>he thinks he can get rich whilst holding nationalistic, religious, or racial principals
>he thinks he can get rich whilst holding nationalistic, religious, or racial principals
Racist, sexist, richfag here. AMA
that's literally how jews made their fortune though
How did you make your forture user?
>not converting to judaism
>Racist by the MSM definition
>Still rich anyway
>posts on Veeky Forums
>thinks he's "rich"
If you make less than 1 billion a year, you're a plankton in the pond of the wealthy
>making money
>principles of any kind
>Catholic Church
>not rich
Godless posers. You think any of the higher ups actually believe in God?
I mean I doubt holding shitty views on politics makes it harder for you to make money, but you and me both know these /pol/tards will never be happy, so take pleasure from that.
Comparing economic free trade between people in different nations between the wholesale movement of people, thus causing a surge in the uneducated work force, which undercuts wages and causes cultural clashes.
Oh Veeky Forums never change
yes, stupid people are usually happier
Most rich people were trump voters.
Despite that, you can be racist and still use cheap migrant labor. One doesn't negate the other
Irony at it's finest. An attempt to correlate low IQ and population growth when any schmuck knows correlation does not equal causation. The low IQ'd might be you, friendo.
Excuse me ?
t. butthurt subhuman with brown skin
You will never be white.
And still you're here buying globalist coins..
If a population with a lower average IQ constitutes a greater share of the total than previously, then obviously the average IQ of the total will drop. You should be able to grasp simple statistics.
>I'm sad because I'm smart
lel ok buddy keep blaming everything but yourself
They all think this way. Yahweh commands them to take over gentile institutions and rule them. Jews are rich specifically because of their religious principles.
Yeah, they believe in a God. Read the Talmud. They just don't believe in a magic sky daddy who performs miracles and who rewards you for being good, the way that retarded Evangelicals do. Rather, the Jew god gave the Jews orders which they are morally obligated to obey.
I could go on about this but the reality is that the majority of Veeky Forums posters are retarded subhumans who aren't adept enough to fully comprehend the information that is disseminated on 8 pol.
then why are the worlds richest people zionists
Wouldn't the average IQ stay at 100 forever regardless?
I mean, that's how IQ works, whether it goes up or down the "100" is always recalculate to represent the weighted average
Meanwhile at Putins office.