Why is Eugenics bad? This is not bait, I'm being serious. And this isn't /pol/ either. Why is Eugenics bad? Retards should be killed, I don't give a fuck if it means separating these "things" from their family. Who ever gave birth to "it" should have been sterilized and the entire family banned from procreation. Why is that bad? Why do you want to live in a regressive world where retards, the disabled, and the weak are allowed to breed? Don't compare me to Hitler because Hitler targeted the Jews. Jews are among the most intelligent in the world. So leave your emotions behind, why isn't wrong to euthanize the weak and the worthless?
Why is Eugenics bad?
Why is Eugenics bad? This is not bait, I'm being serious. And this isn't /pol/ either. Why is Eugenics bad...
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if you're just going to be a sociopath there's no point in arguing with you, you'll just do whatever you want
Because Nazis.
It is more sociopathic to leave people with severe physical or mental disabilities alive.
This is not an argument
Honestly it eases the burden that the chronically ill exact upon healthy society. Also, it encourages healthy lifestyles and alleviates the chance of children being cursed with incurable deformities
Actually, there's no such thing as good or bad.
So there you go.
Now you can just talk about why people like or don't like eugenics.
Have fun!
wow it turns out if you strip away your humanity and morality you can do whatever you want and make society into a perfect machine
if overpopulation is really a problem then lets find out the natural way
well first you have to actually define what you mean by "retards" because without that i can only reasonably determine that two out of the three things you listed (retards, disabled, weak) have no genetic inheritance and thus preventing them from breeding would not help you at all
Those with autism, Aspergers, down syndrome, mental retardation with an IQ of 70 or less, cerebral palsy, ADHD, the dyslectic, the mentally ill, those who stutter, bipolar, etc.
pumping cum left and right, out of control
or do actually just not want to see them?
i also like how you think ADHD fits on that list, that's just bizarre
how so?
well at least half if not most of those conditions do not actually inhibit people from functioning in society
if you're not actually willing to go the whole ten yards and advocate for eugenics to prevent all but the best specimens of humanity from breeding then you aren't actually accomplishing anything
Yes they do. This is my political incorrect opinion on Eugenics and it doesn't matter if they can contribute to society, they have a defect which will poison the gene pool for future generations. They are enemies of the state.
>his is my political incorrect opinion on
I know you just want to tell you to go back to /pol/, but seriously, go back to fucking /pol/.
and i presume in your fantasy state you would be a political elite and not some bootlicking prole whose life begins and ends with benefit to the state?
>it doesnt matter if they can contribute to society, they will poison the gene pool
why is "poisoning the gene pool" such a bad thing that we're denying people from contributing to society over it?
i think you'll find the state very much prefers quantity over quality and is more than happy to have subpar citizens whose problems are easily fixable with education and medication
I don't like it when people use the word prole. The prole's weren't even the oppressed ones in 1984, they were happy as clams. The ones who really had the shitty lives were the low-ranking party members.
maybe they should leave their emotions behind
prole comes from proletariat
most people aren't referring to 1984 proles when they use it
oh and i like the implication that if you were a prole in the 1984 society you would be totally down, really telling about what a strong person you are
Matey, you need to work on your fucking grammar.
matey, you should grow up and realize that you're not stronger for wanting to make yourself and your society into a robot, quite the opposite
What the fuck are you even on about? Who said anything about robots?
Eugenics is outdated, it's cruel consequences and serious abuse potential are utterly obsoleted by CRISPR/Cas9.
>dude if we all just like let go of our emotions then we can totally just like kill all the weak people it's so simple man
You misunderstand, I'm not the one advocating for eugenics.
ah i assumed you were OP ignoring what i was saying for my grammar my bad
Its ok famalam. I'm sorry i insulted your grammar, I thought you were OP.
now fuck
only if he's a big strong muscled daddy with an 8" penis
Because the investment is too great for too small of a payoff. Society works just fine and genetic dead ends that are legitimately a strain on society sort themselves out naturally.
>the investment is too great for too small a payoff
>for people with fucking aspergers, dyslexia, stutters and ADHD
Most people would place individual liberty and sympathy for the weak over the hypothetical value to society of purging its weakest members.
I think this thread got out of control and everyone thinks everyone else is OP
That's not an argument. /Pol/ users would be considered enemies of the state for their autistic views on society.
If the state wants to kill me because I am not genetically perfect in their eyes, so be it. The world needs a diseased free and genetically pure world. There would be no special education, special needs programs, or caretakers or foster homes for the disabled and weak. Social security would only be needed if they got hurt on the job or they were sick. Other than that SS would be limited.
