Crypto is literally SAVING REFUGEES

while you meme and only care about selfish muh gainz, muh skyrocket, muh moon/mars/pluto ... crypto is actually changing lives and making the world a better place

this is not just about money but also about helping our neighbour:

>MIT Tech - In Finland, digital currency is helping refugees start participating in society faster

Other urls found in this thread:


Veeky Forums is a progressive board

Diversity is our strength.

No it's not. Fuck off.

Literally kill yourself.

wtf I hate crypto now.

Yes it is. Nationalism is bad for business.
Globalism, internationalism, open borders are good for business.

Only poorfags & wagecucks are nationalists

Thanks op, selling all my coins, fuck those savages.

You faggots want to tax all our gains and redistribute it to the 3rd world, which you invite to live among us, because you don't understand intelligence or evolution. Progressivism is the antithesis of Veeky Forums, you want us all equally bankrupt. I'm going to the moon and I'm taking the men of Veeky Forums with me.

True. Jews use nationalism to keep the wagies under control

Nah I'm not a socialist
I'm fiscally conservative
Just culturally/socially progressive

Shoo. We are the Jews now.

Yeah but you put your country first in every case. Only pretend to care about diversity, lgbt, open borders and other progressive shit for a better market share.

Veeky Forums is with Her.

>fiscally conservative
>culturally/socially progressive
So you're in your 20's, eh? Enjoy them lad, you'll realize the truth soon enough.

>Just culturally/socially progressive
im a faggot

Wtf I hate hate crypto now.

how do i buy a coin that makes things worse for them tho

Just convince them that they'll get rich day trading, I'll handle the rest.

Free crypto for rapists.

Crusades 2.0 when?

I'm proud of the good folks over at Veeky Forums working to help refugees in need.

>not a socialist
>fiscally conservative
>refugees welcome
So you're just a confused fool then? Refugees typically don't speak English, rarely enter the workforce, and are reliant on gibs. Inviting refugees is inviting socialist policies.

Thank you President.
We miss you.
We miss having a POTUS we can look and be proud of.
Unfortuantely we have a buffoon-in-chief now. A total clown.
We MISS you, Mr. Presidient.

No! Its not fucking changing lives.

Those refugees are fucking up our economy. We dont want those fuckers around here raping our children and eating our student benefits and all. All they are is asylumtourists looking for free social security.

I and we finns ALL fucking hate them! They will never ever integrate into our society.

-Proud army finn who doesnt like us being in EU (we should have our own currency back called Markka we have it 90s, and not those cuck politicians like Sipilä, Stubb... Niinistö is ok president he just doesnt do anything more than comp others.

>Refugees typically don't speak English, rarely enter the workforce, and are reliant on gibs.
[citation needed]

Speak for yourself nigger.

fucking eurofags ruining first world

How fucking dumb can you be?

There was also this tragedy called "Turun puukotukset" it means Turku's knifing. It shook the whole country. They have ISIS fuckers with them, they steal from local businesses, fight, riot for not getting proper MEALS, fucking our elders get home delivery like one potato and one beef, they have 10eggs per dude, all our politicians are so cuck. I swear if russian attacks us, I will not go to war defending this country anymore. Fuck refugees, we should all put minefields into our homeland. Cuck politicians dont do shit!


>please supply a citation that most people fleeing war zones in the middle east don't speak english
Do you need a citation for grass being green as well? This is obvious to all but the most retarded individuals. They are fleeing war zones in the Middle East most people in the middle east don't speak english(only upper class there tend to). As for jobs look at any European country wide open to refugees, you even have people like Merkel stating that they are unlikely to be employable in large numbers for several years and talking like its just a burden their citizens will have to pay for as its expected of them. Its sad how utterly ignorant you are of the ramifications of the policies you favor.

Wow so many intolerant people ITT.
Refugees/immigrants boost the economy, stupids.

Here is your citation fucking illiterate normie.

