How is an entire continent so unimportant?
And before you start talking about Colonialism, Africa got that too, and they're still much more important than South America.
How is an entire continent so unimportant?
And before you start talking about Colonialism, Africa got that too, and they're still much more important than South America.
Its because the slavery that brought those 60 iq average subuman monkeys called niggers,Brazil along had the potential to be a glabal super power but those apes dostroyed it
>How is an entire continent so unimportant to me?
ftfy. it's because you have no interest in it.
I will never understand this. Are you united statian?
Can you explain what you meant by that?
This. This is also what Cuckfederates in America don't realize, that if they won they would basically become Brazil (so even more niggerized and mongrelized than they are now).
Christ on a bike, what the hell are you doing?
What kind of Flintstones tier device are you using that lacks auto-correct?
Most people here are not phonecucks you know.
Brazil is semi-important
Brazil had their chance and blew it.
Venezuela is now more "important" if only because of the war that will take place there in 2018
Fuck off
Monroe dictrine
If by unimportant you mean doesn't show up on the news then yeah, it's pretty irrelevant, they're still the breadbasket of the world though, that alone gives them an important cog in the machine.
>they're still much more important
You're cute.
Monroe doctrine is literally the only reason south america's main language isn't english
but africa is more important
When you saying that Africa is more importand are you refering to Nothern Africa?Because the are not black people there,but just arabs
It's funny that you complain about the low IQs of niggers while being so stupid yourself.
Nice meme bro
>implying SA is less important than Australia
I'm Aussie and I'll be the first to say we don't matter at all. Euro and burger anons, which continent is in the news more?
Kys yourselves
>How is an entire continent so unimportant?
It isn't.
Does anyone know what it is like to live in Uruguay or Argentina? I would love to visit since their capitols look like European cities.
Even Internet Explorer has autocorrect now. You're illiterate, not a native speaker, or a tremendously lazy faggot. Either way, you need to stay out of Veeky Forums and stick to the Neopets forums.
the women have big asses and they can grow cannabis in their back yards
The economy is falling apart, since like the rest of SA we love to worship corrupt politicians, but I live on a big city and I feel like it's ok. Free college also.
So it's just shitty Europe then? Are there any race issues. How do Mestizos, Whites and Natives see each other?
See pic.
You are welcome OP.
Monroe Doctrine was actually enforced by the Royal Navy you miserable cretin. (When it suited them)
The US Monroe Doctrine never went beyond mucking around in the Caribbean, until WW2 at least.
You were unable to prevent the French intervention in Mexico, or an Anglo French blockade of Argentina which had to be repelled locally.
>this entire thread
I haven't felt this trolled in years.
Well to be fair, that isn't even an independent South American initiative. That's in French Guiana and I believe it's primarily used for EU rockets.
lol whats that like an us state island or smth? Huehuehu im smarrrrtt fakkk
is that like a vegetable/ organ or smthing? dsomeone redpill me on this sthx
ayyyy gday mate wut r u duin down dere bebe?
It depends. I actually push for secession and problems. We need to kick europeans out of our continent.
Why is there that one green spot in the middle of the desert?
Of course, but there's at least something strategic on this continent that makes it important, no matter who runs the site. (there are also Russian facilities there)
Not him. Mestizos, depends of the country, but in Brazil is how it works: if the mestizo/mulato/pardo contributes for the society, if he/she does something good then he/she is considered white, otherwise, is black.
Not him but in average it is like a poorer version of Western Europe I guess.
In the 1940s we had something worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki put together happen to us which is a shitty political ideology called Peronism which turned the free market Argentine economy socialist in the Cold War and stagnated an economy that used to be as wealthy as the USA in GDP per capita.
As for race relations, we don't have the kind of race obsession that exists in the USA. There is racism and discrimination but mostly against illegal immigrants from Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, and so on.
But it is more a class-based than race-based discrimination. People care more about how you dress and how you act than your race.
