what's the worst a coin has crashed? and stayed ded. the biggest evaporation of wealth
What's the worst a coin has crashed? and stayed ded. the biggest evaporation of wealth
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So Status Network Token, SNT, is odd in that they basically have a working product but just zero attention at all.
DGB. The ghosts of its victims still haunt this board shilling their bags
neo looks on a good walk
50 to 20$
will probably end at 3$
Who is this semen demon
Cryptopia and NovaExchange are shitcoin graveyards, go pay your respects.
-70% in one week.
I still remember the retards saying it was the new NEO. They ended up being right after all.
well no. it has an active dev community
It will see more action in the future than any of the small market cap non-smartcontract alternatives, that's for certain
china don't like cryptocurrencies
too rebel for them
it dropped because its Chinese, yet its an excellent swing trading coin
Have a (You)
So are BitShares and fucking OBITS, and yet they are not exactly success stories.
BNB got hit very hard Biance Coin.
Only got into crypto to fuck girls like her on the reg
There's been altcoins that were 51% attacked. Altcoins tend to completely die when that happens.
>DGB. The ghosts of its victims still haunt this board shilling their bags
muh dik
What a piece of shit that is.
this piece of shit, the ultimate JUST
B-but muh citi. Its 40x faster than btc, too
yo you just wait til the end of the month! youll see!
Sia fell just as hard
>Piece Of Shit Wallet
They even called it Piece of Shit wallet.
I got burned around 1k back in like 2014 or around then from mintcoin, quarkcoin and maxcoin. No idea if they're still around. Makes me laugh, at the time it was a lot of money for me, makes me laugh now.
I bought this because biz said it would moon
I bought it before it mooned but missed to sell it so I never won of lost anything with it.
Everyone takes their lumps in this game
The gains from the good ones outweigh the losses on the shitcoins
Fucking STOX. Bought that yite before the fight and it has been at the ground ever since. Why is no one talking about this shit?
F for user who sold ETH to buy into PoSW
his name was Stupid Greedy Fuck
Their github has next to no action on it relative to qtum.
Dead shitcoin is dead.
Probably DOGE.
There were people on plebbit talking about how they lost their life savings after betting it all on that obvious scam when it took a dive back in 2014.
Like Scrooge's partner Jacob Marley, dragging their bags of DGB through the afterlife.
Me too buddy. Me too
>What is google image search?
Nora Lovely
you only lose if you sell
i made bank off that coin. it seemed like a good idea too.
> scammed because you trusted a wife beating nigger coin
Went all in on NMR at the ATH, my investment is currently at like 1/7 of what it was. goodbye life's savings.
>Went all in at the ATH
Why would you do that?
had just got into crypto and saw it was mooning hard, figured I could get an easy 15% on it. It was an absolutely retarded beginner mistake. While it crushed me and got rid of nearly ALL my startup capital, I learned a lot from it. that makes it worth it, r-right?
At least you made someone rich, user.
Wrong. You only lose if you don't sell with a profit.
ABC: Always Be Closing
As God is my witness, I'll never trust a Nigger again!!!