Take out loan

>take out loan
>buy barber shop
>take portion of the profits for yourself
>get another loan
>buy more barber shops
>take portion of profits for yourself
>repeat ad infinitum

Why would this not work?

because it will take ages before you get your money back as there is a lot of competition..

It might take years before you earned your loan back.

Where I live in London the Pajeets do haircuts for 7 bucks..

aaaand you end up looking like a pajeet gave you a haircut for 7 bucks.

Bloody hell if you get one of those quartets in there singing I'd come to your barber shop pal

First, you forget that normies pride themselves on consumption and style. The faggots on Veeky Forums pay $500 for shoes kek. I upgraded from paying $10 to $20 for haircuts because I go to this "classic" barbershop. They do clean, hot butter shaves, behind the ears, on the neck, only do men's haircuts, etc. I think if you can find that niche, market yourself accordingly, actually have the skill to do so, you can do well. I know the guy who owns the shop I go leases out his additional chairs for a fee to training barbers, regular barbers, barbers in the area for awhile, etc. It's pretty sweet actually.

Just dropped $40 on a fade and shave today

Haha, fuck you OP i'm stealing this idea. I'm buying a barbershop RIGHT NOW

I already bought 4 in the NDSE area, too late faggot ahahaha

Nice just bought 100k.

> barbershopcoin hard forks and drops 92%
> litebarbershopcoin moons the days after
enjoy your life as a wagecuck

40 for a fade. Quit lying tyrone. Your cousins babydady fresh out of prison gave you that haircut. Free but he fondled you a little.

>implying I'll make a token or anything or the sort for this venture

I'm just gonna buy muh barbershops you retards

I meant I just bought 100k barber shops.

Though a decentralized barbershop coin where one token on the ethereum network is represented by 1 haircut sounds profitable as fuck

what self respecting male gets another person to cut their hair these days
buy a clipper for $20 and be done with it forever

this is an excellent investment.

this thread is irrelevant for me as I have lost my hair starting at 17, patrick stewart style.

Being bald sucks, I wish I had my hair back.

>take out a loan
>sell 1 million clippers

Why would this not work?

the barber shop I go to is one of those "regular spots" where everyone that goes there has been going there for years. They only accept cash and are a laundering machine for H money. Great cuts, cool barber who talks with you

costs me a lot more to get faded. $70 a point

Sorry guys this is a /frugal/ thread?

>take out loan
>buy every single barber shop
>take 100% of the profits

why would this not work?

H money? As in Heroin money? Lulz

>Spending $20 on clippers when you could spend $5 on a pair of scissors

You're never going to make it