Why is imperialism considered evil nowadays?
Why is imperialism considered evil nowadays?
People know what happened to people under the imperialist yoke instead of being drip fed content by the imperialists themselves.
It wasn't particularly popular at the time for a lot of people.
Why is killing and torturing people considered evil nowadays?
tfw you'll ever be part of Assyria's elite soldiers genociding the unruly jewish populus feelsbadman
Ethnic Nationalism has hit all times high (and i don't mean that in the "THE WHITE RACE HAS RISEN PRAISE KEK MAGAMGAMGAMGMA" way) and the current economic order wouldn't hold under an Imperialist Yoke, it ain't a coincidence that all shoes come from Cambodia, and that if France had cambodia, that would be higely beneficial to France and nobody else, as it stands, by keeping Cambodia independent everyone has cheap shoes, Decolonization happened at the end of an American Rifle.
Because we live in a society based around capitalism, and it's cheaper to influence third world countries rather than own their territory.
When you conquer a country you inherit all of their problems, and there's no example of a major overseas colony being permanently placated.
because its kinda hard to keep out the screams
nigga what?
Suppose you're an imperialist and you want to subdue Texas now a days. How long do you think a military could control the texan population. Now realise in this day and age almost all countries are 10 times more nationalist than Texas. Imperialism would never work.
Back then because Governments didn't really do anything for their people the people had no buy in to who ruled them anyway. An Indian in Dheli didn't really care whether he was ruled by a Brit or an Indian since the Government did jack shit either way. That is not the case anymore, or at least it is not perceived to be the case. Therefore populations want to be ruled by one of their own.
The US didn't push decolonization very hard actually. The strategy was entirely tied to anticommunism, so we generally opposed third world independence movements unless there was a threat of this country turning red. Generally we sanctioned liberal independence movements in colonized countries with some kind of a Soviet, Cuban, or Chinese foothold. This way, decolonization happened on bourgeois terms and left Western property intact. Communist movements, no longer able to describe their struggle in explicitly anticolonial terms, lost much of their steam.
This totally undermined the Soviet strategy, which under Khrushchev and beyond posited that decolonization could create a communist third world which could withhold resources from the capitalist core nations that, during the Cold War, manufactured almost everything.
why bother. I will just pay rush limbaugh a ton of money so that I can get elected in texas and begin my schemes from there.
Because of the deaths is causes
Guilt tripping and heavy propaganda
Like everything, it has to do with the nazis
West was all well and dandy with controlling countries and restructuring their economies to fuel their industrialism, but then Germany tried to do that shit with them and got second thoughts. That and it cost too much money (due to riots and uprisings from people that are not fond of people controlling their countries).
Exactly, which is why America should colonize Europe.
Because everyone lives in republics that have democratic institutions. So they're constantly tripping over themselves by apologizing in the middle of history class to all of the filth that was cleaned to bring a new standard of living to the Earth.
The Green Revolution and globalization made imperialism and terriorial expansion absolutely meaningless.
why do you think that so many people are turning to socialism to alleviate their economic burdens then? By this I mean people become rich under imperialism whereas now people have become poorer as the imperial regimes fell
Mexico is doing a pretty good job in Texas nowadays
Because it was self serving resource extraction and dominion over vast swathes of the globe wrapped up as a civilizing mission that effectively led to the genocide and destabilization of many societies
They served God, not themselves
>people have become poorer as the imperial regimes fell
Is this bait?
They became rich under industrialization not imperialism see China, Japan, Korea, etc.
Those who once held imperial regimes turned to socialism and now they have shittier healthcare and less freedom along with a plethora of diseases, worse architecture, a weaker military that cannot defend against isalmists. People's degress are starting to not be worth as much as in the past where it was assured wealth and success whereas now there are no stable jobs. For the other main source fo wealth being machines they are constantly breaking due to inferior education of the builders and require updating a la regulations, obsolete of technology et al
Those states were not pious nor did they successfully conquer things beneath A socratic King so I don't count them as the imperial-colonial banner that I am speaking of.