The State needs strong and genetically pure people. They don't have time to change diapers of disabled people, or make them feel like they are special or something. Its a horrifying world to imagine that the genetically unfit are allowed to commit treason against the state. This is literal treason. I'm not talking about race here, I am talking about genetic treason.
that was just me and that one other guy
will you be my dicky daddy?
>people with aspergers, dyslexia, stutters and ADHD are so fucking invalid that they need their diapers changed
You're retarded.
>If the state wants to kill me because I am not genetically perfect in their eyes, so be it
this is getting good
what about a commie state
Did I say specifically that those with ADHD, aspergers etc. are the ones that are incontinent? No but they will need to be euthanized by the state. I should have been more clear, I'm referring to drooling retards not those with aspergers.
>We don't need unskilled labor anymore
>We don't need skilled but easily learned labor anymore
>We don't need to consider the millions of jobs that a trained monkey could do that are nevertheless essential to modern society
Christ, it's like I'm really back in high school.
Hello, this is the president. Kill yourself, faggot.
Yeah but i saw a guy with downs and it grossed me out.
you literally just contradicted yourself
>Did I say specifically that those with ADHD, aspergers etc. are the ones that are incontinent? No but they will need to be euthanized by the state.
> I should have been more clear, I'm referring to drooling retards not those with aspergers.
What about people who waste the states time on Veeky Forums?
No because communism rewards failure, this eugenics state rewards success and favors those who are the most genetically pure and free of imperfections.
It doesn't matter if I contradicted myself. All defects need to be euthanized. If they are incontinent they will be euthanized, if they aren't and they have defects, they are to be euthanized and their families sterilized to prevent the genetic impurities from spreading.
Post a picture of yourself
I want to see how perfect you are
Man, I literally went to a school with both a special needs program and a gifted program. Everybody who came out of the former that I see nowadays are successful, but not extravagantly so. They'll hold a job for a few decades and retire with a comfortable pension and savings. The gifted students I see are all unhappy and disillusioned about the world because they have to grind it out for fifteen years or so before they start getting into a position to make their mark, and some just don't even bother. Really makes me think.
>The State needs strong and genetically pure people.
not in any larger amounts than it already gets
>They don't have time to change diapers of disabled people, or make them feel like they are special or something.
they do actually, all the workers who take care of the disabled pay taxes that fund the state
You're sperging out like OP.
>not understanding the genetic purity literally leads to imperfections
not even worth the effort/10
> leave your emotions behind
Ok, you first. Whether or not retarded people get to breed has no effect on you. You aren't defending eugenics with logic, you believe we should kill retarded people because they disgust you. You think we are weaker as a species for letting them breed, and this matters to you. These are emotional reasons for killing retarded people, not logical ones. In fact, there is no logical reason to kill retarded people. People with low IQ and mental disabilities are statistically speaking a very low threat to the current generation of living people. Giving a shit about future generations, which is the other reason people support eugenics, is a value judgement based on emotion. You aren't a member of the future generation. The logical decision would be to do what costs fewer resources and has the highest benefit to the current generation. Eugenics carries with it an extraordinary cost in actual resources, and this will inevitably start wars and revolutions that will lead to healthy non retarded people dying as well making it ultimately self defeating.
I gotcha i was making fun of OP
This is why we don't try to manage genetic lineages.
Well those welfare programs then will have to go then. I'm not a lolbertarian, these welfare programs will go to those who are genetically pure and perfect mentally and physically. If the state is funding these workers to take care of these "things" then they will be arrested for genetic treason against the state.
genetic diversity is far more useful to preventing defects along with a host of other problems than genetic purity is
make that ass clap you fucking whore
What about people who waste productive time on chinese cartoon imageboards?
If a person wants to use the resources at hand to enure their baby isn't a mess can go right on ahead (like I would if I had a child). If you are an older woman you SHOULD take on these measures since they don't have the reproductive vigor of younger women.
If a person doesn't want to use it that's on them, if a person can afford/use all the health an medical shit, checkups, etc that's great but if a person doesn't that's all on them. If your kid has the chance of say sickle cell then you may need to employ some measures to make sure that they don't get it in regards to dating or testing the fetus.
>mentally ill
Might as well kill every on Veeky Forums then.
What you're talking about is just universal health care, not eugenics.
