I inherited 250k at 19, what do I do with it?
I inherited 250k at 19, what do I do with it?
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30% BTC
30% ETH
20% OMG
20% NEO
That's easy.
Go all in on Bitbean.
You will literally own the world in 6 months.
Go to a good school and get a business degree
Put the majority in an index fund, take a smaller portion and fuck around in crypto.
65% stocks, 30% bonds (both as etfs), 5% crypto if you must
Buy a lambo. That's the only reason all of us are browsing Veeky Forums. You won at life already man, go get that lambo.
Balls fucking deep in OMG
Holy fuck, the autists here only know cryptocurrency.
>he fell for the bonds meme
Talk to a lawyer and get an accountant.
richest investor in the world is out of the stock market and youre going in
stay poor user
Yes Mr.Goldberg and Dr.Shlem would love it
All in on Kidscoin
warren buffet
he's betting on a stock market collapse.
invite your friends on a year long vacation and do a bunch of drugs
100k in index funds, 50k emergency fund, 100k in crypto but only after actually learning how this shit works.
george soros has been betting on a market collapse every day since trump won too and hes already lost billions
also where does it say hes out of the market? berkshire hathaway has very little in cash from what I can see
They provide a nice passive income and will appreciate well if their is a stock market correction.
personally I hold very little of my portfolio in bonds but a trust fund babby should certainly have some
The problem with 250k is that it's not "never work again money" but its too much to reasonably just spend for thrills.
Depending on where you live, either buy a property or put it into funds
250k returns 12.5k at 5%, which you can use as play money, or reinvest that into something else.
In a good location you can buy property to either live in or rent out. It's probably illegal but be sure to give discounts to decent white people who are less likely to trash your shit up.
Donate to help Hurricane Harvey victims rebuild their lives.
moon mission
This except 10% crypto, 60% stocks
That much money still not being enough is a surefire sign you need to get out of there. Pretty much EVERYWHERE else in the world allows you to live a very comfy life living off dividends with that amount.
Move to Puerto Rico.
Buy 250k of Ark.
Wait a year.
Thank me later future millionaire.
Life really is this easy.
Unironically buy 2% of the Blockcat supply
Buy xvg
>only 4x gains
100% OMG
Watch it double within a few weeks
OP I have about 300k inc in about 3 months.
EVEN TRUMP has said were in a stock market bubble. Not a trump supporter but hes one of the only people to have admitted such a thing stocks are insane to get in right now do not do it OP. Buffet and Warren have too but with their wallets and not so much their mouths.
Irregardless of what you do you need a fortress of fuck you. Buy a cheap used jap shitbox of a car that will never break down. If you dont have one and need it. Get an emergency fund. 1 years pay for the avg person is 36k post tax its a good start have it in a decent local credit union fuck the big 4 banks they'll eventually eat you in fees. So now you're out say 45k should be more like 40k. Why? Fuck you thats why.
You want risk or safe? If you want a million by age 21 crypto is it read up everything its your job, now get paid time to fuck or be fucked. Better lube up boy just in case. The good news is everything you need to know is on youtube and the net. Crypto is one of the many heads of the Decentralization trend that will begin to take full control in the coming decades. Access to education materials on anything and everything is another one.
Full disclosure I will be goin balls deep in crypto after paying off the credit cards I used to buy Crypto these last 2 months and getting my fortress of fuck you set up but I already have a car.
Ill be in approx for this %
20% ETH
5% LTC
10% Pump and dump shitcoins
If you want little risk you can buy a multi family homes ONLY no single family homes. Pay cash outright in the Midwest and get 3k a month passive income (Which is 36k about 30 after taxes) off that 150k provided you buy in the right state.
Taxes will eat you alive if you're not careful but its easy money that'll net you 50k passive income by thirty if you plow it all back in and dont take any of the profits.
Keep plowing it in until 35 or 40 and you shouldnt have to work anymore and will be pulling in 100k inflation adj.
Rent to white people or asians if you do. Realtors base prop values on how many of those are moving into or out of that particular area. Its rascist money doesnt care Neither does your repair bill.
You are your only friend in this, even the people you pay only want to bleed you dry. You're young dumb and have money you haven't suffered blood to get. Its easy picking for sharks you will be fucked, you are not special, none of us were trust me it sucks learn from it and tell your friends if they're the type to learn too.
Getting fucked is the fastest way to learn for smart people. Learn from your success too and youre set for life and will have as many ladyboys as you can handle.
With 250k you can actually pump and dump small coins. Do that.
25k in ethereum
25k in filecoin (1 more day for the ico)
200k in vanguard 2050 target fund
how much dividends can you get off of 250k that makes it livable in a first world country?
>planning to live until 2050
>200k in vanguard
shitty bait
What's wrong with vanguard? asking for a friend
nothing per se, that's just way too much of his inheritance to be putting into it. he'd be insane not to put at least half into crypto, especially since he doesn't have an expensive lifestyle to maintain
Be me - establish a Betterment account
Enable TLH+ (Tax Loss Harvesting)
Safety Net (60/40 Stocks/Bonds) ~10k
Roth IRA - Max out ~5500
Build Wealth (90/10) - 200k
House Fund (~45/55) - 34,500 (For future down payment)
Work as you normally do and invest into Roth IRA every year as you are able to. You'll come out ahead filthy RICH.
I wouldn't put most of my money in index funds. Not now seeing how popular they're becoming and how they're touted as a low risk investment by people who can barely into money.
Its a bubble waiting to happen, screencap this post.
Crypto is the perfect tradeable asset for autists.
Buy 13 million DGB
I think since your 19 you should just lock it away somewhere safe. Maybe take out 25k and get a decent car or something and only uses it if you are in a emergancy or when you think the time is right. You're only 19 you still have alot ahead of you so dont blow it all up before 25 or 30
All in on Monero
Buy the bean
You start a business (or several)
You invest in real estate
Swap out the cash for $250k in pennies, then take the pennies to get scrapped for the zinc content. You'll triple your money save the part on how you're gonna transport 25,000,000 pennies.