>Spiritual Pain > Physical Pain
I have come to the conclusion that spiritual pain is the objectively worse kind of pain. As theists, we know that we are helpless to physical pain and that Nature or God himself is in complete control of how much we will bear, and we have to trust in him to only give us what we can handle. Spiritual pain however, is completely in our free will to change but if someone reaches a breaking point to unbearable trauma but for whatever reason doesn't allow themselves to recover from it, physical pain actually becomes a luxury to distract from their psychological or spiritual state, hence suicides, drug abuse, bodily torture to themselves etc. Physical pain is measured by God whereas spiritual pain can become disproportional and continually overwhelming and unbearable due to our free will condition.
Theological Discussion: Pain Edition
> spiritual
> objectively
Your arguement loses all weight right there
this is for theists you goof, there is objectivity in the spiritual realm as well
come on surely one person on this board can egange convo
You'll feel more pain if you spread this trinatic drivel. Everything besides judaism is blasphemy and the treatment of humans during these religions' inceptions if proof
how the fuck are you still waiting for your messiah, your religion is goof tier, you couldn't even see God if he was literally standing in front of you, moron.
go back to whichever hole you came from PLEASE
he already returned. all you have to do is pray to see him. The trinity is literally a a polygamous gay marraige so enjoy worhsipping your faggot of a God who can't even make the case for the existence of free will
>he already returned. all you have to do is pray to see him.
this is why judaism is cuckoldry, who the fuck already came? jews were basically looking for a Mohammed to overtake the empire, then you killed God when he actually showed up, stfu about theology, you lack all sense and sophistication, its a waste of breath to talk to you.
were cucks because our God is real? I think you're projecting bro I never used the word came, but the God has many names such as Elohim and Yeshuva and Yahweh et al. Our God and people did prefer Mohammedians to the Byzantines because they were retarded christians which all real Romans despised. Just look at what happend, the place gets into one war with Atilla the hun and everyone became a slave, even the emperors were slaves under the byzantine empire, save those who God protected liek the Jews and Egyptians who held a large amount of autnomy. Jesus Christ was never God and was just another local god who saved his people and doomed everyone else to eternal hellfire for no reason other than not sucking on his murderous demagogic cock when he literally started a revolt for his blasphemy. Even now, the christians start promoting gay marraige, abortion, female ministers, islamic tolerance and other things in borth Roman CAtholic and Protestant denominatinos. While the Jewish people ensure the survival of the Superpower the USA and Israel literally colonizes and conquers muslims lands
Your faggy christian LARP thread has been BTFO fuck off to reddit
>oh my fuck
>Judaism getting btfo caused the birth of autism
I'm not even ribbing in the slightest, what you wrote is now in the forefront of my mind as one of the most degenerate, licentious statements I have ever heard. There's a reason Christianity took over the world starting only with peasants and barely drawing any blood. You Jews fucked up spiritually so now you want to infect the world fiscally and morally through property and finance while secretly injecting your anti christian agenda, you indignant, vengeful hypocrites. Christianity and The Catholic Church will always be the bride of Christ and the crowned jewel of this earth, sitting in Rome, upon the empire that once enslaved them. Fuck you and your deceitful, ignorant spewing, your artifice is no match for Yeshua. Shalom, fucker.
Stfu u worthless faggot. Aimless parasite that feeds on meaninglessness, don't corrupt anyone else with your stupidity. No one wants your disease. This thread is for THEISTS. Moron.
ITT: kikes BTFO
your filthy LARP threads continue to plague this board as you post some whore's face coverd in cum who looks like she got beaten with a strobe light is pure degenracy. You claim that jews are spreading degenracy when you will never find one who actually goes out like a demagogic christian in their holier-than-thou retardation. You throw all of your faith's retarded ideas amoung them worshipping saints and blaming Jews for being bankers and being rich. Just more proof that christian filth are just christian dogs who bark and bark, but when push comes to shove they get put down like all the filthy German Nazis were. As for a more christian group of idiots the catholic church let all of you filthy christians get enslaved as it was the state religion and religion of most of the later emperors who then le the base devolve in fuedalism and idiocy as none of your filth were willing to fight in any wars in the west. Eventually it was balkanized and turned into Germans ruling over it because your peopel are cursed and your god is weak. In the east which lasted longer the whole palce went back to following murderous idiots in the eastern orthodox tradition of marching to your doom just liek stalin in the future and agamemmnon in the past. It is much harder to be pious than it is to be a chrsitian dog because things are actually required of you other than getting baptized which was only ever meant for women who didn't have dicks, but now men should have it done too because your faith is weak. It's no wonder that in any holy war made by christians they are without God in any capacity as seen by the degredation of their society like the Spanish who actually conuqered something and swiftly fell into bankruptcy and successful revolts.
>LARPs as someone who is asleep
does this mean im in your dreams user?
If I may ask, what does your posts have to do with the discussion of spiritual pain?
