Come on now...6 million, gas chambers, ovens, extermination camps,zyklon B pesticide and no bodies?
You expect me to believe this?
Next thing you'll tell me is that Moses parted the Red Sea also.
Come on now...6 million, gas chambers, ovens, extermination camps,zyklon B pesticide and no bodies?
Other urls found in this thread:
>come on now... they cremated the bodies, and no bodies?
It's you faggots denying the holocaust that discredits the fight against Jewish hegemony. Accept that it happened and demand it stops being used to justify everything they do
>no bodies
>no bodies
executed by the NKVD
typhus victims
Sure thing, Hans. We can just ignore all the well-documented massacres.
>Whoops, looks like everyone died of typhus again
>better throw them on the fire in the open air
Wait so which is it? I thought they cremated them...
>t. hasn't read a single book on the holocaust
No one claims that. In Lithuania, where 95% of the Jewish population was massacred in a 3 year period, was done solely through massacres. Only people clueless about the Holocaust would ever say that "6 million Jews were gassed." Or that all the bodies were cremated. They find mass graves of Jews all the time in Ukraine.
>They find mass graves of Jews all the time in Ukraine.
I think they find mass graves in general in that part of the world all the time.
Not where there used be a Shtetl full of thousands of Jews until one day Ukrainian collaborators and Nazis ran into the village and killed every Jew they could find and then buried them.
>6 million bodies
>killed all over Eastern Europe
>all disposed of using the same method
>stormfag education
whoops a couple dozen of bodies during the peak of Hungarian operation
>using shovels to throw bodies in fire
Are you actually retarded?
Stop posting fakes and someone could believe you.
Yeah but my point is that was hardly the only massacre to take place in Ukraine during the 20th Century. The country is probably littered with mass graves stuffed to the brim with corpses from the World Wars, Holodomor, Russian Civil War, 19th Century pogroms and rebellions, even the days of Napoleon.
Why didn't any Nazi at the Nuremburg Trials deny that it happened?
Because they were Jewish puppets. Haven't you ever heard of ZOG?
They were tortured
>using shovels
>no shovels visible in the picture
>no bodies
Veeky Forums, rate my cat
I'd wager 10-15 IQ points higher than OP.
>Gröning led a normal middle-class life after the war. A keen stamp collector, he was once at his local philately club's annual meeting, more than 40 years after the war, when he fell into a conversation about politics with the man next to him. The man told him it was "terrible" that Holocaust denial was illegal in Germany, and went on to tell Gröning how so many bodies could not have been burnt, and that the volume of gas that was supposed to have been used would have killed all living things in the vicinity.
>Gröning said little in response to these statements, replying only: "I know a little more about that, we should discuss it some time." The man recommended a pamphlet by Holocaust denier Thies Christophersen. Gröning obtained a copy and mailed it to Christophersen, having written his own commentary on it, which included the words:
>"I saw everything," he writes. "The gas chambers, the cremations, the selection process. One and a half million Jews were murdered in Auschwitz. I was there."
>Gröning then began receiving phone calls and letters from strangers who tried to tell him Auschwitz was not actually a place for exterminating human beings in gas chambers.
It became apparent that his comments condemning Holocaust denial had been printed in a neo-Nazi magazine, and that most of the anonymous calls and letters were "From people who tried to prove that what I had seen with my own eyes, what I had experienced in Auschwitz was a big, big mistake, a big hallucination on my part because it hadn't happened."
>As a result of such comments, Gröning decided to speak openly about his experiences, and publicly denounce people who maintain the events he witnessed never happened.[3]:300 He says his message to Holocaust deniers is:
>I would like you to believe me. I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I would like you to believe that these atrocities happened, because I was there.
>muh personal incredulity
Pregnant Anne Frank would have loved to have petted it.
was he the guy who worked in sorting the money, belongings, etc of the victims at the camp and was let off relatively light (little or no jail time)?
I am working on part 2 of this (21 more questions) because there was a lot more questions that have to be answered that I had to leave out.
Yep. Only recently did they charge him. He's still alive.
He's practically a walking corpse right now. Unless they're planning on giving him a proper Southern hanging, they're a few decades too late for his punishment to really mean anything.
>be Jew in Lviv living your life
>suddenly violently murdered by your neighbors
He was declared fit for prison not a month ago. He still has 2 years left, since he was sentenced to four years in 2015.
Stormtards often seem believe that Stalin's totalitarian regime totally murdered a bunch of people, that Mao's did, that Pol Pot's did... but Hitler's totalitarian regime? No way! It was special. That, even though the Nazis often spoke in eliminationist terms.
>ywn be an Allied soldier who comforts that poor girl after liberation, hugging her tight and whispering in her ear that she's safe
>tfw she was probably dead long before war's end
>ywn be an Allied soldier who comforts that poor girl after liberation, hugging her tight and whispering in her ear that she's safe
>ywn take her to a refugee camp, with water and food and heat and a good bed
>ywn pin her down and rape her on that bed repeatedly, leaving her naked and sobbing on the wet mattress
>implying you'd need to coerce her at all
After Bergen-Belsen was liberated, the women were literally fucking every Allied soldier they could get their hands on. The birthrate at the DP camp literally skyrocketed from net zero to several thousand a month within a year.
Pick one
Literally the first fucking chapter. Great book.
>Only people clueless about the Holocaust would ever say that "6 million Jews were gassed."
stormfags like to play a shell game where they switch "6 million Jews were murdered" to "6 million Jews were gassed" to "6 million Jews were gassed at Auschwitz" and then they pick apart the two statements that are obviously bullshit so they seem right
Oh boy oh boy oh boy old boy old boy I certainly hate those Jews they certainly look and smell like poo. Jews and poo rhyme. I ain't got no time for them Jews and them slime.
>what is Führerprinzip
Don't be antisemitic and accept refugees into your country, bigots.
>why didnt people at stalinist show trials just say they didnt do it?
Why did they admit to magic jew evaporation devices and gassing 4 million at auschwitz and other non sense?
And yet none of them claim to have been tortured and there's absolutely no proof or even suggestion that they were tortured and the only people who say they were tortured have a vested interest in vindicating them and handwaving away the things they have actually said and claimed.
how many show trials do you know of that ran 288 days?
>Totalitarianism is a political system in which the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. A distinctive feature of totalitarian governments is an "elaborate ideology, a set of ideas that gives meaning and direction to the whole society".
Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.