ITT: Flags! post some of your favorite flags throughout history and (optional) add some history about the era in which it was used!
ITT: Flags! post some of your favorite flags throughout history and (optional) add some history about the era in which...
I like Imperial German flags.
The Burgundian flag
It's a mainstream choice but I really love it
Simple, powerful, aesthetic. Ideologies aside, I think its a really nice banner.
Another good one. Screams FREEDOM and at the same time whispers neocolonization
indeed :^)
flag of Falaise, native city of William the Conqueror
t. McDonalds
I dislike Fascists, but I'll admit that they have the best aesthetics.
My ancestors :^)
This is the flag of the Choctaw Brigade used by the Choctaw Indians fighting for the CSA during the Civil War.
>autism: the flag
A flag of "Great Tartary", as North-East Asia was once called, which may of may not have existed as an actual political entity.
greatest and most important republics to ever exist.
So what's the story behind pic related (Bosnian Kingdom, banner of the Kotromanić dynasty) ?
Is it just a ripoff of ?
Or is there deeper story behind it?
The fleur de lys are meant to represent the Lilium bosniacum.
Really? Isn't it vice versa?
the fleur de lys perhaps symbolic of Lilium bosniacum, which is a native lily to the area (as user stated)
The diagonal white line is supposed to symbolize the sword of Stephen Tvrtko I, first king of bosnia
pretty aesthetic
Personal standard of the Russian Tsar.
Referring to the 2nd National but
>The first official use of the "Stainless Banner" was to drape the coffin of General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson as it lay in state in the Virginia capitol, May 12, 1863.
So where did the flag come from if it may not have been an actual political entity?
When Confederate troops used captured US belts, they generally flipped the buckles upside down so they read "SN" as in Southern Nation.
pic related
Easter Roman Empire
I quite like the flag Mongolia had a point in its socialist period
Neat and simple but it is my favourite flag/heraldry
aesthetic as fuck
I prefer this one desu
literally Lannister flag
>he isn't nazbol
Captcha: Clos SALE
My OC flag of Greek-Yugoslav Confederation
Someone is gonna get sued!
i like the ones with animals
That's a sexy idea, where would the capital be though?
>burgundy cross
>Saint James the Moor-slayer
>Pillars of Hercules
apart from the coat of arms of the HRE, that's a spanish flag
It was a British idea to keep the commies out of Balkans
This one's best
i like lions
Correct answer.
You're not even trying.
>blah blah pol get out reee
But that flag isn't even the most aesthetic, fucking kreigsflagge is. And the third Reichs kreigsflagge is just a shittier kaiserlich kreigsflagge.
While in terms of speaking for flags from shitty leaders, I think that the Nazi flag is kinda nice in its simplicity, kinda like the Soviet flag.
That being said you're 110% correct.
Yep, it's a banner of emperor Charles V
This ones good
What is wrong with this flag?
disgusting desu
Why was the first bulgarian empire so much larger and long lived than the second despite having no heraldry?
>a fucking cactus
He's pointing out the fact that the green shape on the left looks like a meme arrow