Don't you EVER disrespect the Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. She is the Ark of the Covenant and Jesus' proffered route to him. For her sake, I will act civilized. She is the lady of sorrows, a sword pierced her immaculate heart. A pain like no other, to see her innocent boy, the light of the world deteriorate in the hands of men. But this was all planned of course. Becuase even in his weakness, he is powerful. Even in his "foolishness", he fools the wisest of men. All that AIDS you just gushed out is slander of human history and Gods craft Work. We are the artists that taint his masterpieces. If you have a problem with men, aim your anger at us. God is the consummate practitioner. He does not found mistakes. St. Petersburg to St Francis, all bishops of Rome, leaders in God's kingdom. The new thing is a meme but partly true. You work against the truth by spreading lies. And what's the greatest threat to the disease that it Marxism? CHRISTIANITY. IF THERE WAS NO CATHOLIC CHURCH, THERE IS NO WESTERN CIVILIZATION YOU UNGRATEFUL TWAT. YOU CAME TO THIS THREAD NO ONE CAME TO YOU. LEAVE IF YOU ARE NOT MENTALLY STABLE ENOUGH TO SPECTATE. GOD BLESS I LOVE YOU.
This whole board has gone retarded, all they do is circle here over race and nationalism. It's humiliating. They're going to be the first to go extinct. Trust.
Mary is a WHORE who comitted adultery and got had Jesus' filthy uncut cock slide past her vagina. Your God's actions was literally laying waste to random cities for no reason and got murdered into oblivion which is why by anyone's account the christian churches are seen in a garbage light even to itself because they all become backstabbing grave robbing pieces of garbage like that pope that murdered children and that pope that put a dead man on trial. Odd you said that christian dogs are opposed to marxism when your filthy pope has already said that there should be open borders and other cultural marxist garbage. IT was the western tradition which descends from Troy and pre-constantine Rome that defeats things, and the chrsitian churches had to be weakend before anyone could actually become powerful on the world stage.
>and Jesus' proffered route to him.
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
- 1 Timothy 2:5 KJV
Op, I really enjoyed your post and I like the topic. I have no relevant input, it's something I wish I could learn about. Like how to lessen spiritual pain?
I just wanted to point out how terrible it was for these goobers to come ruin a thread for no reason other than their ego.
just follow the great christian tradition of getting enslaved and executed by your lord and all your troubles will be over
No Catholic Church, no western civilization. I'm tremendously saddened by your inability to accurately assess history and all of it's indications and evidence. You also have a tumorous problem when it comes to interpreting information. Whatever sadness you have in your life will not cease through the spreading of filth and falsehoods. Seek Jesus or forever refrain from peace. God Bless, I love you.
Also, never talk about your mother like that ever again. Regret it now or later. Peace.
read the whole thing before you speak again, you mindless melonhead
A martyr joke. Didn't expect this.
Good point. But claiming they will go "extinct" is quite an overstatement.
OP here, to lessen spiritual pain, lean in closer to the Lord in prayer. My personal opinion is that the rosary is the best prayer known to the earth and that there is no faster route to Jesus than through his mothers immaculate heart. The queen of heaven and earth will console you like she consoled her martyred son. Also, TALK to God, don't just recite lines monotonously all the time. It takes time but eventually you will find the rhythm.
its true, they will go extinct in time, those types of thinkers are antithesis to society, theres no need for degeneracy anymore, its inefficient and undesirable, they will either disappear through humiliation or blood.
You cannot really approach pain from a theological (actually, the doctrinal locus would more appropriately be anthropology, not theology proper) standpoint without taking into account the reality of sin. It is by the loss of original righteousness that death and pain (pœnas corporis) have been transferred to all mankind. So physical pain is ultimately related to a spiritual problem. Moreover, the inheritance of man is spiritual death (peccatum,quod est mors animæ). A person that is dead has no free will, and can do nothing, by willing to one or to the other, to influence spiritual pain, as he is in a condition of actual spiritual death.
Now, you may argue that the question regards only the regenerated will, as that which has been vivified through baptism or some other spiritual operation. But then the question of free will is left out of consideration for the unregenerate.
your children grow up as slaves for hudnreds of years too
really? because the roman catholic church oversaw the degrdation of the Roman Empire from a mighty, pious force; to a rump state whose territrries were ruled over by germanic barabrians that ensalved all theo ther chrsitians. Is this western civilziation that wouldn't exist without the RCC? The serfdom of European christians?
>Physical pain is measured by God whereas spiritual pain can become disproportional and continually overwhelming and unbearable due to our free will condition.
I guess you are not really acquainted with the concept of torture. Protip: you never get used to it.
Write clearly and distill to a vivid point. The point of language is to communicate, not obscure. Were on Veeky Forums and most of us laymans. What denomination are you? and yes The root of spiritual pain is sin of course but most humans asess that the biggest threat is that of the body when it cleary says in the bible "Fear not the one who can destroy the body but the one who can destroy the body and the spirit." We as humans always fear our tangible demise but I'm realizing more and more that it is the spirit that bears life and senses all of life. The spirit reflects our ACTUAL state of health as oppose to the body which is subservient. This all can only be understood under the context of God's law and design.
