ITT: Things that brainlets say
>Germany had no chance at winning WW2
ITT: Things that brainlets say
>Germany had no chance at winning WW2
>The conquistadors were the bad guys and not the good guys
Soviets were the good guys because they fought Hitler.
They did lack a realistic view of their military situation (no sane military commander would invade Russia during the winter while simultaneously being at war with nearly half the world). They also lacked long term planning regarding resources, as Britain still controlled most of the resource either directly (through colonies) or through their dominance in trade.
They also had very incompetent allies (Italy, Hungary) or unreliable allies (Japan was uninterested in the European theater)
>The Industrial Revolution was beneficial to mankind
>Could 1941 Germany beat 1914 Soviet Unions?
> June 22 is winter
because increased standards of living and decreased mortality rates are totally irrelevant to the well-being of mankind, r-right?
It might be
>Thinking you can invade Russia in June and be finished before autumn ends
>Russia during the winter
Stop reading there. Read actual history and not only memes, faggot.
They invaded june 22th. One of the reasons they invaded was because it was part of their long term planning for resources. You dont sound very smart wiht that post.
>Not thinking that Autunn is followed by Summer.
Stalin was already preparing to attack Germany on his generals recommendations, he thought Hitler wouldn't dare attack him while he's not finished with the britbongs, Stalin calculated that Hitler would attack in mid 1943, So he thought he had plenty of time to prepare for his attack
>Germany could have beat the USSR if the had waited a year/they had not done x/they had made peace with briton
At times like this I feel like Veeky Forums has more naziboos and Hitlerfags than the entirety of /pol/.
Is there any reason for this?
>Eastern Europe was liberated by the Soviets
>The Spanish inquisition was the unjustified persecution by powerful white Christians of helpless minorities.
WWII is an interesting historical period. Of course people interested in history would be intrigued by that. Doesn't make them Nazi sympathisers.
On the other hand faggots who claim Stalin and Russia were some good guys who saved the world are the true delusional faggots.
>On the other hand faggots who claim Stalin and Russia were some good guys who saved the world are the true delusional faggots
I don't think there are more naziboos here. I think that there's a shitload of leftover WW2 propaganda and misconceptions that persist that Veeky Forums posters have an issue with. It's like a thousand 'we only use 10% of our brain' memes but with history.
Just mentioning that Germany ever did anything right or soviets or allies were hypocrites on some points or whatever doesn't make you a Nazi or Imperial Japanese sympathizer.
Fuck, when I was a kid my teachers had us all stand up and ask only the kids without blonde hair and blue eyes to sit down and said the rest would have been killed by Hitler.
>the american revolutionaries fought for freedom
To be fair not many people expected to Soviets to last long, it wasn't just the Germans
>Stalin was already preparing to attack Germany on his generals recommendations, he thought Hitler wouldn't dare attack him while he's not finished with the britbongs, Stalin calculated that Hitler would attack in mid 1943, So he thought he had plenty of time to prepare for his attack
There is literally no evidence for this.
mfw i unironically got told they turned jews into soap and lamp shades
>The Nazis were socialists because it was in their name
So you don't have any evidence. Thanks for proving my point.
Compared to deforestation, endangerment of different species, overpopulation and global warming caused by pollution, yes it is irrelevant.
Zhukov said in his memoirs about it, but you can't go inside Stalin head and be sure that he intended to attack, but he seriously considered the idea because a confrontation was a matter of a time anyway
>Image in OP
I remember a previous thread with that pic in OP, boy was that a fun thread
>Historians do not have the original documents that could verify the existence of such a plan, or whether Stalin accepted it.
So do you actually have anything more than hearsay or are you just speculating?
again, Zukhov said in his memoirs that he told Stalin in May 1941 about an attack plan, since the Nazis were amassing their troops on the soviet borders
Here's what one historian mentioned in the Wikipedia article (Gor'kov) has to say about the May 1941 plans
>After examining the May 1941 plan, some authors have concluded that “the Red Army was preparing for an offensive.” However, the overall strategic idea of this plan was not aggressive in character. The plan, after all, called for mounting a defense along 90 percent of the entire front for the span of almost one month, and only later, depending on the circumstances, for the launching of offensive combat actions. Consequently, the intent of
the war plan did not reflect a doctrine of offense but rather an umbrella doctrine. In line with an umbrella doctrine, covering forces would be assigned the task of providing solid defensive cover to safeguard the deployment of our troops, while determining the strength of the enemy’s attacking forces and the axes of the main and other strikes in order to refine the objectives of our own main forces.