>an entire continent
It isnt, you American filth
America is an entire continent
South America is half of it
>entire continent
But that's only half.
>Europe is 1/10th of Asia
>South america: all countiers that aren't US and its hat
Ok then.
>which turned the free market Argentine economy socialist in the Cold War and stagnated an economy that used to be as wealthy as the USA in GDP per capita.
Well in those "free times" conscription was established and it was discovered that half the male population was malnourished, literally all the wealth was in the hand of an oligarchy. Populism doesn't rise when everything is ok.
>But it is more a class-based than race-based discrimination
Very accurate. The thing with Argentina is that most people are mestizos but very bleached (like one grandmother was native) because the first immigration waves of the XIXth century were mainly males looking for opportunity. I am a literal mestizo like half criollo and half white and I'm far from poor or for ever suffering discrimination.
Im paraphrasing Kissinger here but "No country in the southern hemisphere will ever be important"
>literally all the wealth was in the hand of an oligarchy.
No shit Sherlock. It was the 1930s Great Depression. All the Western countries in those times had massive wealth inequality.
The whole oligarchy thing is a Peronist meme. France, Germany, USA had as much wealth inequality as Argentina. USA in fact had massive shantytowns up to the 1960s, Kennedy finished erradicating the last "Hoovervilles".
These countries solved their inequality through capitalist social democracy, they didn't close their economies, nationalize industries, set price controls and did not follow retarded autarky policies.
The "we are all mestizos" meme is also a Peronist lie propagated in 2006 by one genetic study that said "56% have at least one native ancestor" and made national headlines but contradicts all the previous ones. A 2001 study for instance found only 15% had a native ancestor but this one made no headlines.
Typically until the 1990s most Argentines were unmixed white. We went from being 85% white at its peak in the 1960s to roughly 60% today because of massive immigration from neighbouring countries.
>Literally most ancient civilizations
Heh, a diplomat.
Argentina is not on this chart, but here you can see how France for instance had almost as much inequality as Mexico at the beginning of the century. Yet they solved it without disrupting capitalism or the market system.
Nobody actually cares, probably lives in buenos aires or some other metropolitan area where they've been more exposed to international autism.
The entire continent is technically just Europeans + south-east asians.
>Ancient Civilizations
>Southern Hemisphere
Heh, user the Geographer?
Dude we literally just came into the game, you faggots have had 6000 years, you don't know what we'll do in 6000 years. The only relevant "new" country is the US and by sheer luck.
Swahili, Zimbabwe, North cico, Tiwanaku
Like he said "Important"
Besides, unless you're talking about China or Persia, no other Ancient Civilization really matters
>inb4 Rome or Greece
lol, fucking eurocucks
Lol, Kys Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans were way more influential, same with Mesopotamia and Egypt, hell even India
>all northern
Epic le reaction image without any text, go back to Reddi.t, gook
Just like China
>poorer version of Western Europe I guess.
>In the 1940s we had something worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki put together happen to us which is a shitty political ideology called Peronism which turned the free market Argentine economy socialist in the Cold War and stagnated an economy that used to be as wealthy as the USA in GDP per capita.
so eastern europe
my latin bros
There are five main demographic groups in South America.
1- Iberians: They're literal autists. Low functioning autists. Soccer teams make up 15% of Spain's GDP and 25% of Portugal's.
2- Blacks: dumb, lazy, primitive
3- Natives: hostile, aggressive, savages.
4- Immigrants: mostly from Arabia, South Italy and East Europe, they are lazy, incompetent and poor.
5- Any of the infinite possible combinations of these people which actually makes up most of the population. White/Asian mongrels themselves are already pretty ugly and grow up to be bad people, so one can only imagine what kind of monster it is that spawns from the marriage of an Iberian with a native, or from a South Italian with a negro etc.
Once you accept that, it's just very easy to understand why South America is wasted potential: the continent.
