Is there a worse philosopher?

Seriously I can't name a philosopher who did more damage to thought short of Marx and Nietzche.



fuck you Rousseau is based

Checked and true

Whatever Rousseau did was not even anywhere as close to how bad the damage of Marx and Nietzche


>is a leftynigger or lolbertarian

You could easily claim Rousseau is actually a conservative thinker


Only if you're a fag who thinks Liberalism is on the Right.

Not even, you could use his writings to justify aristocratic republics like Venice or even states like Sparta, which he considered superior to Athens. He's a real mixed bag

>superior to Athens

Of course he would.

You just don't like him because he triggers your insecure worldview based on emotion and /pol/ memes.


Don't you have rap number to perform at your Postmodernist White Guilt class?

I'm neither. But you just confirmed my doubts with your retort.

>Doesn't deny being a postmodernist

Those Niggers and Muslims sure are Noble Savages.

He considered Athens lacking in civic virtue, as the development of arts and science ruined man's natural disposition towards other man.

He must have adored Niggers.

You're not mentally well.

Noble savage wasn't even his idea
I take it you've never read anything he's written

Sure, whatever gets you off

>Thinking a certain way is bad, I get triggered just knowing certain philosophies exist

OP you are the Supreme intellectual.

Go attend your White Privilege class.

>pretending he didn't say man was better off in the far away past and praise savage tribes

There are many legitimate strains of liberalism on the modern American Right

He said that the state of nature was not possible to be reverted back to, and that many tribes we see currently were violent because they had taken the first steps out of the state of nature (developing language and agriculture, etc) but hadn't developed and virtue

Yeah well he was a fag. Men like Lawrence H. Keeley have shown that savages are per capita significantly more violent. Even when ignoring Niggers.


Marx wasn't a philosopher tho

>SJW mod deletes post

Seeing Lefties in action sure makes you chimpout.

>he still believes le kangz have powers given by sky man

I'm surprised we even have mods here anymore

>He's live in a garbage pit filling up with Shaniquas and Achmeds

Then what would you call him? He sure wasn't an economist or a sociologist.

A Rogue Jew.

I would say he's more of an economist than a philosopher (although not very good at either), but it's pointless to argue about it

A failure of an economist. Never worked a day in his life, sapped money off of his parents and Engels, took out loans that he had no intentions of paying back and turned it into "evil jewish usury" even though he was born of Jewish parents himself.Spoke about giving rights to the workers but never paid his housemaid a dime and even knocked her up and refused to acknowledge the kid.

You're right, he wasn't either of those too. He was an observer of the worker's movement, a communist

Marx claimed he was doing objective science and never really comes across as "pro-worker" outside of rhetoric, he claimed it was just something that was bound to occur

He believed that as industrial capitalism advanced, the worker would continually be easier to exploit. Yet he never worked or even much less stepped into a factory, even when Engels gave him the opportunity to tour a factory with him. The best way I've heard him put is "a far man writing a diet book"

*fat, not far

I don't think that you need to work a menial job to be a good economist, but his assertion that the economy was fundamentally zero sum and determined by property relations is pretty stupid, and it can't be avoided

He looks like Robert DeNiro in a wig

Is the fat man a dietician? Because I'd much rather read a diet book by a fat dietician than a skinny bimbo.

It's incredibly stupid, but I'd think if you were going to advocate the rights of someone so feverently that actually being in that persons place at one point would give you clarity on it. Thus, "Fat man writing a diet book"

Why would you read a book written by a woman in the first place?

>I don't think that you need to work a menial job to be a good economist, but his assertion that the economy was fundamentally zero sum

So he's a modern day Leftie.

Why do you think they worship him like an obelisk of righteousness? Birds of a feather flock together

Like I said, I don't think he actually cared much about "the workers" as people, only as a class who fit into his autistic view of history
Marx is generally considered a leftist economist, yes

Youre whole argument consists of ad hominem and nothing to do with the content of his work. You dint need to br a marxist to see how that your reasoning is awful

His character and way of life directly conflicts with the way he thought of economics and what rights workers should have. Preaching an ideology so vigorously and living in total contradiction of it is a good sign that what you're preaching is horse shit, if you believe it to be a superior ideology you'd imagine that the person would practice it.

