>none of my crypto gains will bring her back
None of my crypto gains will bring her back
you don't need her bro you have us
I beg to differ. Everyone has a price
Even death?
>implying he isn't talking about a passed away loved one
The price of life is death
Thank God for that, she'd just try to take it anyway user. You know this
>not using your vast gains to traverse the depths of hell
Shit man apply yourself. You can start by sacrificing a meme to appease Kek.
>you fucked up, got overconfident, she left you
>this follows you into every aspect of life
>tfw when i want to make it so i can brag to my family, friends and coworkers that i've become rich through a couple of smart investments.
why think about thots when you have money?
literally just live a good life and jack off/get a hooker.
seriously now, time heals everything op, specially if you got the dosh.
chances are, if you were rich you'd end up dumping her anyway for a new lifestyle.
as for me, I've already accepted I'll never be with the girl I love and this is probably for the best. now I can develop upon myself and the rest of my life.
Then that's probably a part of the problem, focusing on the target instead of your actions. You're thinking about bragging about being rich instead of thinking about how to actually become rich.
Some grills just leave an impact on you okay? I still think about her soft skin and day brightening smile every night before I fall asleep. I am feel.
But i have invested in Bitcoin. That means i will be rich soon. R-right?
Damn son just got this realization today too.
Worst thing is that she choose a friend of mine over me so I still have to see these people her sometimes
This is how super villains are born. Do you guys sometimes like to pretend like you're with her? Usually it happens when I'm half asleep.
I had consecutive dreams about her for one week.
I started to notice things randomly that connected to her.
I left her a message at 5am when I blacked out and she never responded.
It's been about 2.5 weeks and I feel emotionless, cold, empty. I realized that even from my crypto gains, this is a part of me that will never go away. Money won't solve this, But it's the only thing I know how to do.
So I'm not the only one? I didn't really care that much about money until she left me.
if you spent enough good time with someone to the point you miss them for what they were and little things like you mentioned, then just be grateful you got to spend those good times in the first place.
it's one thing to miss someone and as soon as you masturbate this goes away, and another entirely to miss their presence.
perhaps the best case scenario would be to never have lived those moments with them in the first place. but you did. so at least cherish them and remember it could've always ended way worse down the line for the both of you.
as kierkegaard says, hang yourself or don't hang yourself, you'll regret it either way.
uh eventually if you put down a lot but it's no guarantee, they say they're upgrading the btc framework to be fast as fuck to keep it up to date but everyone has some bullshit about being the fastest because of some innovation bullshit
imho it's unlikely BTC will go down but who knows, maybe another coin will supercede it in relevance but that's a pretty hard spot to take
you're safe (but poor for the time-being)
good luck
Come on OP, FFS
>She is in love with someone else
>this thread
i didn't know others knew these feels i feel. i'd give up my whole portfolio just to wake up next to her again. i'm such a little faggot but it's true.
The worst feel
>tfw crypto gains will never give me a Forward Maxilla, 0 upper eyelid exposure, Strong brow with positive canthal tilt, Hollow (high) cheeks, Compact midface, Prominent ramus, forward-grown orbital rims, or short philtrum
>imho it's unlikely BTC will go down but who knows, maybe another coin will supercede it in relevance but that's a pretty hard spot to take
>you're safe (but poor for the time-being)
>tfw have 5 BTC and nothing else.
Being alone wouldn't hurt so much if I was rich.
At least you have the Chad Paradigm helping your gains.
Tfw have 1.5 btc and a broken heart to my name
Yeah sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and as I'm falling asleep again it kind of feels like she just left bed and she will be back soon so I kinda re-position myself to make room for her and drift off to sleep. It makes me feel good in the moment but I know it's not healthy behavior. I feel ashamed to have these feelings and I feel sad right now.
It's hard user, I know.
You can do it bro, The future is bright just hold on you are going to make it.
basted turt
holy shit are you me? this is me. stop posting it's scaring me.
i do shit like this too user. sometimes deep down i know this is gay but i wish i was some sort of faggot or asexual so i wouldn't even feel feels for the vaginal jew. because i know she doesn't think the same or do the same things in regard to me. she probably doesn't think about me at all.
i just want to be rich to rub it in her face. i already have all the material posessions i ever wanted, i am a simple man. but i just want that spanish revenge
Yes they will
Call Yaremchuk
We're going to be fine
I have a dirty little secret...
> go to Haiti
> converse with locals and live in their village for months
> slowly gain their trust
> marry the chieftain's daughter
> my trust is now maxed out
> seek out in the village necromancer in secrecy on every other full moon
> engage in talks about bringing """"her"""" back
> we come to a mutual agreement on what has to be done
> the necromancer brings """"her"""" back
> I leave my beautiful Haitian wife behind and take """"her"""" back home with me
I hope one day to snowball my gains enough to afford a robot body and avoid brain death and then use my (for all intents and purposes) immortality to try to find a way either into the afterlife or find a way to pull those lost from this world back into it mostly because I really miss my mom.
I just miss spending time for her. I cope by buying more BTC.
Took me about a decade to get over someone I felt like this about but I did get over it eventually.
The funny thing is deep down inside I know she wont even care about riches cause she's moved on and happy.
>misses his dead mother
>believes in an afterlife
>wants to become immortal to see his mom again
user if you believe in an afterlife why become immortal when you'll see her when you die?
Because I'm selfish and cannot certainly know I won't go to purgatory for what I'll do.
>.03 btc
Loser in every aspect of life including crypto
>Women are more attracted to men with money
>Men with money have no need for gold diggr thots
>Men without money cannot attract nor pay for munge
why is the universe so cruel lads
Sorry about your mom m8. I hope crypto is making you wealthy enough to pursue your mad goals.
>only hodling so I can afford to visit her next spring
I miss my dad...
If you make 10 million dollars and post about it on facebook every girl you ever came in contact with you will offer themselves to you