South America is populated with literal subhumans. It is only useful because the monkeys running these banana republics willingly sell all of their natural resources to civilized nations. They are also useful to make a profit from. A continent with some 400 million people is a very big market to exploit. Additionally, sub Saharan Africans are preferable to South American apes. African countries have been growing significantly faster than South American countries, while also having far lower theft, homicide and rape rates.
>A continent with some 400 million people is a very big market to exploit
*400 million monkeys
Cheeeeeee nosotros lo inventamos primero!!!!
>hostile, aggresive, savages
They are the agriculture basis on some countries and they literally despise mongrels because mutts are the violent ones. Heh
>South America is a country
Nope, it's incredibly different depending on which country you are talking about
>with literal subhumans
Agreed, eurangutans have invaded this sacred place. With the eurangutan extinction, the eurangutans from there will be the last of their kind. pfft
>White & Arabs
The spic butthurt is strong in this thread.
y*nk ignorance is strong in this thread
That´s how American make their census.
>t's incredibly different depending on which country
Name at least three significant cultural differences between each:
a) Argentina and Uruguay
b) Bolivia and Peru
c) Ecuador and Colombia
d) Guyana and Suriname
Socialism and corrupt politicians
It managed to wreck multiple countries, and they still keep fucking trying.
They are counting MENA as white
The USSR was socialist and full of corrupt politicians, but it managed to be a superpower, contesting America as a superpower for half a century.
China is socialist and full of corrupt politicians. Yet it is developing quickly and is said to become the Soviet Union of our century.
Socialism and corruption are no excuses, it just happens that South American people are primitive and barbaric in nature.
Never trust a monkey to do a man's job.
Found the retard.
This has to be the most retarded post on this thread.
Someone just changed spain for south america.
Literally the entire world is obese thanks to amerindian crops, and it will still relevant until we don't need organic food anymore.
In per capita terms South America has been wealthier than both China and the USSR for all of its history. It has produced more Nobel prize winners than China, despite having a much smaller population.
Even today, Brazil has a much larger economy than Russia in absolute terms.
You are just ignorant, and you confuse belligerance and willingness to challenge the US, with revelevance. Brazil could develop nukes and challenge the US if it wanted to, it has the knowhow and enrichs uranium. That would make them more notorious on international news, not necessarily more relevant.
And the largest world economies
Eastern Europe is a far more accurate comparison, yes.
Disagree. Brazil's problems is the embedded corruption in the mindset of everyone there. Its so tied up that you see even in small things.....everyone need to take advantage over everyone else all the time.
This shit right here but no one wants to admit it.
Never thought about it this way
We have less blacks in all of latin America than the US has just in the South, Brasil isn't all of South America, and even with all the blacks they're one of the richest countries in the region.
>contesting America as a superpower for half a century.
>russians actually believe this
You never had a chance in the first place buddy.
>Africa got that too, and they're still much more important than South America
either uneducated opinion or wewuzing
except most brazilians are mestizos, not mulattos.
What the hell happened to Russia? They were the 7~8th biggest economy last I checked.
Did the sanctions really fuck them up that bad? kek
Not him but the same apply to Germany and Austria, Serbia and Montenegro, etc. but still Europe is incredibly different depending on which country you are talking about
>I have no idea about South America so I'll just agree with the simple explanation
Fuck actually studying something amirite
>Not him but the same apply to Germany and Austria, Serbia and Montenegro
Except they don't?
Wealth doesnt mean shit Brazil is a hellhole thanks to its negro population even its savage amazon population are not as bad as niggers
Argentina also has favelas and an incredibly insignificant black population.
Argentina is a paradise compared to Brazil
just admit you're a clueless /pol/tard
Admit that blacks are the worst human race to have as a majority in a country. Its no coincidence every black country is a dangerous shithole still using infrastructure made by yt 50 years ago.
A meme.
>How is an entire continent so unimportant?