Post examples of Benevolent Dictators in this thread
/Benevolent Dictators/ thread
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The real deal
meme answer
mai boi
He done it for them
One of the few objectively good dictator
Can't believe nobody posted him yet.
We need a second one of him desu.
>tfw I go into an autistic rant whenever someone disrespects Ataturk
god bless this old bastard
he was a complete retard, his wife was also somehow worse, someone post the aids blood swirl shit
Lincoln wasnt benevolent nor a dictator
ME ; If ONLY you people could SEE!
"With malice towards none, with charity for all"
I'm sure "benevolent dictator" won't be interpretted by edgy people as meaning "dictator I ideologically coincide with".
What he did exactly apart of the bunkers?
put revisionists and counter-revolutionaries in their place
The only and true answer
So purging commies? cool
even better. He refuted Maoism so hard that Mao's only answer was to die and let a guy who didn't even try to be a communist take over
first thing that came to mind
It has to be bait.
u are all like little babies
Truly based
>implying Zizek isn't an unironic stalinist
Zizek is quite possibly the dumbest intellectual I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.
Based Kim
This guy.
And this guy. Benevolent dictators through and through.
Fuck off DPRK fag.
>racks up unsustainable debt for 6 years
>has completely ruined his entire country after another 6 years
>Germany permanently shrunken due to Oder-Neisse border and deportations
I am not doubting his image is hyperbolic pro-DPRK propaganda, but it only helps his cause to not provide a sound, logical refutation
Why should I care about the opinions of people who actually like Pinochet and Hitler.
Congratulations on refuting the face in my meme?
>only wants to stop ownership of human beings from expanding into new states
>is willing to let the south keep their slaves
>south totally chimps out
>lincoln et. al provide firm spanking
>south continues to chimpout for another hundred years, erecting monuments to confederate leaders long after the civil war has ended, forming the KKK, and trying to intimidate black voters
>south continues to chimp out over a pseudo-nation that existed for all of four years for the sole purpose of defending "states rights" to own other human beings as property
>only possible refutation is to greentext the phrase "human being."
Spotted the kike lover.
Spotted the sad, indoctrinated soul who sputters epithets in place of meaningful sentences.
oh shit
It's you who is indoctrinated by the Jews and their tricks. You should be praising and loving Hitler.
Zizek is a confusing """philosopher"", I can't tell if he is being serious or if he's just taking the piss.
He has a Stalin portrait in his apartment but he has said it's a conversation starter.
And what I will care about the opinion of a lefty? back to /reddit/, faggot.
Based goering
I don't need to be a libertard or poltard to dislike this hegelian clown.
too bad all of his effort was ruined by G*rman autism