Alexander the Tyrant

>people actually believe that he won a battle with 40,000 Macedonians against nearly half a million Persians and crippled their military power

>germanics believe he was pale with blonde hair and blue eyes



tell us why you ahte him so much. Did he kill your ancient nigger-kuridsh ancestors?

He didn't kill Darius or Xerxes, you mong

Also, he looted and burned Persepolis while drunk.

So we can agree that he was at least half nigger.

why should anyoen give a shit about a bunch of conquered sandniggers who invaded Greece multiple times?

>muh eastern superiority!
>Alex was a tyrant!
>w-we were relevant! YOURE the barbarians!!

2353 years later.
Still mad.

>implying a pack of subhuman Iranians could hold a candle against my main man Alexander

Not denying they lost.

Just saying that any respected historian should have considerable doubt that Alexander won his "battles" against impossible odds.

Also, he died of a fever LOL

b-b-but Ptolemy's side bitch made him do it!


Darious would have conquered greece if he didnt die

also remember that achaemenids conquered most greek cities/colonies and conquered macedon

Germanics were Romans you dumb shit

Would've, should've, could've
But he didn't, didn't he
Piss off, kid

because he died and no , i wont piss off

>[different ethnic group] were [different ethnic group]



were his children and ancestors worth less than his rotting corpse then?

Rome is a city, not an ethnic group

>empire collapses almost immediately due to civil war

>Ethnic group
You just might be retarded

oh sweet so that makes jews who live in germany german (germany is a country btw, not sure if you know)

(Not your op)

why you ask that?
Darius the great was a genius, go read about him, there isnt much but you can he was very intelligent

Literally you right now

Are you saying there arent German Jews? Christ man

at least he wasnt conquered like the faggy persians who get annihilated in every war they fight

why are you calling them german jews, they're just german

Funny, I don't remember reading about their annihilation after the Iran-Iraq War.

So are you saying that all the umbrians and picentes, samnites, etruscans etc weren't Roman?

Their king got deposed during that war or right before so they literally destroyed their empire

You're outright illiterate if you don't understand that Roman citizens were composed of every imaginable western ethnicity, very very much including Germanic groups. You're also retarded if you don't understand that Germanic generals and armies were the de facto power of the empire for hundreds of years

But by all means keep the memes coming

no they weren't, they lived in the empire
are you saying egyptians were actually roman?

All it lead to was Greek enmity which was answered with conquest

German refers to the nationality and Jew refers to the ethnicity (in this case it can refer to their religion)

Obviously they were


Nobody liked him anyway.

Yes you dumb fuck

once again you're wrong, germany is a country and within it lives germans

Look man it's alright to be illiterate, education and basic common sense is a rare privilege, just lurk more is all


no not when being a roman citizen meant something at least.

Such a sweet way to tell someone "you're dumb."

He was definitely white and I'm telling it as a Greek

You talking about like 500-400 bc then?

ancient portraits proof that greeks werent pale

>against nearly half a million Persians
It was actually 100,000 according to modern estimates.

Not everyone could be a KHALID

I was referencing Gaugamela, actually.

Alright kids gather round and listen up before you make complete fools of yourselves in public.

A Roman is a citizen of the Roman Empire (am I going to fast?). Now, the Roman Empire, as the name suggests, consisted of many different ethnic groups. This was the case even during it's early Kingdom phase.

Germanic groups, especially in Gaul, we're Roman citizens for hundreds of years (over a thousand if we're including the Byzantines). What makes ignorance of this fact even more cringe worthy is the fact that the military (the actual source of power after and even kind of during Augustus) was massively Germanic. If ever there was an ethnicity to stereotype/ generalize the empire with, it would be Germanic.

Gauls were Celtic you absolute moron

the orignial city of Rome was populated by Greeks fleeing Troy's destruction so you're dumb as shit you filthy wehraboo

There was no point whatsoever in the history of Rome where the populous could be generalized as a single ethnic group. It was heavily mixed right from it's founding, and subsumed other ethnicites right from the getgo

so the civnats were right all along?

>Actually falling for ancient Roman propaganda (which even THEN it was revisionist)
>Not understanding that you're legitamately retarded


>the military (the actual source of power after and even kind of during Augustus) was massively Germanic. If ever there was an ethnicity to stereotype/ generalize the empire with, it would be Germanic.
germanics werent in gaul, they move there later

civic nationalism
an idea that a country's foundations and culture don't need to be attached to an ethnic group. instead, immigrants and new citizens should be welcome as long as they are competent and respect the traditions and culture of that nation

Is this bait?

Oh cool. Yeah I guess that worked out pretty well for the Romans. I'm sure there are times/ contexts where that's not ideal tho but Id imagine theyd be the exeptions

>not accepting the trojan war as a peer reviewed academic journal article

The original Romans were nomadic, hence why they're called Romans
Because they "roam", y'geddit?

Countless Germanic groups migrated throughout Gaul during its Roman history. Also, way to complete dodge the argument.

Lurk more, really tho, it's a bit embarrassing

and you should work on your reading comprehesion but that is what i said, germanics moved later

I said germanic groups, especially in gaul, were roman citizens, to which you respond
>germanics werent in gaul, they move there later
after which you criticize my comprehension...
does it hurt being that retarded?

top wew user

i dunno i kinda liked it

>one of the greatest works of art of all time that contains literal theology for mdoern religions is propaganda
the real retards are people that call themselves germanics because they have been nothing but filth that gets murdered in every war

read it you illiterate faggot and youll know its true

yeah but they moved later and not all of them became roman citizens


>died of basically a cold like a bitch
>empire immediately dissolves within basically the same day he croaks on his death bed in Babylon
>divided by his three top generals
>Iranians (Persians and their kin) basically restore themselves to power within 70 years first locally then regionally constantly pushing the Selecuid successors constantly westwards in successive wars
>Iranians become another regional superpower for basically the next nearly 1000 years
>and this is all due to Alexander
Yeah he showed them. Alex's 10 minutes of fame is probably the biggest trigger in resurgent Iranian nationalism in Antiquity following the fall of the Achaemenid dynasty.

Germanics weren't in Gaul in the 1st century BC, you mook.
