life was much harder
this is the correct answer
estrogen in the water
This is a 18-year-old man.
Also the fact that people do not start smoking at a super early age anymore.
Lenin at 17 years old...
...and Lenin at 25
Lenin at 147
is his cranium pathologically large?
>wake me up when the Soviet Union comes back, tovarich
Lenin now
Give me a fucking break, you're telling me the average diet of someone in the early 20th century is better than the average diet today? I don't think so, its just a confirmation bias that you think young men in the past looked more masculine.
two intelligent for capitalism
Old was in. Younger people wanted to look older and mature s that what was desired in society.
Now we have older wanting to act younger.
Men can be found on the street with light amounts of makeup on.
>Give me a fucking break, you're telling me the average diet of someone in the early 20th century is better than the average diet today?
the food was much healthier and less processed.
No it wasn't. It was more processed. It was salt beef and canned food and frozen + shipped fish by rail if you lived any distance from the coast. The early 20th century isn't the fucking early 17th century, industrialization happened and modern food processing techniques happened and yes people did consume these 'processed foods'. In fact it was worse because they didn't know 'processed foods' were 'bad for you' - they saw it as wonderful magic tins and mystical preservative salts that kept food shelf stable for months. They had processed foods and less standards for good manufacturing processes and no concept of modern germ theory so outbreaks of shit like botulism were common, as happened with California black olives in 1919. People put shit like crushed up rocks in preground black pepper and crushed up chalk or plaster of paris or god forbid alum in bread flour. They had no concept of nutrition entirely. They were eating fifty pounds of sugar a year on average which isn't far under what we eat today. They ate about 175-200lbs of meat a year even for the poor sectors of the populace and much of that meat wasn't the best. It was exactly the processed meat that the IARC now says causes cancer, coupled with off cuts of aging fresh meat and offal. This whole "fresh diet and fresh living" thing is a product of the 1960s-70s when HFCS and the drive thru and frozen foods became big parts of American culture, with organic gardening and permaculture fielded as a reaction. Nobody gave a fuck in the 1910s. Not if you were urban poor. And well, if you were rich, you'd always make sure you ate the best anyway. Everyone smoked. The average lifespan was about fifty, improving to sixty by 1920 and sixty three by 1945. Fad diets like ingesting tapeworm eggs were not uncommon.
The diet was only healthier if you were out in the fields and hunting/processing your own meat. But your diet is healthier today if you're growing and hunting your own food.
They also ate margarine instead of butter from the late 19th century onward.
Estrogen is in the water you know. The women piss out their birth control and we drink it.
Why is this allowed?
I actually thought they looked much younger than their age compared to now. I remember a photo of the Canadian Pacific Railway with a 17 year old in it who looked like he had barely hit puberty.
Because it doesn't have a directly noticeable effect
except testosterone and sperm count going lower each year.
People tended to hit puberty later because of less childhood nutrition
>going lower each year
Exactly, it's gradual and not direct. If it would happen over night, it would be much more noticeable.
Facial hair/hairstyle
Also the fact that most wore suits
Don't know about the us but people did eat way better where I'm from, bought everything in markets,butcher shops,bakeries etc.. local shop with good organic food, even in big cities.
That gopnik...
They worked 12 hours per day and their lives were harsh and shitty.
Lenin was pretty damn smart so it's ironic he looks like a literal Down's syndrome retard with FAS on top of it. I think it might have been his Mongoloid heritage (his father was a russified Kalmyk or Chuvash).
worst 17 to 25 yo transformation I've ever seen in my life
Could be worse, it could be like the lead pipes in Roman cities that made everyone violent and retarded.
>this statement only applies to cities outside the United States, because there is a lot of fucking lead in American water supplies, more than half the country.
Is this real, or is it a "those sluts and their birth control rrreeeeeee make roasties property again" meme?
I cum in the toilet so it evens out, right?
