How has Islam conquered the entire world if it is not true?
How has Islam conquered the entire world if it is not true?
No nation besides Sweden ever voluntarily became islamic, it was always by sheer inhuman brutality and violence that the ideology was spread.
So you are saying Sweden proves that Islam is true?
Stop that shota shit and give me more hijab lolis
Just another daily reminder.
Fuck Pisslam! Fuck Mudslimes. You are all terrorists and you worship a pedophile. Fuck Muzzies.
Trump 2020!
Shout out my fellow Pedes!
really really like your posts my dude but can you please stick to the hijabis? These boys just don't tingle my senses
>entire world
Nah. Islam conquered its immediate neighbours through force because Muslims knew no one in their right mind would willingly accept such a shit ideology.
We're not islamic, stop believing memes
islam is a brutal shitty and violent war cult that tried to spread around the world. The only reason the world isnt muslim now is because of European action to stop their invasions. Fuck islam and fuck european countries spreading their ass cheeks for these barbarians
Because the validity of it's claims is independent of it's ability to spread
>it was always by sheer inhuman brutality and violence that the ideology was spread.
Not this maymay again, Islam spread primarily through trade, not military subjugation.
>we rape and pillage, that makes our religion true!
No, it makes you a barbarian savage
kill yourself you fucking moron. Learn some actual fucking history
Yeah shout out my fellow pedes from the_Donald!
Low energy cuck! Sad!
Islamists are literally being colonized, subjugated, made to fight their more extremist followers and replaced by Jews. If anything muslims are being made obsolete
Literally everything he said was fact.
Islam is easily the worst religion in the world, as violent as a tiny Christian cult but managed to become the second biggest.
Not American and I think Trump is autistic.
Islam is trash and, asides from Ahmadiyya, shouldn't exist outside of its containment countries.
What now?
What are you talking about? I agree with you fellow pede! We at the_Donald hate Pisslam. I'm not cucking for Islam my friend.
>Trump autistic.
Whoa, whoa there. Trump "autistic" not cool. Fellow pedes, tell this cuck off!
I agreed with you on Pisslam, no need to attack the messenger.
>How has Islam conquered the world
It hasn't. The reason there's so many followers is because they're told to marry inside their family. Inbreeding makes retarded animals. Retarded animals breed a lot hence why there's so many.
>The only reason the world isnt muslim now is because of Mongol's action to stop their invasions.
Euros didn't do shit except send a few murderhobos to get killed in the desert. Some even helped them try to take over Europe (looking at you France).
>they're told to marry inside their family.
No they are not
>Inbreeding makes retarded animals.
Jews are the most inbred ethnic group there is and they are arguably the most intelligent one
Wrong, retard.
>inbred ethnic group
Fuck you keine, why didnt you reply to
Are you some kind of alt-righter?
it... uh... it hasn't?
The fact that a lot of Muslims are inbred doesn't mean that Islam encourages inbreeding
The ironic part is, these people don't even care about the regions/people Islam spread to. There's no Muslim majority country in Europe, and discounting minority groups, only spread to the Middle East, North Africa, and what was Persia. How anyone can still be so salty 1.4k years after fact is impressive, in a pathetic kind of way.
>There's no Muslim majority country in Europe
Bosnia,Albania and Kosovo all have Muslim majorities
Fine, but still, no one cares about those places. Also those countries being majority Muslim has more to do with living under Ottoman influence rather than violent subjugation.
Are you saying there was no subjugation under Ottoman rule? Or pressure on Christians to convert to Islam in order to continue having all the benefits they had before? Still Bosnia muslims are absolutely bro tier.
Reminder that the biggest concentration of Muslims within any country is in Indonesia.
>Are you saying there was no subjugation under Ottoman rule?
We already know he's a complete and irredeemable retard, so I'd bet yes.
The caliphate sended professional IRL shitposters to post bait everywhere and so everybody became muslim
The Middle East, Northern Africa, and Southeast Asian backwaters are not "the entire world."
It actually does.
The simplest propaganda is the most vexing.
>Saudi arbia kills anyone who teaches another religion, espically if they do it in mecca, and will execute people for witchcraft if they catch them reading harry potter.