Correct, more Mexicans are leaving the United States than coming in, Texas is loosing it's valuable underclass laborers to Mexico.
Every available statistics conclusively shows that people in the West have been rapidly getting wealthier, healthier and better educated pretty much non-stop since decolonization happened.
False, people live in smaller houses, with less freedom, work longer hours, and have less children and marriages. IF you stopped relying on garbage like emprical evidence you could see with your own eyes how much worse things get when people accept socialismesque policies over God as was teh case all across the west.
Degrees are not worth as much anymore because more people are able to get those things, it's a side effect of being so absurdly wealthy. And people don't have 'shittier healthcare', people have healthcare now as opposed to the past when people didn't.
Go back to the before the baby boomers and most people were small-time farmers living lifestyles far from comfortable. You don't have to deal with spanish flu (yet) or Dust bowls (for the time being).
Cancer has killed more people in the past ten years than sapnish flue did over thirty years and its not even contagious. TO say that people's educations are worth as much because the supply is too large is just more proof that people should conquer if they wish to be rich as the demand will rise as the land and people are underdevloped or can be replaced which will lead to more wealth. Most people were not farmers in those days, but instead were a part of the soldier-citizen concept where their in to society would be from military service and once they retired from that they had a chance to become a noble, magistrate, bussiness leader or even King of their country. In the past people didn't die in the vast amounts as now, though people have made strides in treatment, due to dieases being treated through the manner of empirical science the death by diseases will never drop through that route of medical science, and has in fact increased as more medical technology is developed.
>your facts end when muh feelings begin
Because once gunpowder was became widely used in warfare:
>It became a numbers game as opposed to skill.
>It became harder to overthrow a King so they remained in power and people began to forget why they respected the monarchs in the first place.
Monarchs basically used to be the best genetic specimens of their people or a few generations removed now they are just pansies.
The cost of the things has risen higher than the amount of money people make
1) People are not poorer today
2) Communist and socialist parties were much larger in industrialized nations during the imperial stage (and especially at the end of the imperial stage) than they are today.
It's easier to trade with nations rather than fight over resources. War is expensive.
It's harder to convince the population to go along with imperial ventures. War is unpopular.
>Look guys I spent a few years in a school that taught me a bunch of abstract shit. Its ok though even though i would probably die if i was thrown into the wild i make a 100,000 jewish IOUs a year even though i live on a smaller piece of land than the average peasant did hundreds of years ago.
People have become poorer, read my above statements. Their policies remain in place, those policies being trade your God-given empire for bribes that you give the government and expect to be given back.
That's an explanation of why it is unpopular, not why it is considered "evil"
because it's fucked up and bad to use superior military technology to take over countries and deprive them of their self rule while exporting their resources.
i get though that you jack off to map blobs and EUIV so humanitarian issues don't matter to you.
>shittier healthcare
only amerifats, and the life expectancy of people across the First World has continually risen. People suffered from even more diseases in the past.
Just look at child mortality rates. Notice something? They've continually fallen.
Notice something? They've constantly risen.
>Worse architecture
>muh opinions
>Weaker military
It would be easy to defend against Jihadists, we could just nuke them all. A strong military does not defend against an unconventional threat.
>People's degrees are not worth as much
Wow who would have guessed everybody having a degree might make it less valuable than an age when only a tiny minority went to university
It's the common folk, anything that challenges their comfort is evil.
Those statistics are false. People are literally be gunned down in the streets by islamists while hospitals decide that children will be made to 'die with dignity' which is literally state-assissted suicide. To say that socialised medicine is superior to free-market medicine is false because God dislikes these things and punishes people for them as is seen with the organ shortages and higher amount of deaths by cancer amoung other incurable diseases like HIV and Aids. All more proof that people are living shroter lives than before. As empircal evidence cannot be used to descern the truth of reality because you cannot see the whole picture as when you simply look with your eyes at the world. The horror stories in just the UK abound of their callous lack of care for their paitiants. The architecture is proven to be worse because people are moving away fro m the cities are adopting more traditional forms of architecture, just look at the buttplug and other gay architecture in london as that place desends into reverse-colonzation. The fact that you can't defend against jihadists is proof that the UK is weaker and its people more vulnerable than in the past when a country that defied the british empire prior to WW2 and the socilization (Karl Marx literally lived in the UK do its no wonder they became marxists) of its economy and culture. SO what is your suggestion to make everyone richer if degrees and education can no longer provide for the people of the UK?
