Why did ancient architecture look so post-modern? When you look at Minoan buildings they look like fucking commieblocks.
Why did ancient architecture look so post-modern? When you look at Minoan buildings they look like fucking commieblocks
Commieblocks are modernist, not postmodernist. Postmodernist architecture was basically a rebellion against modernist commieblocks.
Why do both styles look like complete shit, then?
They value utility and practicality.
>they look like fucking commieblocks
How the fuck does it look like a commieblock?
Large open space, extremely decorated, gorgeous paintings everywhere, not a a continuos gigantic block but many different blocks everywhere with columns
It doesn't look anything like a commieblock
Looks shit, wonder how many people fell to their death
Fuck off
Commie blocks only look shit when built by poor shitholes, due to no colors and bad materials.
Post-modernist stuff looks bad because the architects think they can replace skill with edginess.
Now you know why only two or three out of ten children reached maturity in ancient times.
Postmodernist architecture is pretty fun and quirky, only pretentious faggots who take themselves too seriously hate it.
Maybe not commieblocks per se but it does resemble the brutalist monstrosities associated with communist regimes.
"form follows function" - decoration stripped away and focus instead on clean lines, and the purpose of the building itself.
"decorated sheds" - brings back traditional decorative vocabulary and mashes it all together in one quirky mess that was briefly popular in the 80s and 90s and has largely died out now (apart from building retirement homes)
ah yes 20th century Britain that famous communist utopia
>Commie blocks only look shit when built by poor shitholes
Commieblocks look bad in every country. Pic is France.
United States
United Kingdom
good cherrypicking my man. (this is a french commieblock)
I don't see it, what you posted is bleak, Minoan palaces were a feast for the eyes
Hong Kong
You get the idea
That's not a commieblock, that's some postmodern trash. But yes it looks just as shitty as a commieblock.
>not the most aesthetic type of building ever conceived especially when juxtaposed with existing cities
Those are poorly made, dipshit. Any architecture would look like shit with those materials.
Britain is more like a dystopia, it looks several degrees worse than even fucking Ukraine.
>there are still people who think modernism looks bad
>there remain people on this planet capable of cognitive function who dislike the aesthetics of modernist architecture
>Those are poorly made, dipshit. Any architecture would look like shit with those materials.
That's the entire point of commieblocks you literal baboon, it's a shit tier building made of cheap prefab concrete and designated for poor people. That's literally the only reason why they get built.
Look like the architect loved Lego when he was a kid.
>in the year of our lord two-thousand and seventeen some uncultured plebians believe that buildings constructed in the late 20th century modernist style look "bad"
>combat shitty architecture by coming up even shittier architecture
It does, you chastity ring wearing communist antifa punk
nice ad hominem there my man, shame your taste isn't up to that standard
>modernist architecture
>plebs cannot appreciate these architectural marvels
They are affordable housing for working class people in big cities. The ones for office workers and such look perfectly fine and are very livable, because everything you can ever need is in walking distance and your job is a 10 minute tram ride away.
>if you don't like this you have objectively no taste
it's a shame that this is literally the only argument tradcucks have against modernism architecture
>superior aesthetics
What gets me about Commie blocks is that terracotta facing is relatively cheap. You could easily decorate a commie block with terracotta and not have it be a soul crushing nightmare that makes people hate you.
>plebs will never understand
>grrr I so hate traditionalism!
>I am so angry at beauty and functional architecture!
>I feel the need to make everything ugly because I am edgy!
>only a true patrician can appreciate
It's the traditionalists who hate functional architecture, modernist architecture is all about function.
>>I feel the need to make everything ugly because I am ugly
the only argument you're capable of presenting is that 'it's ugly'. It's not like it would be hard to come up with a valid criticism of modernism - and there are plenty, including reliance on automobile culture, often very inefficient conservation of heat and climate control, and the fact that modernist buildings were frequently constructed cheaply and poorly, yet you're only capable of mounting a shallow, 'ewww it's ugly' aesthetic criticism, because you know damn well that the kitschy shit you want to be bought back would solve few of these issues and create many more of their own
it's not even as if this is a particularly beautiful scene - the buildings here are quite clearly poorly constructed, cramped, and were probably extremely unhygienic before modern plumbing was introduced.