>All this indicates that the Soviet Union was not preparing to act aggressively against Germany in 1941. Confirmation of this, again, may be found in the lack of a decision on the part of the Soviet political leadership and government for beginning a war, in accordance with which the Soviet Union would have been the first to undertake preparations for war and the first to mobilize, concentrate, and deploy its troops in the most advantageous sectors. Stalin could not bring himself to make this decision, even in the first few hours after Germany launched its attack against the Soviet Union. To this day, no documents have been found that would confirm that such a political decision was made. References to a directive that was adopted at a session of the Main Military Council on 14 May 1941 (concerning a revision of the orientation of military propaganda in the Red Army), cited as evidence that military doctrine had been reoriented toward the offensive, are unconvincing. It indicates rather the extent of the tardiness of the measures that were undertaken, compared with the degree of readiness of the German army. The Main Directorate of Political Propaganda of the Red Army did not draft its directive until around 20 June 1941. Its final editing was assigned to People’s Commissar of Defense S.K. Timoshenko, Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) G.M. Malenkov, and Chief of the Main Directorate of Political Propaganda A.I. Zaporozhets. It is not likely that they had time to finish their task before the war started.
I had a PDF saved for this occassion regards to USSR attacking, I'd say this addresses the situation nicely:
>incompetent allies
WW2 Hungarian army was actually quite competent, especially compared to how limited its resources were. When properly led, the Italian army could also be a formidable opponent. Emphasis on properly led.
>Italians? Good soldiers, poor officers. But remember, without them we wouldn't have civilization.
>Germany caused WWI
>complaining about industrial revolution on imageboard made possible by industrial revolution
>tfw remember it
My month-long thread was better
>out resourced
>just as many good generals on the allies as there were in the Axis
>Allies hate them with a passion would rarely question "why are we fighting this war?" because they know the Axis will take them over if they didn't (and unlike other wars this case was actually true for at least Russia and Britain).
They literally had nothing on the allies.
I will genuinely pay that drawfag at least $300 if he does another two or three of those pics. Even more if he asks for it.
I'll post screencaps of my paypal account to show I've seriously got the cash on hand.
socialism != communism
Stalin was probably toying with the idea of attacking Germany, but in 1941 no such plan was set in motion, which is painfully obvious given how Soviets fought at the onset of war. Most indicative thing are their catastrophic logistics. An army intending to invade wouldn't go far with such preconditions. Thus German strike being preemptive is a rubbish theory.
To expand on OP, Germany had no realistic chance of winning, especially after 1941. They underestimated Soviet capacity for war by a huge margin and they hinged all on a quick blow, kinda like what happened in France.
Even if they didn't underestimate Soviets so much, USSR was no France and quick victory was a difficult proposition, mainly due to huge distances involved and logistical issues.
I don't know the explanation but I agree. Seems to have gotten worse of late. Also I feel like 90% of the questions asked are literally high-school-history-tier stupid questions.
>t.dirty west slav
>that pic
you've been brainwashed by ruskie propaganda
>Stalin cucked his own army by asking stavka to stand them down from any German aggression,basically allowing Germany to steamroll formations in the border
>Tried unsuccessfuly in wooing the axis power to let them join
>Stated that the Red Army would not be modernized until 1943
no,he wasn't planning to attack Germany,or atleast he wasn't planning to attack until 1943 where the Red Army was competent enough
You forgot Finland
who were very competent but reluctant to push past their stated objectives
>being this brainwashed
WW2 is babbys first history period.
>Things brainlet says
>no taxation without representation
>an undeveloped, crypto feudal shithole
>improving developed, industrialized nations
Yeah right.
>ITT: Things that brainlets say
>Germany had no chance at winning WW2
Who cares about a different kind of fish who went extinct?
And global warming would have happened anyway, we just made it faster
The weak should fear the strong
Besides it has made possible we some day go out of this planet with limited life span
>Plans offensive
US had plans to invade Canada, it does not mean it would have happened
My god
With URSS Hitler actually might have won
Not an argument. Bolshevik we're planning to attack and destroy German culture
>destroy German culture
going to have to stop you right here kiddo.
>culture worth saving.
pick one.
>correlation does not imply causation
>Germany had a chance of winning ww2
But it does not, user. What do you mean?
>Persia had no reason to invade the Greek City States
hence why east germans speak russian and worship marx in modern day
Japan was bogged down in china, on top of the fact that were the other side of the world with no easy way of sending support.
If Hitler didn't have autism we would be living in a 1984 dystopia right now.
>in b4 alt-right coddled millenial baby "but this is already a dystopia there are niggers in my videogames hurrrrrrrr"
yeah cold weather only effects germans and not russians you fucking retard
can you imagine how fucked Germany would be WITHOUT the russian winter? holy shit, imagine the absolute devastation they would have received in winter of 1941 if it had been particularly mild. Wehrmacht was litteraly holding a string of towns as 'strongpoints' hahah
>free holidays
>occupation was so terrible, we literally fought with the nazis against it
Dude Germany could have won the war easily if they did and didnt do certain things.
Bumping this thread to keep Turk BBC posts off page one
>the Indian Wars ended a century ago