>Cancer has killed more people in the past ten years than sapnish flue did over thirty years and its not even contagious.
By has it killed more people in relation to the total population of the species?
The earth is literally experienceing never-ending plagues at the moment so yes. On top of human blights other catastrophes befall the earth related to diseases as crops whither away from bugs or whatever and now various people starve to death whereas in the past they ate food beneath the shadow of their monarchs.
Most people here have no ability to think in another person's shoes due to some issues they have in their head or personality
murderers feel just as innocent as children in their minds so seeing things from some degenerate's point of view (that God condemned) is irrelevant
>An Indian in Dheli didn't really care whether he was ruled by a Brit or an Indian since the Government did jack shit either way.
The independence movements were strong in India for years. Fuck sake they had a mutiny because of it
Wrong. You should take a look at France and uks colonies today.
Because showing up somewhere you don't belong, shooting half the people, enslaving the other half, and stealing all their shit is evil.
Yes, even if you put a fucking railroad down.
It was considered even then.
Even people saw it was fucked up or go.
"We shouldn't do it like this".
can anybody who speaks NEET translate
>IF you stopped relying on garbage like emprical evidence
oh honey no
God deemed it just, though I suppose letting more zimbabwean and north korean executions camps and genocides is an easy way to lay the blame off of oneself. But God will still punish you and all who show pacifism
war is beyond "unpopular" to most people. In the Western world, basically any military death especially of "our guys" is completely unacceptable. Think of how big of a fuckin' stink was made over Benghazi and that was four people.
In the US at least, after two world wars, Vietnam, a host of other pointless Cold War interventions, and almost thirty years of dicking around in the sand in the Middle East with nothing to show for it, we're getting pretty sick of war.
>The earth is literally experienceing never-ending plagues at the moment so yes.
Yeah but it's not killing the people who matter
>In the Western world, basically any military death especially of "our guys" is completely unacceptable. Think of how big of a fuckin' stink was made over Benghazi and that was four people.
Because they aren't numbed to it. Every death we sustained in the war on terror, in WW2 you'd lose that many people in a day.
Also, we don't really fight for anything that feels crucially important anymore. WW2 was a total war of annihilation between two irreconcilable enemies. Every war since has been in a far-off irrelevant third world country that nobody knows anything about against an enemy that we all know can't really do much to threaten us. At least not like the Third Reich or the Soviets could.
>le persecuted hwite man just wanted to help the poor browns
THIS IS Veeky Forums
>no one touching this bait
I guess there is hope after all
We've actually reached peak dunning-kruger on Veeky Forums now.
>stealing from other people isn't bad
Because you're depriving individual groups of their national sovereignty or ethnic identity, and imposing a foreign and alien culture upon the-
Nevermind. Imperialism is our strength. Forget I said anything.
Celebrate occupation.
This tbqh. There's an essay called I think "the scandal of empire" that goes into this.
dude got BTFO so im not suprised. You did too
I agree with the first part of your post.
The spread of Nationalism and the recognition of the (democratic) nation state as the only legitimate form of government doomed Imperialism.
Nowadays? Read Heart of Darkness and come back
PPP > median income > GDP
all feel-good empirical drivel completely detached from the reality of modern western life. The only saving grace is that some savages might have houses made of brick rather than mud, and water instead of piss.
Not all imperialism was bad. The colonies argueably did better under the british crown and also german imperialism pre-WW1 was pretty good for the colonised countries actually.
But then you also have things like belgian Congo and of course what the Nazis did in eastern Europe (which they basically saw as german colonial grounds).