"For two years the Finnish Immigration Service has been giving asylum seekers who don’t have bank accounts prepaid Mastercards instead of the traditional cash disbursements, and today the program has several thousand active cardholders."

nice falseflag /pol/bro

Refugees don't boost the economy, immigrants do. Refugees only increase crime rates and decrease lower paying job rates.

I mean how do you expect someone with little to no qualifications or education to boost your economy by cheating the legal, educated, and wealthier legal immigrants of their spot?

They aren't fleeing shit you fool
The ones flooding into europe are believe it or not the educated ones... still doesn't mean the are going to contribute anything. They were just smart enough to realize they can have a higher quality of life in europe without doing anything at all

>Libya isn't a wartorn shithole
>Syria isn't a wartorn shithole
>Afghanistan isn't a wartorn shithole
They have reason to be fleeing but its not our responsibility to help them.

Even immigration is bad for a countries long term survival. How long can a country with an economy that's dependant on immigrants even last? It's an endless stream of immigrants generation to generation at one point immigrants will then replace the native people, right?


It is our responsibility to help them under the refugee convention, however it is not our responsibility to house them indefinitely. When their countries stabilise, which is something in our interests to assist with, they will go back.

>refugee convention
Worthless paper that should be thrown into an acid vat.

>people that work hard to be successful without relying on others, especially the government.

Non-European immigration is demographic and economic disaster, our politicians are insane.

True, you need a strict immigration policy like Singapore or Japan to make sure only the best come in, bringing in the wealth and skills without inviting too many useless immigrants.

Just look at the shit they are doing to our precious home land:

If you really believe the media making up all the lies....

You see, when the knifing tragedy happened finnish media even turned against our own people and stated "finnish people just used phone camers to film the knifing"

And they promoted the refugees who where helping, at the other videos there can be clearly seen that finnish also helped alot.

Its all so fucked up we had really ni e country and 50% our debt goes elsewhere supporting EU. Pur economy was strong as fuck when we had our osn currency and not need to help these iphone-tourists. They are also all men, where is the woman and children?

-Proud finnish dude, who is strictly against refugees and immigration

one of the first and most important stipulations of that convention is that refugees seek asylum in the next closest safe harbour, as soon as they pass a safe harbour and continue further they are no longer protected by the convention

I don't care about economic migrants' interests that are posing as fleeing pussies while the females stay behind.

I'm selling everything after this tragic news.

>At present, the only real consequences of violation are 1) public shaming in the press, and 2) verbal condemnation of the violator by the UN and by other nations
There's nothing stopping from a country from saying "No we dont want you". Japan was smart enough and took in like 23 last year, thats fucking nothing compared to Europe. Hell, most of Asia barely took in anyone and most of Europe should consider doing the same

Look at the pic you can see finnish news media outlet promoting this "Turvapaikanhakija=asylum seeker" that he is somekind of hero.

Its pure propaganda to get our grandmas and grandpas to be brain smoothed to accept refugees.

Fuck this nonsense, which crypto are they being issued? I heard ETH was backing this shit, i sold off all of it to never touch it again.

>MFW I can fund the cultural suicide of Europe and make mad bank while doing it.

Here you can see CLEARLY finnish people helping at the knifing... And that dude who was promoted was doing literally nothing just standing there wtf! (2 died 8 got injured and the targets was all woman...)

Propaganda in its purest form...

This means that we officially fund terrorism.

Buy tenx

Yes its business. Here are alot of old hotels and stuff which are turned to asylum-homes, police guarding them etc... Its business, that way the hotels business is flipped better but ruined our taxpaying money and lives...

Also our politicians are corrupt as fuck (well tell me one country where they arent...)

If you don't agree that most people taking out their phones and filming isn't shitty as fuck then I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. Also keep in mind economy in a boom during 80s to 90s and we had Nokia which was really killing it and making our economy great. Then shit crashed and everything went to shit, EU didn't have anything to do with it. Besides we've got more thanks to EU than we've lost in free borders and moving of goods.
T. Another finn.

Don't forget to dump your IOTA.