>The point of language is to communicate, not obscure.
That's what I'd like to tell you. Be more clear. Words have meaning.
Also, your gnostic dualism is showing.
what denomination are you?
I'm not a LARPer. We're here to discuss theology, not play act.
I wanted to get religion but I just can't
>wow this world is awful, full of pain misery etc...
>What would be great is if there was some guy who set all of this into motion who is infinitely powerful and can do whatever he wants to me and everyone else
Now personally I found that notion terrifying enough. And then I read the bible and I felt I could trust in God. Namely to do one thing, and that is totally kick my ass forever. And then I went on a systematic fedora tipping expedition but that's neither here nor there. I just don't understand how religion claims to resolve existential fears and anxieties because I can think of few things more hopeless than abrahamic theodicy and eschatology.
The are numerous cases in the bible including the lives of saints where pain tolerance is overlemd by the power of their spirit (faith). We as theists know God only gives you what you can bear. There are plenty of examples to prove this theory. The three men thrown into the fiery furnace and left unarmed, Daniel and the lions, etc. Some saints were even caught laughing or taunting during their torture or death, but usually it was an unwavering solemn spirit.
Why won't you answer a simple question?
Do you understand the identity of God yet? or do you need a starting point?
the Bible is not a starting point? I'm not sure I understand what you mean
Because I'm not playing that game. I don't have a denomination, and I'm fairly conversant in most forms of Western theology. Except Adventism, Mormonism, and some of the liberalizing or postmodern theologies (liberation theology, post-Barthian neo-orthodoxy, Tillich, Matthew Fox).
you need a starting point as in terms of valid coherent understanding of the current understand of theology, like a solid base, you need to start a book or find a mentor who can properly guide you on journey of learning and interpreting correctly
hes amazing and comfy im sure you will like him to start, God Bless
You'll usually find that the problem is that monotheism and its insistence on the sovereignty of God wrests any attempt at having the ultimate influence on creation and history away from man.
But, if you concede the presupposition of monotheism, then really Abrahamic theology is fairly scientific. It's a legit attempt to account for everything we see in the world and in history, regardless of whether that makes us feel good or special.
There are legit comforts there for certain types of people, but I'm not at all surprised at people's revulsion for it. All I really ask is that they attempt to actually understand the faiths they're describing, rather than just pulling a Bill Maher and going "lol religion".
I knew it. Why do you call heresy when you clearly missed the point of my post, this is an open discussion, i never declared anything anything as absolute and i most certainly did not go against doctrine, instead of cherry picking you should full dive into one, this seems recreational fro you
I never called heresy. I merely challenged your statement and offered you another angle from which to develop or defend your idea.
Then you sperged out and went "hurr wut denom are you so we can have the same tired LARPing session that's not on-topic."
I didn't even comment on the existence of God though.
that was not my intention, first of all, you assumed my position which was incorrect, second your language was unclear and at least to me lacked a point, calling it gnostic dualism by nature is a heresy if its not in line with doctrine
ok then move on to the next step, he has numerous videos covering different topics, another geat place to discuss catholicism with people in depth is r/catholicism over at R-e-d-d-i-t, yes that site is a shithole, but those people are truly lovely and will bear any of your inquires
no I personally do not believe in this God anymore but I didn't want to start an argument over that. I just wanted to say I did jump in with both feet an open heart and an open mind but ultimately I just ended up in a state of constant turmoil because I realized most of everyone who ever lived never even heard of Jesus and then I figured whats so special about me that I shouldn't go to hell right along with them (especially being a degenerate and all)? And this led to constant panic attacks which I ultimately decided to allay with a steady stream of skeptical media. I honestly have my doubts that I will return to the fold so to speak, I just don't know how my experience is not more common.
>this God
theres only one God, omnipotent, omniscent, omnipresent. God loves you so much its inexplicable. He loved us so much that he came to us even though it would get him tortured and killed. If you want to know the nature of God, look at how he reacted to those who were murdering him. He forgave them and even gave others hope. He is not envious or vengeful like us. He is PERFECT love. God's will is only for the spread of love and mercy in a righteous way. God is not cruel. If you could at least try this for a week, to say prayers everday and be candid and gracious with God, and ask him if he could please increase your faith and give you a sign in some way. But do it authentically. There's nothing to lose but everything to gain if it becomes fruitful right?
I usually wouldn't reccomend NDE's because some of them are false and you should always test the spirits but check this Interview out if you have the time. I find it genuine.
I don't believe in this, the one and only God, anymore. Is that better? :^)
its the truth bud, there can only be one :)
>As theists, we know that we are helpless to physical pain
Yeah if you're a pussy.
I will not jump into this shitfest of a thread.
But it's clear that Jesus not only chose to take the spiritual pain of the world onto himself, but that it was obviously worse than any of the physical pain he also chose to take upon himself. By perhaps infinite orders of magnitude.
meaning we can't control pain idiot
I also noticed this may be the truth when God crowned the virgin Mary as queen of heaven and earth.