India is one of the fastest growing economies in the developing world with a GDP of $2.2 TRILLION, why are you so quick to scoff at their interest in crypto user? Do you not like money? Do you not want to work together to build a decentralized world?
I'm tired of you all slandering India and its "pajeets"
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gtfo pajeet
Yeah this will be a pasta
A bit short though
Shoo Pajeet Shoo!
India is a fucking shithole.
My friend was just there and he couldnt leave because some guru raped some bitches and then these toilet people flipped out and burned down the entire town. Was stuck in his hotel and couldnt fly out lol. Fuck this country and everyone thats living in it.
India is literally just a rat infested barrel of shit.
Your rivers are polluted.
Your people live under highways.
Literally an infestation
Stop eating this shitty and smelly curry and I think about it
It's just something about their culture, even smart educated Indians admit it
>India is a fucking shithole.
So is England.
We still dont kick them out of EU.
We laugh at them while they kick themself, shiting on advantages everyone would have killed for.
So is china and russia.
Still people lose their shit when chinks and putin makes a move that is somewhat related to cryptos.
you cant make this shit up
pajeet goes to jail for rape
other pajeets flip the fuck out
29 toilet people dead
I guess rape is a national pastime in india so its understandable theyre angry
but jesus do you fucking savages really have to burn down your own tons? you ever heard of peaceful protests? goddamn subhumans this planet would be better off if they nuked your cesspool of a country.
I just want the spamming cunts off this board.
Indians are subhuman animals, similar to Turks, Arabs, Niggers, Spics, Chinks.
Some people have souls, others do not. Do not be fooled when they imitate Western culture and customs, first change these subhumans get they will shit on everything.
>World superpower 2020
Sexy Daddy here ,,,
Do you want riches my darling? Do you want to install a proper loo in your bageechaa?
Say no more. We at reddit provide first class moon missions. You know you can trust this sexy daddy as my English is very good, yes?
Here's the plan little ladaka.
You must go to Yobit exchange. It is very good and clean. You must purchase coin known as Espers. You then must way until moon. Moon mission guaranteed by Friday little Pajeet, screen cap this.
Sexy daddy in and out.
thank you Daddy, sorry English not so good. I graduates from American college
You sound like you live in one of those societies where a men's life is irreversibly destroyed forever if any woman (he may not even know her) claims she's been raped by him, without any evidence whatsoever, and any objection is forcefully crushed and turns into a vicious online attack by calling him a white supremacist or claiming he's got male privileges.
How's that working out for you?
I live in a country where we dont shit in the streets. And its working out pretty well for me, thank you.
Neither do I, I'm not a pajeet. I'm also not a minority sjw so you're probably one step away from calling antifa or something on me. So let's end this right here. Goodbye.
Confirmed pajeet
Nobody really wants decentralization, everybody just wants to get rich.
Don't come back, currynigger
Also, I prefer poo in loo over poo in street.
we hav space pogrom super power by 2020
Why wont you buy toilets why do you worship cows why do you have a casta system made thousands of years ago a few of you got rich the rest keep reproducing like rats soon diseases and diarrhea will kill you all
England is shit because they let so many Indians and pakis in
Your country is still full of people shitting with no shame in the street so yes you are a nation of PAJEETS
I do want decentralization. But only for the things it brings.
To rid the system of middlemen, to replace trust with confirmation, to keep the system active all around the world even under attack, and to prevent administrative power grabbing.
Getting rich is nice and all. But honestly it's just a neat side effect.
The caste system makes sense desu, if you look at it the higher caste are a high iq fair-skinned ethnicity and the lower castes are basically not even human, practicing cannibalism and flinging poop. If you have to share territory with creatures like that a caste system seems like a decent alternative to extermination.
>alternative to extermination.
Pick one
Isn't about sharing is about growing together if only a few grow and get rich the whole country becomes a bubble about to burst ironically the casta system is the only thing that keeps the india together without it a revolution would start