Western politicians and media will always at some point spit on their own people. You can't rely on a political party to help you out, become a nordic pagan, do everything you can to pay as little taxes as possible, slowly unite finnish people with a strong sense of culture instead of this invidualistic crap; go full blown traditional (clothing,food,religion,etc) and you maybe your children will benefit from it because saving europe will take time

I agree its not propriate to film if there is conflict/terror thing and the main focus is to help other I know, but cant you see through the media propaganda??!

Were you there at the stabbings/knifing tragedy? Yes you clearly werent. The point is to turn our countrys people against each other.

See this picture. Finns clearly helping. Its only fraction of people and big minority who were filming... And every nations has scumbags, they were those.



Also take note, that immigration birth rate is 3 times higher than our average. At the year 2100 finnish people in Finland are going to be minority.

Fucking disgusting.

What do you think your shitty graph proves, friend?

kill yourself, faggot

hahah USA USA USA.

Literally becoming a third world shithole.


Fuck off we're full

I wish I could sell you to some Saudi slave trader you piece of shit

of racist bastards who are immigrants themselves

Cool, now show me the figures of immigration boosting economy and immigrants doing the shitty work ameriburgers won't do.

no it's not, I've never heard of any of this shit

>shitty work ameriburgers won't do.
Eliminate welfare Gibs after 6 months for those able to work and people will have to do those jobs. takes care of two problems and saves tax payer money

Of course media would try to paint the refugees in a positive light, if they wouldn't things would get even more unstable. The least thing we need right now is everyone turning to eachothers throats while politicians can pass bills that do nothing else but fuck us in the ass. Sininen Tulevaisuus has around 1% of population with them yet they have 16 seats in the parlament. That's unacceptable and Keskusta still being tje biggest party is insane.

Fuck you money skeleton.

vitalik is a fag, there's a picture of him sitting on his male lover's lap. he's also skinny because he's probably got HIV. lastly, he is also canadian.

I like how all the /pol/ fags pour all their money into something that is mostly run by people that would have voted for hillary.

Pretty sure those immigrants have slanted eyes and speak ching chong though.

Oh and they're probably richer than the average burgers.

I could care one way or the other, I'm here to make money and get my lambo and 24K gold toilet.

You fresh from reddit fags can't recognize the most obvious bait and you have the same sort of epic screencap mentality as the most plebeian /v/ fag. It's embarrassing. You fall for it in droves.

You're fitting in just fine friendo. You sure convinced me.


No. Just no.

Yeah and what's more important, having a slightly worse economy, or having a country where terrorism, rape and violence are common, and the underlying culture, beliefs and people of the country are under threat of disappearing or being subsumed?

Not everything is about economic growth, other things are important too.

>or having a country where terrorism, rape and violence are common
2 of those 3 things are already going down and have been for the last few decades. Terrorism is the 3rd has been on a decline in the US since 2001 and I'm not sure how nationalism would have prevented that. I sincerely doubt nationalism would help improve whites low birthrates either.

gas yourself, kike

Is there a cryprocurrency that will help sink the refugee's ship and let Poseidon claim them I can invest in instead?

Not a cryptocurrency but you can invest in Generation Identity if you want boats in the sea


There needs to be a Poseidon Coin. We tell the investors that profits go to refugees, but it actually goes to buying and installing 120mm cannons all along the Mediterranean coast.

i doubt the 1% that benefits from this would be posting on this board

I always thought of Veeky Forums as an Ancap board. Even as a Israeli kikeposter I wish nothing but pox and misfortune on the refugees that are fucking up Europe - my fave vacation destination

Väärä lauta vitun vammanen nocoineri.


whats the best exchange to use?

>show me the figures of immigration boosting economy
I wish I could, faggot. Ever wonder why Mexico is a great place to live? All the Mexicans, of course!

wtf I hate crypto now

this technology is progress though

Go take your moral high ground and stick it up your ass, you glorified faggot ass tumblrina.

I'll laugh as my ETH gains more value and acceptance in new markets. Stay poor faggot.

No wonder /pol/fags are poor white trash.

Seems like a win-win situation to me

>conflating technological progress with those who encourage the spread of Islam
Wew, lad.