It's real but scientists are more worried about the fish
Hitler looked much older than he was and he only had one ball.
He was about 25 in the above military picture and 32 in this one. Younger than me!!!
Why do I look so young, cute and childlike at 34 with an unchanged 7th grade voice?
You'll never know how many tears I've cried since 1997 about how boys young enough to be my son are now going through the changes (especially his voice) that Hitler got around 1905. Only my pillows do and they can't talk.
Sorry little bastard was born around this time in 2001. Taller than his dad now.
Back then it was just that my classmates, mostly younger, were suddenly sounding like men after a lifetime of being shorter than me. Then my little boy cousins all got the change and I was really depressed.
Underrated post
Why was his voice so deep if he only had one ball???????
I've been wanting to know for a long time! He talked lower than my own father when he wasn't screaming.
And don't tell me bull semen because he hadn't discovered that yet. He wasn't even in power yet, being only 43, but had already had a deep voice for the majority of his life! Do you realize that even if mine changes tomorrow, I'll be 68 before that becomes true???
Someone please explain!!!
Mustard gas inhalation during WWI.
His voice didn't really change much in his entire 12 years of power.
We'll, he appears to have already had a deep voice before then, and I highly doubt it would deepen my own to the sound of maleness.
Why did Hitler look and sound so undeniably male?
It's an illusion caused by modern adults acting immature and dressing like 1980s teenagers.
Up to the 1960s wearing a suit was the norm, people had manners, spoke in polite terms, and faced much more hardships which made them mature mentally early on.
So it's an attitude and psychological effect. The same person transported into the 1920s would look much "older" just because of their clothes and setting.
Take this 1920s wedding recreation for example. If you change his suit for a tshirt and jeans, her dress for yoga pants and a low cut top, and give both modern haircuts they would look at least 5 years younger.
Don't cut your hair like that.
Do you have any proof for this? When I see pictures of men in old times and men in modern times, the latter seem stronger-jawed and bigger in general. Plus height has increased.
Here is another example.
Kirsten Dunst in The Cat's Meow, where she plays a 1920s high society lady.
And here is Kirsten Dunst in 2001 (the year this movie was filmed) but out of character and sporting a modern haircut and clothing.
My theory:
1) Harder life. Look at today's homeless children / orhpans living on their own or young criminals to compare.
2) Different photo technology. The silver oxide film would capture not the common luminance, but only its blue component. As a result people either had darker faces or more evenly lit faces than usual because they used powder in staged photo portraits.
3) Genetic degradation. Peoples faces have been growing weaker and more degenerate in their looks after the invention of the antibiotics. Don't forget that more than two thirds of us are actually walking deadman's genes and weren't supposed to make it through the childhood.
4) I don't know if it's estrogen, or the genes, but brits do have strangely unnatural faces sometimes. I don't remember seeing that in any of the old photos.
You look like a lesbian, wtf are you talking about
>tfw to smart to capitalism
probably no real reason
it's probably a big reason for having so much influence
>being this much in denial
The real problem is that you just can't let go of your Big Mac(tm), John.
that doesn't change what I said shitty diet and lack of training is what made western men into fuccbois
Not shitty diets, but due to estrogens from plasticizers and drinking water that are practically unavoidable if you live in a city.
You're right, I confused you with the others.
You on the other hand, is still in denial.
Dude, YOU'RE the one in denial. It's common knowledge that test has been dropping the past 50 years... we're constantly bathed in chemicals and radiation. Obesity is just the tip of the iceberg.
>i look like a faggot so it must be because someone is putting chemichals in my water supply n shiiet!
>perfect precondition for a trap
Because they worked hard labour all their fucking life and sustained themselves off hardier foods
I'm sexy and I know it!
He may have actually had 2 balls, since the rumor has never been verified. Even the hypospadias is a recent "discovery" never mentioned by any of his doctors.
For all we know, he could have had normal junk bouncing around in there.