I bet at least 70% of this board is depressed/anxious and just shitposts as a form of escapism
i'm pretty sure he's secretly glad this is only his fantasy and not something he would actually be beholden to
This is Veeky Forums. He's probably being edgy and contrarian and just taking the piss.
why did you say to leave emotions behind in your OP post and then proceed to post so emotionally? you get grossed out by disabled people, i get it
take a step back from your highschool edginess and actually look at the real world though
what a state needs more than anything else is a low-moderate quality labor force to fill the vast majority of jobs as well as serve in the armed forces in times of conflict
a lot of the grounds you listed for sterilization and euthanization such as asperger's and dyslexia do not prevent this, they are easily compensated for
additionally genetic diversity is an excellent bulwark against major outbreaks of disease
furthermore there are a lot of genes that do a lot of things and have various different ways of activating to cause these issues, sometimes due to just various mutations in the womb unrelated to inherited genes, so your plans to just sterilize the family of anyone who is mentally ill is not only lazy but also completely useless as i guarantee the problems will continue to manifest
moreover even if you do sterilize all of these edge cases, what of it? there are far more lazy stupid idiots that have nothing mentally wrong with them than ones with mental issues. you don't care to deal with them even though they are just as worthless
if you want eugenics, you have to actually advocate for the breeding of humans like livestock in order to (hopefully) create a better gene pool, or you aren't actually going to change anything
OP fuck off please. I was in special ed because I needed the help in school. I may not be perfect and I have along way to go before I can find something for myself but damn it I turned out pretty well in school. Are the disabled sometimes annoying for me, sure I'm a hypocrite because I have apsergers and I have a learning disability in math but damn it I wouldn't go out of my way to advocate for eugenics.
Probably. It's fun either way. I think it's not uncommon for people to pretend to advocate for something to just to see what happens or provoke conversation when it would normally be dismissed out of hand anywhere else even if they're actually against what they're saying or ambivalent.
OP would be killed off because his genes are too shitty.
You guys, do you really think that I actually advocate for this? Its fucking Veeky Forums! If I was serious about what I just advocated I would be saying this shit on a science forum or some other edgy contrarian website. I don't advocate for this shit and I wouldn't go out of my way to be an immoral asshole in real life. I don't believe in eugenics.
>You guys, do you really think that I actually advocate for this? Its fucking Veeky Forums!
yeah. yeah it is. well anyway, it was fun.
This Nazis ruined a lot of great things.
Eugenics, nationalism, that one moustache...
Actually it isn't either bad or good by itself. Like everything.
I think the problem is defining the purpose and ethics to do it and how. But that's also relative
>le IQ maymay
>this isn't /pol/ either
>Who ever gave birth to "it" should have been sterilized and the entire family banned from procreation.
You realize it's possible for anyone to give birth to a retard, right? You probably shouldn't talk about this if you know fuck all about biology.
Dude he's taking the piss. See here.
Ah, I see.
>Asperger's syndrome
But they're just your average nerd and are responsible for s large amount of technological advancement
Just because he's talking about his dystopia doesn't mean he's referencing 1984, he means proletariat the working class, the bin pickers and toothpaste screwer onners
>autism, Asperger
So, you would throw Newton, Beethoven and Gauss in the gas chamber?
If everyone did it is it still eugenics.
>Why is Eugenics bad?
Because it is not bad? It's only bad when the measures are too violent and extreme.
Also because it often relates to the image of Nazi and social Darwinism( although Soviet also did this), so modern ignorant mass, especially libercucks, like to condemn it. They hate Nazi, so everything they did must be all bad, no exception allowed.
>But they're just your average nerd
Not really
It undermines the complexities of natural selection and replaces it with social engineering by bureaucracies, would you want the IRS arranging your marriage?
>see and hear people always saying that some people shouldn't breed, need to have tests to become parents, etc.
does everybody secretly want eugenics?
that's just speculation.
Yeah but they don't want to be the guy enacting it.
Dysgenics such as fag marriage, dwarf marriage, retard marriage, Incest marriage, lgbt degeneracy with 1086+ genders...etc also undermine natural selection and replaces it with social ideology by bureaucracies, but I don't see libertards have problems with them. On contrary, they promote and justify them very very hard, I can often see they perform their degeneracy here and everywhere.
And that answers his question how?
Well just fucking kill me then. Aspbergers like me are fairly normal, why should I bite the dust?
What about a predisposition to violence and aggression?
2bh I personally would argue for positive eugenics and discouraging people with disabilities to reproduce. With one caveat.
In case of
The pathologically wanton get the bullet once they commit a felony and upon psychologycal enquiry demonstrate that they cannot be rehabilitated. Salvage their organs and introduce them into the public health system or auction them to decrease the demand of illegally procured organs and defray execution costs.
Because you were an accident
Nigga why
>Why is Eugenics bad?
Show dogs.