>Less than $30m market cap
>Only slightly above ICO price
>Big news coming this week
>Hitting exchanges within 10 days
Why hasn't Biz bought Monetha yet?
>Less than $30m market cap
>Only slightly above ICO price
>Big news coming this week
>Hitting exchanges within 10 days
Why hasn't Biz bought Monetha yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
centralized piece of shit
>muh eBay competitor
I considered buying it, it's not the worst idea, but it doesn't seem like it's got what it takes. Also I don't like the name, reminds me of old Godzilla movies.
The whales are dumping it hard on ether delta. I flipped it ASAP because it's a shitcoin. If you don't do the same you will be crying in 30 minutes.
Because it's a fucking scamcoin. Unlike most pajeets I've had monetha on my radar for weeks and I've done my due diligence.
>Team literally met months ago
>MVP is a 'buy now' button
>Big name team members actual role unclear, never appear in any of their promotional video and photo content
>Did a fuckton of marketing instead of letting their product speak for itself
Not touching this with a 10 foot pole when there are so many better investments out there
Yeah I am staying the FUCK away from this shit
Whale's are fucking about and on EtherDelta? No thanks. Will monitor when it hits exchanges.
For every newfag that doesn't know.
There was a big slack group that contributed to a smart contract with the intention of flipping Monetha as soon as it hits exchanges. That's why there are big sell walls on Etherdelta and the price is plummeting
It's a shitcoin. Don't get scammed.
There's no confirmation it is "hitting exchanges" at all. Bittrex hasn't added a coin in god knows how long and polo added ZRX after 6 months of nothing.
>why havent you bought this shitcoin thats hardly on any exchanges?!?1
> a real lambo question
Don't buy this coin guise, you'll get rekt.
Buy a shitcoin with 100m market cap that rose 200% past 12 hours instead.
Nice false equivalence turd. You're still slightly above ICO why not sell now and dust it off? Volume dropping
Didn't get into the ICO so spreads massive FUD.
Pic related. It's your "massive" sell wall.
Nah, I prefer selling at liqui for 2-3x minimum. Thanks for the offer tho brah.
Every ICO has an initial dump by flippers on ED. When it hits actual exchanges full of normies, that's when the buyin happens. Especially for an ICO that was sold out in minutes. Seen this scenario multiple times already.
Good luck. P.S. most of those buys are under ico :^)
What was ico price?
0.0005 ETH
it's a fucking scam. the dividends it pays out are worth fuck all.
Did you see a scenario where more than 50% of the purchasers intended to flip and contributed to a smart contract to purchase at second 1?
Po.ET sold out in 2 minutes and hasn't been listed anywhere. After the ED dump it trailed under ICO for a while
You just identified yourself as stupid. ICO price was 0.0005 ETH without bonus, 0.00041666 with bonus. Buys are happening around 0.00061. Kek, can't imagine how salty you'll get when this shit doubles when it hits an actual exchange.
"most of the buys"
learn2read and read graphs
>when it hits an actual exchange.
Kek. That's cute.
Oh, I'm sorry. All the recent buys, my bad. You were even more wrong than I thought. Also, 4k sell wall above the ICO price without a bonus. :) Feels like debating with a toddler.
Hmm for once a coin /biz isn't shilling..
50k @ 0.00063
100k @ 0.00064
20k @ 0.00065
150k @ 0.00066
What did they mean by this?
Don't buy coins that are shilled by biz, buy coins that are fudded without any arguments. Chances are people want to bait noobs into selling to them for cheap.
Is this the dumbest display of whales yet? Instead of letting the coin naturally moon like all others when they first go on etherdelta they have instantly put up a massive sell wall.
I'm sorry, what sell walls are you talking about. Should have bought in user. I guess moon missions aren't for you.
you guys really should buy now if you want some quick gains. this will 100% be past .001 eth by tomorrow. screencap this
but the balance between shilling & fud itt is making me kind of not want to buy it.
