Has your country ever been an empire, Veeky Forums?
Has your country ever been an empire, Veeky Forums?
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Still is desu senpai
Either the first or the second empire in the history of mankind
Its been part of one
>Living in a country that never even had an empire.
I'd just kill myself desu
3 times
i guess so
That 2nd one is just purdy
Why the fuck did they go to a fucking leaf? Also, Canada is bigger than a lot of empires of the past. Pretty sure bigger than Alexander's empire. And you killed a lot of injuns to make it happen.
weirdest kingdom ever?
Nope, but we taught the people of the Congo to behave at the time.
Wasn't Serbia technically an empire in the middle ages for a really short time before Turks steamrolled through the Balkans? Or was that another nation?
2nd Reich had also colonial holdings
Nahh, that was just Leopold's playground. WE WUZ NEVA EMPRAS.
don't remind me
We were so close.
that was only until 1908
meme empire only in name
just like bulgaria and for example trebizond
you had a nice chunk of africa though so respect
I figured that was a given.
>all these shitholes with exception of maybe hungary
only russia was relevant among slavs others dont come even close
Russia? You mean pseudo-Europe?
i dont think that they want to be part of continent that tries to commit suicide by importing muslims anyways
You're trying way too hard, frenchie.
I'm not talking about nowadays. I'm talking about the reason why their maritime vocabulary consists of mostly Dutch words.
Not necessary since they already have millions of muslims
and they still have less terrorist attacks than western european countries like uk
really makes you think
you will be borrowing words from quran soon enough
my country was the only one that became an empire after its indepedence in the Americas
What about Mexico?
How exactly wasn't HRE an Empire?
Well, while definetely irrelevant, technically all of those were successors of the byzantine empire, and therefore empires.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Mexico.
Although I think it lasted too little to really be an proper empire (8 months the first one and more and less 3 yeas the second one), while the Brazilian empire lasted for 67 years.
we wuz on 3 seas n shiet
>Mayan Empire,
I mean, people call America an empire these days, but does it actually fit the definition of what makes an empire?
>controled by landlords
Pretty feudal desu.
the Maya didn't have an Empire, just a bunch of city-Estates
Maybe you were referring about the Aztec Empire
Can an anarcho-capitalist colonial power be an empire?
What's with all these Belgians on Veeky Forums?
majority german
>/int/-tier thread
>cancer Facebook meme OP image
fuck off
Ya'll just fear the Serb warrior
There has never been such a thing as an anarcho-capitalist power.
>meme empire
Pshhh... try again, kiddo.
We still are
italy does not equal rome
get that through your thick skull for once
>editing wikipedia
Is Japan the only actual empire left?
Yes, the Japanese Emperor is the only monarch on the planet whose title is translated as Emperor.
i dindu nuffin it's been like this for some time
My bad that's some solid wiki bantz, I saw the same image on the Greece-Serbia relations with a different caption so I thought it was an edit
wow the medieval bulgarian army has a good track record
Not even aztec, just putting the maya savages on a pedestal - just let a man dream
not him but how is italy not rome?
Leaf history goes to shit once DUDE WEED's father becomes the Prime Minister.
Before him Canada used to be STRONK
>what is medieval Iceland
>tfw Mauryans, Delhi Sultanates and Mughals have all tried annexing us
>tfw they all go back with their tail between their legs in decades
empire?-confederation of city states and kingdoms in mutual union with each other.
Yes, the Empire of Liberty.
t. boris vladimir vladimirski
>Medieval Iceland
Hungarian here, I don't assume the Dual-Monarchy counts for us, does it?
Italy is a country, Rome is the capital city of that country
Quebec and Ontario like to fuck everything up. Those provinces deserve nukes.
*Afgandu detected*
Are you mad because you live in some irrelevant shithole or because pre 18th Century Russia was less relevant than for example Poland? Maybe both?
Probably not but your earlier history over ruling over Slavs probably does.
* Tamilian
We'll became the world muslim empire again.
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Tbh while I prefer us to be in charge you're definitely first place in regards to Turks. Turks are, were and always will be shit. They're also one of the main reasons why the Islamic world has been garbage for centuries.
My country existed for 73 years if you count the socialist republic, gaining independence 26 years ago.
No, and we are very proud of that fact.
because it was a civilization from 2000 years ago
there are no true romans living in italy today
im not gonna say my country was once the frankish empire because the geographical location is the same.
have you heard of the roman empire?
what the fuck is a true roman?
No, but I think we did okay for a country constantly under threat from larger kingdoms (Austria, Hungary, Byzantium, The Ottomans)
Latin people with no germanic blood in it
what the fuck is a true anything?
true romans are the people who were living in the kingdom of rome, the descendants of them and the people in their vicinity.
of course they're just a jumbled mess of other ethnicities as well, but you gotta draw the line somewhere
no way in hell that most italians are related to romans. Simply impossible after all the shit the place we know as italy today has been through
Why is everything between the Tisza and Prut rivers north of the Danube so empty?
Do you have qt sister? I want dark Indian gf.
We have never invaded anyone so no.
Really? nobody posted it yet?
still is
>tfw cultural victory
feels good fellow american
We need to pull some manifest destiny shit again