This is your one and only warning...

This is your one and only warning, you have approximately one week to get on this train in order to obtain maximal gains.

-- Huge release is coming out bringing Brave Browser from Concept Stage to Utility Stage (mid september)
-- Their twitter does not shill itself like other shitcoins (such as TRIG), but does tweet when big releases happen.
-- Have over 150 partnerships with esteemed publishers (such as wikihow,, smashing magazine and more)
-- Coin has utility, meaning it won't cease to have value.

Other urls found in this thread:

> OP: buy my bag
I don't see a single of point that people will switch from Chrome to this shitty browser

free money


so brave

Sure, it won't overtake google, but grabbing 1% of the total market won't be that hard to do. 1% of internet ad market is a lot more than you can imagine. screencap this thread and look at BAT price in 2-3 weeks.
I bought in at 4k, so I'm more than fine.

the free money is for site owners
not the users

and how does it have utility again?

First lines of their whitepaper
1 Value Proposition
We propose the BAT as a token of exchange in a secure, anonymous, opt-in advertising
system based in the browser and the mobile app webview. The BAT system provides:
• Users: strong privacy and security when viewing advertisements, improved relevance
and performance, and a share of tokens.
• Publishers: improved revenue, better reporting, and less fraud.
• Advertisers: less expensive customer attention, less fraud, and better attribution.

What it means:
BATs will be used to buy / sell advertisements.
Why it increases value:
Publishers will need to purchase BATs, publishers purchasing BATs to post ads == extremely high demand for BAT.
There will be streamlined processes allowing publishers to purchase BAT easily through the brave browser most likely.

It isn't going to get to $50 per coin but even something like $10 is foreseeable

And if you look at the price now, those are some HUGE ass gains.

Yes exactly. I'm not saying it's going to get you 10-20x gains within these weeks.
But I can see it doubling in this time.

Going from concept to actual utility is a huge step; and their team is constantly working as well (see their github). Multiple updates per day as they ready their ledger for the mercury release.

I got some shortly after ico and stocked up at an average of 47k

I will be the new advertisment mogul

It works WAY bettee than chrome, and its on beta
I remember switching to firefox 10 years ago and never looking back, I dont see why people wouldnt now
Technically I did look back, I'm using brave mostly now (except some sites that are already logged on firefoz and when I use em I do it there)

Even if bat turns out to be a fiasco, I'll be happy owning brave

And again, for everyone else, Brave may not overtake Chrome as most used browser

but that's not the point, if it captures only a small portion of the market that'll already make it an extremely wealthy, and highly valued, company.

Thats exactly what I think, reading it here made me feel... Insecure


I've got over 2k BAT....will I make it to 4k OLED land?

>tfw sold at 0.00011799

I'm in a paid slack group, all of us have been in for over a month, and all bought around 4-4.5k 1.5 months ago, many of us sold from 6.6-7.4k, and re-entered after this crash around 4-4.5k again. I think we're doing fairly well, and are pretty confident that this release will take it even higher.

-Because there's real demand for a fast browser that isn't filled with botnet right now
-Because you can earn money with it
-Because they will integrate BAT on chrome and firefox as well, Braver will just be its first step and test field

Its been on accumulation since last month. And 5k sats is a steal

Why that would make you feel insecure? You don't need to be a fucking giant that's used by everyone in order to be very valuable. Btc is used by what, 2% of the world's population? And yet it costs $4000

There are a shit ton of web browsers.

This is projects is bound to fail.

How many of them are made by the creator of firefox, javascript and are backed by a booming market(crypto)? How many of them raised 30m?

Weak FUD


And how many of them are companies with valuations above 150 MM?
Probably only the top 5-10 max. Brave is up there as well.


Also the logic behind this post is beyond retarded. It's like saying:
>this altcoin is destined to fail, no matter how promising it looks, because there's already too many altcoins

Why would I want anything to do with advertising?

before all this the bat price was 14k. I predict 60-70 cent with Mercury. If they have some sweet ass news and exchanges with it should hit an easy buck

Replying just because I hate not getting responses to my questions

Thanks for the reminder OP. Moved out a while back and wanted to get back in.

No one is going to use this browser.
You're deluded if you think otherwise.

Maybe because it's a market that generates billions every year is likely to continue growing?

>why would people stop using firefox in favor of google chrome? Tha's deluded!

>dat victory when buying in sub 5000 this morning

lmao I think you actually might be able to afford a TV like that with 2k BAT
hahahaha why the fuck are you even in crypto if you think like that.
Oh, you probably bought into BTC when it was over 2000 dollars.
Oh, you probably bought into OMG when it was already over 50k sats.

You probably just need market confirmation that something will succeed to invest, huh?

That's fine, let us buy it at, and around, 5k sats. In 1 month you can either laugh at all of us for being wrong, or you can sit behind your computer and spread more fud about other projects with the same, but probably decreasing, BTC balance.

2000 are worth about $440 as it stands, so if the price doubles that would a pretty expensive tv