Artemine ICO

I can't believe no one is talking about this. Because this is a HUGE opportunity to make LOADS of money quick. I know what you're thinking, but this is legit as fuck.

>The Artemine ICO has just been announced.

To participate in the Artemine ICO you can pay with either:
Ethereum, OR Minereum.

>1000 Artemine costs either: 1 ETH, OR 10 MNE.

Price of MNE right now is $4...

>MNE's ATH was $12... The RUMOR of Artemine alone made this coin MOON from $1 - $8 in 24 hours.

I purchased 600 of these babies, and suggest ANYONE reading this to stock up while the price is low.. Once the ICO starts MNE will SKY-FUCKING-ROCKET.

>B..But... Why?? Because...

>1) There is LESS than 1 mio. coins circulating:

>2) ALL MNE that get's sent to swap for Artemine will be BURNED/DESTROYED.

Let that sink in... Think about it. MNE will do a 10x EASILY once the hype and FOMO kicks in... Buy in while it's low, and get some cheap Artemine, or sell off your MNE for a quick profit... Who gives a shit..

Price prediction: $40-$75 per coin...

Read up on the whitepaper.. Do some research. The DEV has delivered on everything he promised so far, and MNE, and ARTE will be 2 different projects with 2 different teams working on it.

You have been warned. For those of you who actually follows my advice. Thank me later.

Other urls found in this thread:


All these words and not one spared to say what it actually does.

Fuck off shill.

I said to do your own fucking research, but alright, I guess I'll spoon feed you like the moron you are.

MNE is a token that makes it easy for anyone without coding experience to create their OWN crypto currency coin. It's still in developement but works.

Artemine is another project. They are basically creating an ICO factory. Both these 2 coins combined has strong fundementals. They are below the radar of many people, but the holders will be rewarded extremely good.

Again, if you want to know more, I suggest you read the fucking white paper.

Good thing i stocked up yesterday... So ready for this!!

This shit is old news. You can keep your mne bags and your shitty ico.

Sitting comfy... 1500 MNE here...

Will buy ARTE as soon as the ICO starts

Which exchange can i buy it from? Looks promising... Def. Not missing this moon mission

I bought mine on Livecoin. You can get it on HitBTC and Cryptopia as well...
It's gonna be on more exchanges soon, don't worry. But take notice, that MNE is a pretty new coin still.

You'll eat your own words soon... Mark my words. Not sure if you're holder that wants to accumulate at low prices, or simply a moron for not joining. I don't really care anyway, haha. Will send you a postcard from the MOON

Already bought in when i read the rumor about Artemine a week ago. Got in at $2 so im sitting pretty good. I wonder how high the price will go this time. We will most likely see a new all time high. Pretty exciting

So if I understand this correctly.
You either pay $300+ for 1000 Arte with ETH... Or $40 with MNE?

This looks like a no brainer.. Am i missing something?


Artemine will have a very low supply as well, so I can only recommend getting a genesis address. I didn't get one for Minereum, so defo not missing this chance to get one (Or multiple)

How do I get into the ICO with my Minereum? Only sitting with 100, but I dont really understand how to participate in the ICO. Dont really want to miss out this time. Have never tried to get into an ICO before, but this looks promising.
Any help?

No need to shill this here user.. The guys here was warned multiple times last week... Its gonna blow up.. Just sit tight.. Dont expect this thread to make any price movements, we still need an actual DATE on the launch of the ICO.

Fuck off shill....

Tempting to put .5 BTC into this.. Would blow my mind if it 10x'd
Shitty exchanges though.. Good thing I have an account on Cryptopia still!

When is it estimated to launch?

I have been hoarding this coin since it was released.. Sitting with more than 5000 .. Got in under $1
Lovin it!!!

The first 2 weeks of September according to the DEV. He is in the procces of registering a company in Switzlerland.
To be honest Im guessing he is waiting a little for all the crypto drama to settle down before he starts the ICO. Pretty sure we will have an exact date within a day or two. Better get in before that.

Nice... Thats all I need to know.. Will throw a few hundred dollars at it to see where it goes


Delete this nigger...
Not fucking done accumulating!!!

Will MNE come to bittrex?

Because we totally need more shitcoins made by people with no coding experience.

soon they run out of names.

MNE only created bagholders who cried and cried until the developer created another shitcoin to pump the price up.

There are no fundamentals. Jesus, you can do what minereum does with a chrome extension.

So bittrex or no bittrex?

Never. There's been Bittrex hype for Minereum on previous pump and dumps but nothing. It's a shitcoin.