Has there ever been a conflict where public opinion is pretty much unanimous that the wrong side won?
Has there ever been a conflict where public opinion is pretty much unanimous that the wrong side won?
Other urls found in this thread:
The American Civil War
>Battle of Vienna
>Battle of Marathon
>Battle of Poitiers
it is most certainly not
>guaranteed replies
Nah, only assblasted hillbillies think the Confederacy should've won.
You have to go back
>Jewish slave masters losing
>not good
Hillbillies, everyone.
Vietnam war
Rhodesian Bush war
Cold war
All humans agree the wrong side lost.
>these subhumans dont realize that they're not part of the Master Race
redkeks are just as bad as wewuzzers
To salvage this bait thread, everyone here should read The Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze.
It is an excellent breakdown of the economic retardation that was the driving force behind the Third Reich's boneheaded and altogether bloodthirsty decision making process.
>Battle of Marathon
Stormniggers/Leeaboos get off my board. The real answers:
World War 1
Fuck off
Yes, Lee could have helped end the war in under a year if not for his autistic attachment to VIRGINia.
Reminder that all of those except the Napoleonic Wars wouldn't have happened had the South won.
Napoleonic Wars
t. non-Virginian
>MUH old dominion
>voted for a nigger twice
I don't think the people believe that the Vietnam War was won by the wrong side also believe that the Cold War was won by the wrong side. It's really contradictory.
Other than Veeky Forums (which is certainly a minority) nobody actually says Rhodesia should have won.
Woah, are you actually saying that the Nazis won WWII? Did we just become best friends?
First and second Punic wars DESU
War of northern aggression.
Fuck off, the american economy is thief and nobody gives a fuck.
go back to /pol/ you inbred retard
Guaranteed replies
Go back to Canada you inbred liberal retard
Fuck Ferdinad VII
No-one except far-left American teenagers think the Communists should have won the Spanish Civil war
Cambodian Civil War
Literal bait
Which part is bait?
Agree with all of these except for Ireland and Spain
Only non-bait answer in the thread.
No one except most historians specializing in Spanish history, and not communists but republicans.
As if any republicans existed by the end
>Russians give the very best to the Spanish communists
>other parties die out or convert
Russians didn't gave the communist the best equipment the sold them their obsolete equipment for almost the 80% of the spanish gold
There were two wars, one in the whole spain and other in the republican zone. Communists started killing anarchists and socialists.
all of it
Specifically; Napoleon, Soviet - Afghan, Yugoslav, and Libya, however.
Spain received (despite the allied embargo hampering Soviet efforts) quiet current BT-5/T-26 tanks, I-16 fighters and other equipment. They may have charged up to 50% more than the worth, but given there was quite literally no other major source of these in the world I'd say they got off alright. As well as 2,000 crews for the tanks and planes.
My point was that OF THIS equipment, the communist factions received the best. Then yes, after that came the infighting after it was shown that the left did not truly represent a united front and was in fact made up of sometimes entirely opposed factions.
>Start a union based on freedom, justice, tolerance yadayada
Any war where America won.
Most Native American conflicts.
Ad populum.
Fuck off retard.
This, except for the perfidious anglos of course.
Correct answer.
>a stone age civilization should have won
look at this cuck
nice try, cletus
Age of Imperialism
>muh freedom to take freedom
nope you had it comin
>Vietnam war
nah the right side won
fucking underdog story if I ever saw one
Peloponnesian war
bit cheating because both were the wrong side
Punic war
Great Northern war
At the time it was fought? Not really, if everyone supported one side then there wouldn't be a war. For example the Spanish conquest of the Americas had huge native armies fighting for Pizarro and Cortes because they saw a chance to overthrow their political enemies.
That said, the Prague Spring and Hungary 1956 probably count but even then you have tankies.
according to the New Left, the rise of Western Civ.
Second Italo-Ethiopian War
>tfw read the writing on his leg and arm as "fat cunt"
The Finno-Korean hyper-war. The outcome was irrefutably a victory by the wrong side.