Did all those people have to die because he was an angry manlet with a faggy voice?
Did all those people have to die because he was an angry manlet with a faggy voice?
Is this a yes?
>implying Stalin killed a single person
Liberal revisionists OUT
Bugs..... easy on the mass murder
You forgot the part about the daddy issues
no, because he was very respected not just feared, his subordinates would die for him, even before those who were about to be executed
i see that people here post about Stalin a lot
>How can famines be real if our food are not real?
Well, he's really the only normal leader of the Allied faction ironically enough.
>be Winston Churchill
>get drunk all the time and do wicked stunts like, "Attack the ""Underbelly"" of Germany"
>have a hardon for defending the oppressed even though the nation he leads is also an oppressor
>be FDR
>get crippled, suffer from polio
>let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour so you can get into the action of WW2 because you're a warmongerer and also want to be in the center of attention on the world stage
>tfw you're an egotistic fuck
>prolong your country with the Depression for many more years because of it
>be Stalin
>you're not a retarded drunk or an egotistic cripple
>literally save Yurop by blood and steel
>tfw cowardly liberal faggots UK and USA couldn't have won without you
>you're still villainized to this day by the Anglosphere for killing lots of your own people even though you saved everyone else
rly makes me think
>you're still villainized to this day by the Anglosphere for killing lots of your own people even though you saved everyone else
>you saved everyone else
This wasn't his intended plan ,you know?
Hitler's voice was deeper.
Notice the 25-year gap in the 2 soviet censuses? There was a 1937 census that kept getting pushed back before being censored, mostly because the population growth was far lower than what they had predicted, mostly due to the famine and the Holodomor.
Someone explain this wording to me.
>the following numbers do not include Finland, Poland or the Baltic states as they were not subjects of the USSR during Stalin's reign
>however, some, or all three are included in gross population figures for the Russian empire or the USSR following world war 2
Communist garbage statistics or am I missing something?
1905 -+Baltics, Finland, Poland
1926 -+ none
1951 -+ Baltics
You forgot parts of Romania and Czechoslovakia.
>1951 -+ Baltics
Did the USSR return eastern Poland, Bessarabia, Zakarpathia and Karelia plus other areas taken to their pre-war owners or is there another reason that you're only mentioning the Baltics in 1951?
>the Soviet Union invaded the eastern regions of the Second Polish Republic, which Poles referred to as the "Kresy", and annexed territories totaling 201,015 square kilometres (77,612 sq mi) with a population of 13,299,000 inhabitants including Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Czechs and others.
>According to the Romanian Census, 1930, Bessarabia had a total of 2,8 million inhabitants
>Data of the Romanian census 1939 was not completely processed before the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia. Estimates of the total population at 3.2 million.
>Lithuania had a total population of over 2 million in 1925 (likely higher in 1939)
>Latvia had a total population of 1,9 million in 1935
>Estonia had a total population of 1,1 million in 1934
>Zakarpathia had a total population of 725 thousand in 1930
>Karelia had a population of roughly 500 thousand in 1939
Plus I'm likely missing some smaller regions like those in the north of Finland and Kaliningrad.
Quickly eye balling those numbers give you between 22 and 23 million people. Give or take.
From 1926 to 1951 the population grew by 25.6 million people. In 25 years the population grew by 25.6 million people despite annexing land that housed more than 20 million people.
From 1905 to 1925 the population grew by 36.3 million people. In 20 years the population grew by 36.3 million people despite not annexing lands, but losing large portions of it instead.
I don't see how the 23 million can make up for the 60 million Stalin allegedly killed.
was empty.
The 60 million people include those who died in world war 2.
>I don't see how the 23 million can make up for the 60 million Stalin allegedly killed.
Population growth. Even a 1% yearly growth, compounded, means that from 1926 to 1951 there should be 181 million people in the USSR, that's without annexing any lands or populations. If you take in account the 22-23 or so million people that became part of the USSR and calculate another 1% growth in 12 years (1939-1951) that's another 25 million people.