It isn't really, they're just fat guys with mantits and small cocks.
Tons of factors ranging from less sleep, less cholesterol in the diet, plastics in the water, pesticides in food and water, more fatties (sub cutaneus fat literally turns testosterone into estrogen). All these either up your estrogen levels or lower your testosterone levels. Its a real problem and for some reason barely anything is getting done about it.
Lots of reasons:
>nobody who worked outside used sunscreen, meaning more skin disease & wrinkles
>facial hair was more popular
>lower obesity rates meant that fewer men had round faces
>people usually wore formal wear and didn't smile in old photos, meaning that they'd look more serious and mature
>old flash bulbs were bright, which meant harsher lights & shadows in the photos, which was more obvious with B&W film
>higher prevalence of smoking and drinking at younger ages
Hitler was a teetotaler and never smoked a cigarette in his life.
The fact that he rarely smiled, due to his awful teeth and lack of dental hygiene, made him look more serious and manly. Maybe I need to stop showing mine so much. But then again, it's one of my best features, thanks to 3 long years in braces in high school and a very expensive jaw surgery. A smile is the first thing I notice on a woman.
>it's just a matter of diet, goy
nice try
Such an unusual man!
Wish we could see his dick.
His skin tone seems to vary from one picture to another.
Imo modern youth looks older af desu
I continuosly see high school kids who look like 35
No idea what the fuck are they feed nowadays
High school GIRLS look older while the boys look pretty much the same. The chemicals making boys less masculine cause girls to get periods younger and younger. My boobs were already a 32 DD, now a 42 DDD, which is why I wish I could get them removed. Whoever is poisoning our water knows he's causing the transgender epidemic via the psychological concept of, "You always want what you don't have" and for girls, it's more years of childhood and a flat chest.
By 13 they were 32 D, and by 18 they were 38 DD, I mean.
Photography was a lot less consistent back then.
We are gonna have to see pics to confirm.
>cause girls to get periods younger and younger
Yeah, kids nowadays have a huge amount more triglycerides than years ago, causes all kinds of hormonal changes.
I remember talking to one of my EMT friends about that. Said when he started back in the late 80s, girls were getting their periods at about 13-15, now it was closer to 11-12. Fifty years before, it was closer to 16-17.
I'm sure it has to do with one of the hormones/antibiotics/steroids/whatever that's used in farming animals, but I don't know much about it, I just figured I'd let someone else sort it out so I can have my kids avoid it when I finally have some.
Part of it is the MIXING of the RACES that no one wants to acknowledge. See, the color of a person's skin is merely a SYMPTOM of being a certain race, not the whole story. My mother was a blonde as a child and got her period at least a year later than I did, but guess what??? She married a Hispanic man (my dad), who'd begun shaving by 13. My little sister also got her period before age 12, just 3 months sooner (in age) than I did, because we're MIXED!!! Not everyone who sunburns is white, and Hispanics are known for their early maturation and high sex drive, which are DOMINANT traits! So naturally, the average age at the onset of puberty in both sexes in America has decreased like the percentage of kids with blue eyes. The whitest of white kids are still having most of their changes after 13, which is why pale-faced, blue-eyed boys with German last names always seem to be the last of the boy sopranos in high school choir.
And yes, I've spent my whole life resenting her for not marrying a lighter man. I could be taller had I begun and ended puberty later and might not be gender confused were my hair and skin even lighter like hers.
She didn't appreciate her blonde features and always told me blondes were ugly and "pale" for their light eyebrows and inability to tan well. How am I supposed to feel, with such a mom, when exposed to Nazi ideology???
>if my mother had married someone else I would be...
False. You would just be dead because you had never been born.
Concerning number 4, a large majority of lower-class British people have always been relatively ugly compared to the upper class or their continental equivelants. it's just nowadays more of these people have much more access to photographic technology, and thus it's more visible to outsiders.
t. Brit.
What the fuck is this?