>let's spam shitty colored plaster, stucco and terracotta on commieblocks
>this will make them pretty I swear
not that Asian vernacular architecture is universally bad - my point is that there are terrible examples of modernism, and equally terrible examples of traditional architecture. The fact that the only argument tradcucks in this thread have been able to present is cherrypicking and "ewww it's ugly" displays a childish appeal to emotion rather than any real architectural or even aesthetic criticism of modernist/postmodernist architecture.
Concrete decays fast and making building entirely out of prefabs is nigger tier. Even commies realized this, commieblocks were supposed to be only temporary housing for a single generation of workers before the government could build a detached home for each family.
>Concrete decays fast
depends on the quality of the concrete but yes.
>commieblocks were supposed to be only temporary housing
That particularly refers to 'kruschevkas'. Many commieblocks were meant to either be permanent or at least long-lasting.
Kruschevkas are those dogshit prefab things that got built from the late 50s to the early 70s, that's what we refer to as commieblocks. Stalinkas were much better aesthetically.
Not really. And in fact the kind of building you mention wouldn't look so bad and depressing if properly painted with nice colors, like minoan palaces are. Fags would cry that it's too gaudy and wacky though, whatever that means.
>it's not even as if this is a particularly beautiful scene
Right and it is still miles above your cold, sucking the life out of ya, cement grave brutalist architecture, exactly my point.
There is so much more life and warmth going in a picture, that is based even on a rather prrimitive example of its respective architecturral style.
>and were probably extremely unhygienic before modern plumbing was introduced.
Bullshit. That's just the Marxist view of history pouring out of your mouth.
This still looks bad, only the pretty good garden kinda tricks one into thinking it may be okay.
>muh nice colors
>That's just the Marxist view of history pouring out of your mouth.
How is pointing out the fact that the only sewage outlets these people have is the fucking stagnant river their house is next to 'marxist'?
>I want everything to look depressing shade of brownish grey, just like my soul
>so much more life and warmth
The only difference in the 'life and warmth' on display between and is that the chinese people have put up orange lanterns outside their houses and that the Chinese scene was photographed in late evening rather than early morning when nobody is awake
You don't even know that from the picture. The east Asia region had much better sewage systems than most of the West during the middle ages. And if not taking a dump in the near-by bushes probably wouldn't be out of these people's abilities.
You are just applying tropes of the materialist view on everything non-modern to other cultures.
The last architectural styles worth shit were Art Nouveau and Art Deco. Everything that came after them is just DUDE CONCRETE LEGO BLOCKS LMAO
And there I was thinking it had something to do with the colours and organic shapes and materials they used. You really convinced me.
No, I want all commieblocks razed to the ground and replaced with something that doesn't look like shit. Shit is still shit even if you paint it pretty.
>various shades of plain brown are nice colors
Brutalism but with neon
>this is your brain on modernism
It's Batlló senpai, not Batilo.
*walks through Austria-Hungary once*
How deep into hell are you willing to descend
Gô fúčk ýôřšeľf
>hating on modernism
How would that decorative trim and the pilasters fit into modernism?
aesthetics of the ornaments are characteristic for interwar modernism in Poland
That wasn't the important part dude, i and l aren't the same letter.
pic rel
Early modernism like Art Deco or Stalinist Gothic was fine. Then futurism and functionalism fucked everything beyond repair.
How is that "properly painted"? I mean, if I pick a classic satue and just drop a cube of red on it of course it's not gonna look good. This is not how ancients painted shit.
Nigger what the fuck do you actually want, someone recreating Rembrandt on the blocks? You keep moving the goalposts instead of realizing commieblocks will look like steaming pile of monkey shit no matter what you paint them with.
50's socialist realism was lit af
Looks postmodern to me.
It can look good, but it gets a bad wrap because of all the shitty uninspired block building made in its name.
Yes, until Stalin died.
Neo-clasical brutalism is best
Brutalism and functionalism fanboys actually know the buildings are objectively ugly, they just post them to trigger normies like edgelords or because they think they make for an atmospheric setting in their dystopian vidya. Nobody actually wants to live in those things if he can afford anything better.
small commieblocks best commieblocks
>Fifty thousand people used to live here
These are fine and are Not commisblocks
they are the most commie of all blocks, they were build in the 50's to accommodate workers of ironworks
pic rel different buildings in the town, also from 50's
Pic is brutalism, not modernism.
brutalist is a modern style
Absolutely disgusting!
>I feel the need to make everything ugly because I am edgy!
A typical mindset of liberacucks with their modern regressivism.
I want which looks pretty fine despite being "a block".
Looks cosy af I have no clue what you mean