So the population of the USSR, assuming only 1% yearly growth, and excluding world war 2, should have a population of over 205 million people. World war 2 cost the USSR some 20 million dead, civilians including, which would bring the number down by some 24 million if you exclude the fact the people who died could not contribute to the 1% growth.
This means that the USSR would have a population of at least 185 million in 1951 if you assume a 1% growth. I feel confident stating that the population growth was higher than 1% seeing how the population gew by 35.3 million people in only 20 years from 1905 and 1925 despite world war 1, the civil war and the various wars in eastern Europe predating the 1925 census as well as lost territories after world war 1 that housed at least another 20 million people.
Note: I'm not a mathematician and I'm eyeballing and approximating the numbers.
TL;DR even by conservative estimate you have literally millions of people missing from the population in 1951
I'm not that guy but it seems like you completely ignored population transfers after the war, or much lower fertility rate during famine or war.
Here's a more detailed chart the sags before and after the war must be due to famine, killing 7 and 1 million respectively. There's no 60 million gap in any place of the chart. and the slant of the chart isn't much different from before and after Stalin's rule. Also, the official ww2 losses are 27M, plus growth.
>or much lower fertility rate during famine or war.
And yet we see the population increase by 35.3 million people from 1905 to 1926, a period that included world war 1, the revolution and civil war and the wars in eastern Europe fought by the USSR in the 1920's not to mention the loss of territory along with its population after world war 1. That's a 32% increase in 20 years DESPITE losing populated territories such as much of Poland, Finland, parts of Ukraine, etc.
If I do the same calculations with a 2% growth, you can just pretend every single person of the 22-23 million who lived on the territories annexed by the USSR disappear, as if never existed, and you'll still end up with a population deficit.
If the USSR had a population growth of 2% yearly it would mean that from 1926 to 1951 it should have a population of 243,885,924 million.
If the USSR had a population growth of 1.5% yearly, it would mean that from 1926 to 1951 it should have a population of 215,691,732 million.
That's not a detailed chart at all. What territories does it talk about? The USSR in 1926 and the USSR in 1951 are different thing all together. You can't just annex territories with 20+ million people and then pretend it's the same as the 1926 USSR.
That's what the 1940-41 peak must stand for.
According to Wikipedia the only census made in Imperial Russia was from 1897 and excluding Finland the total population of the Russian Empire was recorded to be 125,640,021 people.
The 112,280,900 is already a number that excludes territories lost after WW1.
Shit, they actually lost 70 million because of the 90s capitalism.
Either way, the lack of population growth clearly illustrates something was going on during stalin's reign. Just because the population kept expanding does not mean millions of people were not killed.
The same way Africas population is exploding despite the fact there are constant famines, wars and droughts present.
Okay, does that mean the 1951 population statistics also exclude territories annexed by the USSR? Because after a quick wiki it states that the population of the USSR was 182 million in 1951, which only a difference of 6 million thus raises some doubts as the territories annexed by the USSR had at least three times that number even according to your chart. Wiki also states that the Russian SFSR had a population of 137.7 million people in 1920. Which means that between 1920 and 1926 the population increased by another 11 million despite another 4-9 million dead in the civil war (still ongoing in 1920).
Either way, that still means that the population grew by 32% between 1905 and 1926 or roughly 1.4% population growth per year, this is despite world war 1, civil wars, and other wars, so the actual population growth was larger. 36.3 million + another 8-10 million (low ball) who died in the above mentioned wars which bring us to a more realistic 1.8% yearly pop growth.
From 1926 until 1951, assuming 1.8% population growth of 148 million continued, the USSR (the part we're talking about) should have a population of 216 million people minus the war dead of, let's say 25 million (I claimed 20 previously, you claimed 27 million, it goes down to the sources you prefer) and deduct their pop growth for the 10 years between 1941-1951 (even though they didn't all die in 1941) you're looking at minus 29 million people in 1951.
