Do agrarian societies produce better character?
Would you consider African tribesmen to be of better character than people from first world?
Imo it doesn't produce people of better character, but people of simpler character.
>i want to be a farmer so bad
user stop im sad
African tribesman are worthy of a certain amount of respect. Western numales not so much.
>be serf
>die of preventable disease
Africans are certainly more respectable than American urbanites.
>1/3 of days off
Where the fuck did you get that number? One day off a week + national holidays, which don't add up to anywhere close to a third of the year. Also hour about the daily hours worked. 14 for the serf vs 8 for the wageslave.
Serfs didn't work during the winter and early spring user.
I think we're on the upswing now, what really seems nightmarish to me is the period immediately around the industrial revolution.
Better in what sense? More cooperative, more highly socialized, possibly more empathetic, sure, but nomadic people are tougher, braver, stronger,and often more cunning.
Where in the fuck did you get that idea?
Maybe in Russia that's true, but English peasants had every High Day and Holy Day off work, which alone amounted to 1/3 of the year, and on top of that they had many feast days and festivals of, bringing total time off to over half the year. As for working hard, sure, but only a few times a year (plowing and harvesting), the rest of the year they didn't work harder than a modern cuck, and did so or much less time.
>In fact, economist Juliet Shor found that during periods of particularly high wages, such as 14th-century England, peasants might put in no more than 150 days a year.
There is nothing at all in that article.
Digging deeper I see it's 2/3rd of the year working for their lord, the rest of the time working on their own land is considered leisure by these fools.
Reading is hard, huh?
When you do shit in your garden do you count it as work hours?
Reading that communist nonsense is quite difficult.
I garden for fun. If all my shit dies I don't starve. They ran small farms for sustenance and also worked on the side to pay for the rent on the land for the pleasure of doing it. There is no comparison.
What a retard you are.
>If there were no evil corporations stealing our labor we could work half the year like serf used to!
I don't care who they are. If they expose this ridiculous idea as fact they are trying to feed people communist bullshit.
I like how you have given up arguing the point and devolved into personal attacks. No place left to go but back into the gutter where you belong.
Nomadic people are the niggers of civilization.
The fuck are you talking about you moron?
And yet negros are all farming peoples. Makes you think.
>And yet negros are all farming peoples.
How much did your mother drink?
Best characters are definitely hnter gatherers.
Go on them genius, tell me the negro people who weren't farmers before colonization.
>eat every day
Reading is hard, huh?
No, they produce drunkenness, rowdiness, and rural blight.
I'm starting to feel bad about this, it's not your fault your mother loved vodka.
Wow you really are a dope.
>This is what /pol9k/ actually believes
Do you really need me to link the wikipedia article to negroid for you?
After that source you used I honestly don't think there's any hope for you to redeem yourself. If I were you, I'd slink off and hope no-one screencapped it.
>Eating even a fraction of the days
Malnourishment was one of the biggest killers in agrarian societies.
Literally from the Wikipedia article for Negroid.
Tell me, what are the san people then if they are not Negroid? Since you seem to know and the rest of the world is just confused.
A huge reason Africa sucks is because there's such a poor farming culture. Zambia scooping up 100 white farming families has a huge national impact because black farmers don't have that institutional knowledge.
Maybe, but it also tends to produce shorter lives.
While you're on wikipedia lookup haplotypes and where the san tribesmen are there.
or just look up San people