However I have a good feeling about this one for some reason, despite the fact that it is NOT coming to any major exchange anytime soon.
too many mo- coins
Now's the time to believe user. The devs saved some big news for post-ICO in order to give it a boost after the initial dump. It should be coming this week according to their slack posts.
I'm guessing the potential to moon far outweighs the price delta from 0.0005 at the ICO to 0.0007 now?
Putting in my buy order currently. Don't even care if Veeky Forums fucks me on this one, I asked for this.
Found the link for you user.
twitter com/Monetha_io/status/902935003293679618
MTH and EDG are where you want to be right the fuck now.
Nowhere else.
My fucking deposit is taking too long REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
never used etherdelta before today. Fucking ethereum man, it's not even that much faster than BTC
Having said this..
EtherDelta is S H I T
Risky, unstable, not user friendly, unreliable, uncapable to deal with high volumes.
You pay .0007 but take into account that there's a reason for it.
Waiting for trex/polo/krk is too long to snatch a good price tho as that will happen second half of the month.
So best compromise will be waiting for liqui.io in the next days if enough people ask for MTH to be listed in their trollbox.
It's semi-pumping rn but still I'm not sure if I should jump in
you expect me to buy this for 15x the ICO price...?
It's 1.2x the ico price you fuckwit
You expect me to buy it for that? why is a coin that sold out in minutes going for so low out of the gate..? This reeks of scam.
I just bought 10k.
So what the fuck even is etherdelta. I clicked one of the red sell orders for 0.000699, the one at the bottom of the book right now, and tried to buy 0.6ETH worth, but it's not showing up in my trade list or anything.
Does the transaction just have to confirm before anything at all happens? My wallet balance is still unchanged. so wtf.
mine too reeeeeeeeeee
EtherDelta is bad indeed.. I really would like to increase my position in MTH but have to wait for liqui
I'm pretty sure only white people can use etherdelta.
What the fuck's with all the massive buy / sells?
Whales doing whale things. Someone really wants to keep it at 0.0007.
I was wondering the same thing myself. Good thing I bought in at exactly .0007 :-----------------)
Henceforth price is a bargain.
>bittrex babby
>only buys off of Bittrex
And this anons is the face of a cult member.
So who listened to me and who listened to retard-anons dumb FUD? This shit is mooning on fucking ED. Who knows where it'll go once it hits liqui.
This is Houston you are go for launch
None of those fuckwits listened at .0006, none listened at 0007 and they aren't gonna listen now at 00085.
But you can bet your granma in a barrel that these chimpamen will buy in frots when MTH gonna be x100.
Look at what they do with NEO.. they are only interested in buying what has already x100d
ICO hodler here
Why don't you listen Veeky Forums ?
We told you to buy when it was 1.2x ico price
Now it's almost 2x ico price
Will you wait for it to be x10 to buy ?
You're missing out on a lot of profit not buying early.
I don't even mind, I'd rather see you FOMO to launch the rocket once we hit liqui
Can someone explain why the ethereum network is such a slow piece of shit causing etherdelta to come to a standstill? Even with a high gas price the transactions get ignored. Its like new transactions are dependent on previous transactions and if the previous ones have a low gas price it blocks anyone else doing anything after that
Because the volumes are being just really high for etherdelta, that exchange hardly sees anything like this
But 60 gwei does the trick
Liqui trollbox is the way
Nah mate shitcunts'll wait 50x at least
Creators are lithuanians,
When there is a need of making something sound english, we add h somewhere.
Original word is Moneta, which literally means "coin". they weren't trying much with that.
Also their main shill, marketer, looks exactly like every dumb rich kid, whos parents bought him high education only for him not to waste their money daily.
Last chance to get in before the Burgers wake up and FOMO buy once they realize the moon mission is here.
Up 50%. Have no idea what this coin is or what it does and dont care. Will sell at 3x or whatever.
Typical /bizmpanzee behaviour.
Woke up making money. Glad I bought yesterday, feels good man. lol to the people who pasted a fat photoshopped black chick yesterday instead of buying this shit