That's 187 million people while the census numbers for 1951 are 174 million people.
Finally, the sources and claims are messed up beyond belief and the wording is retarded.
That wasn't true capitalism
Yeah man, after the communists ran the country into the ground over the course of 70 years they simply lift up their arms and proclaim any consequences followed as the fault of capitalism. Equivalent of downing 7 shots of vodka in quick succession and eating a pizza whereupon you find yourself drunk beyond belief and conclude that it was the pizza that got you drunk, not the 7 decades of communism.
Besides, wasn't the USSR not communist or socialist to begin with? Even funnier is the fact that the trend is reversing and the fact that only after 30 years of capitalism the life expectancy in Russia is already higher than it ever was under communism and that the fertility is increasing every year. And all this despite the fact Russia never became "western".
No, his wiafu died, therefore God does not exist and if you say he does you must be purged. What strikes me as odd about Stalin was just how emotionally-driven he was for a man with an IQ 40 points higher than current-day politicians. Imagine how much he would have been able to accomplish if he was rationalistic.
>Own people
It might come to surprise you, but Stalin was actually Georgian.
>Yeah man, after the communists ran the country into the ground over the course of 70 years they simply lift up their arms and proclaim any consequences followed as the fault of capitalism. Equivalent of downing 7 shots of vodka in quick succession and eating a pizza whereupon you find yourself drunk beyond belief and conclude that it was the pizza that got you drunk, not the 7 decades of communism.
a more apt analogy would be that you have been consuming substance X for 70 years and do reasonably well then consume substance Y and immediately get poisoned.
I wonder which substance poisoned you?
pls explain how creating a space program, increasing literacy, industrialization and raising life expectancy is
>running it into the ground
Not an argument. Better dead than red
Yes, what point are you making? Do you think Georgia was spared?
>a more apt analogy would be that you have been consuming substance X for 70 years and do reasonably well
If by "reasonably well" you mean decomposing from the said substance.
>pls explain how creating a space program, increasing literacy, industrialization and raising life expectancy is
By raising "life expectancy" you mean have a life expectancy lower than practically any other European country? You mean the male life expectancy that was 62 years in 1959 and 63 years in 1990? Life expectancy in Russia today is 66 years. Industrialization? Look at Japan from the Meiji restoration onward, they didn't have ghulags with millions of people imprisoned and large scale social experiments going on, not to mention the purges and large scale executions. The industrialization that could only function in a closed economy without competition and which practically went extinct when it had to compete with western markets?
>Muh space program
Literally the only thing of value and even that in spite of communism and not because of it. Such shitholes like India and China, and even some african states, are also sending shit in space, doesn't mean much when half of your population is dirt poor.
>Look at Japan from the Meiji restoration onward, they didn't have ghulags with millions of people imprisoned and large scale social experiments going on, not to mention the purges and large scale executions
So are we ignoring interwar period and the second world war
Things that happened in Japan that turned them into an industrial power =/= things Japan did after becoming an industrial power on mainland Asia during world war 2 and the interwar years.
The meiji restoration happened in the 19th century and turned Japan from a backwater agrarian state (much more so than Russia) into an industrialized regional power with aircraft carriers and battleships in the span of one or two generations, especially when compared to literally any communist revolution.
>and was practically bloodless* especially when compared to literally any communist revolution.
>t. stefan mommyissues
Russia's life expectancy grew substantially under Soviet rule. According to Google it peaked at 68 years in the 80s, and declined by several years in the late 80s and 90s.
>According to Google
Only if you join up the male and female life expectancy, I was using male only. The highest it was was 69.96 years in 1987 compared to 67.65 years in 1959. The life expectancy in Russia in 2016 was 71.87 years.
from en.wikipedia.org
Made this as well.
>decomposing from the said substance
what from the tsarist era was decomposing in the USSR?
Yes. Angry manlets are one of the most powerful driving forces of history.