>Marx is generally considered a leftist economist, yes

Only if you're retarded to the point of being unable to read the subtitle of Capital, sure


You might be actually retarded senpai

The subtitle says "a critique of political economy". He wasn't trying to 'invent' a new school of economics, but critiquing the body of theory behind it. "Marxian economics" is a modern bastardization

That doesn't go against anything I've said

>Never worked a day in his life
He worked as a newspaper columnist, why did you just lie?

I'm sure you don't see an issuw with welcoming refugees yet never living with them or moving to their countries.

Michel Foucault

Nietzche's writings are basically self-help guides.

Literally what is wrong with Nietzsche?

le epik meme XDD!!

t. /pol/tard who gets his information from Stefan Molyneux and jpegs.


And his critique was integrated into the body of economic theory, hence 'Marxian economics'.
I know that you're dealing with a libertardian, but try not to be obtuse, mate.

>He said that the state of nature was not possible to be reverted back to, and that many tribes we see currently were violent because they had taken the first steps out of the state of nature (developing language and agriculture, etc) but hadn't developed and virtue

who gives a fuck what a dumb fucking kraut thinks about anything. if i want to learn about tribal societies i wont do it from a dumb ass philosopher who cant get laid, has never been outside of europe, and hemorrhages 110% speculative bullshit about human nature.


This. Imagine a world without Hegel. Imagine a world without commies and nazis.

A historian.

The level of discourse on this board reminds me constantly why I need to stop coming here.

Veeky Forums is a curse. A hell of our own making.


I can honestly say that it used to be better here. I'd take having Constantine constantly shitposting again over this garbage.

>even though he was born of Jewish parents himself

His parents were protestant.

So then what's your explanation for figures like Engels or Makhno?

Is there hope for us? Or is it too late?
At least Constantine was fun cause you'd just call him a tranny and he'd get mad

>expecting high level discussions
>in Veeky Forums

This board has had some good threads, back when it was too insignificant to get trolled

Along with anyone else who eschews epistemology.

Postmodernism rejects 'noble savage' bullshit you stupid /pol/cuck

Flawless trips confirmed, fpbp.

Economic liberals are right-of-centre. From left to right in terms of economics it goes: Communist, Socialist, Social Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Laissez-faire Libertarian. The only reason liberals are considered left thing is because most americans are conservatives

Of the 11 claims you just made, only 4 were correct.

This seems to be an extremely American point-of-view. In actuality, conservatism and right-wing ideologies tend to be more communitarian than economic liberals. But since we on this side of the pond have never had any form of acien regime, we decided to go with whatever our "traditions" were, took liberalism and called it conservatism. Now all the radical individualists are considered the conservatives, and the sons of the radical individualists are taking the methods of individualism and marrying them to communitarian messages, and thus we have the full-retard alt-right, bitching about "freedom" and "hierarchy" yet lacking any notion of obligation or order.

>The only reason liberals are considered left thing is because most americans are conservatives

Actually, it's because liberalism in essence opposed the status quo as a revolutionary leftist movement. Just because they're the status quo now doesn't remove their historical roots

I was thinking the same thing.
The only thing treated seriously on this board of autistic children is WW2, and they still can't it right.

Voltaire was great. Leibniz on the other hand...

Leibniz is infinitely superior to Voltaire. Voltaire was reddit personified before reddit was even a thing.

Nietzchean Marxism is the only truth, user.

I believe he was making a reference to the qualifications and real world observation that marx somehow mostly got away with skirting as opposed to who he was as an actual person.

Agreed Voltaire was an expert meme artist. But it does take some guts to write a satire about someone's entire worldview like he did with Candide. I feel like if I were Leibniz I wouldn't have any clue how to react.

>he thinks liberals are leftist
Bay of Pigs invation was such a leftist even wasn't it???

Nah, Groucho Marxism is the true ascended Philosophy

>Asks is there a worse philosopher
>Names two he considers worse

What are your thoughts on the Social Contract?

It is amusing to read the stupid things people say tho. Uninformed people relying on memes to make historical points, never building research on actual primary text material

>reddit personified before reddit was even a thing.

What does that even mean?

It probably makes us all more stupid tho, and it gets really old, really fast.

self-help guides from a mentally ill guy who died of dementia at the age of 56

Trips of truth.

Yeah, when literally nobody but you (and the jury's out even on that) understands what the fuck you're getting at and they turn it into Marxism ya dun goofed.

Better to die insane and suicidal as an extremely proficient writer and philosopher than a satisfied wageslave.

Self-help is not about happiness, it should make you less happy and less satisfied.