Is this what a Roman would look like?
Is this what a Roman would look like?
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im not sure, whit his eyes out and overexpose the photo so his skin looks like marble statues for comparison...then we'll talk
>roman is a race
>what is citizenship
>haha I'm such a intellectual look at me!
How the fuck would we know?
"Black people born in the UK are British"
They are though my man, that isn't an ethnicity only.
Do you mean Latin?
I know what you mean, but I am trying to make the distinction between British and British National.
he looks like ancient greeks
>long hair
Unless that's Scipio, that's a big nope.
One Italian tribe? Don't think so. Not that "Roman" is very useful either.
no, that guy looks peruANO
Is that Ice Poseidon?
cant wait for this no talent degenerate to get busted for coke possession
of course it is
look at that dirty turk face
yes i know hes "italian"
To be fair, Romans had the Auxileries which was always taking in foreigners of proven loyalty. As a result, romans could look like anything from the medeterranian.
not necessarily but he reminded me of pic related
What you want to say is "What does an anglo-saxon look like?"
pic related us what a Roman looks like you stupid faggot.
Or this
or this
or this
or this
This is what the Romans looked like
What is germanics tribes raping and killing latins, retard?
Italy all are germanic or mixed with germanic
I particularly love this meme because there is almost not a single shred of evidence for it.
or this
I just came to Veeky Forums to talk about how the Helots are like the Black people in the Caribbean and Florida, as soon as any trouble occurs, they literally turn to violence and aggression against 'civilization', as it will always be alien to them. Didn't see any threads that I could invade, so I came here and posting images of Italians who look like people within the Roman Empire.
They are by definition
Not by ethnicity. Ethnic Britons are not West Africans.
I just don't understand people who unironically think that Italians who don't look straight up MENA are somewhat Germanic influenced despite the fact that various Roman figures are described as fair looking, even before the Empire, like Sulla, or how eye color variety in humans is explicitly mentioned by Pliny
Italy has got its fair share of continental input way before Germanics even dared to cross the alps
Scipio was bald what the fuck
Mr. Denino looking unrecognizable
looks like a tunisian knife fighter
Nobody cares.
He looks Greek.
>implying the average italian is blue eyed
is this a porn flick?
this guy is a Cis Alpine Celtic type.
They are. They're not English or Scottish however, because those are ethnicities while British is a nationality.
That guy is literally a Slav.
The latin Romans looked no different than modern Italians so if hes Italian then yes.
Already told you that De Niro is a bad example.
sauce? google turned up nothing
im too lazy to fix, can someone else do it Busty Redhead in Rough Interracial Gangbang
aw I was thinking it was a serious wewuz.
There's a good overlap between people who like interracial/cuck porn and wewuzers.
pic related is the female phenotype of that guy.
But I wasn't memeing, his dad (Cesare Maldini) was a Slovenian.
>le Slovenian meme
at best his dad's mother is though to have been Slovene in origin, which would make Maldini at best 1/4 Slovene
I guess yes.
And Dalmatia is Croatian?
> implying he doesn't have Boi genetics potentially
> inb4 Slovakia is not Slovenia
>southern italians have 0 berber admixture
how? you'd think they would've had more berber waifus than their northern pals
Romans were actually fairly white. Nowadays Italians are far far darker due to arab invasions
Wrong, sorry snownigger
please stop spewing bullshit.
>inb4 Slovakia is not Slovenia
Well, it isn't
It's literal sandniggers trying to claim Romans and Italians as their own people.
No, that's what a Semite would like. Romans were European, and had European features with mixtures of blond and brunette hair.
is that Battista?
Right, sorry t*rk. Go get smushed by a truck after a failed coup attempt , then complain how great the Ottoman Empire was despite the fact that all it did was inherit Greeks in Anatolia and their talents, until the genetic pool declined with the empire.
>European features
there isnt such thing you fucking germanic pigskin
The Lombards took a huge fucking toll on the population of the Ostrogoth/Latin lands of the peninsula and completely took over the nobility.
It's wasn't a complete genocide obviously but to imply that the demographics of Italy in 300AD were almost the same as 800AD is flat out wrong.
There is such a thing your semitic monstrosity. There are blond Greeks who do not have nordic phenotypes. There are such a thing as European phenotypical traits.
Keep crying tho
This, honestly. Well not sandniggers, but usually latino mestizo posters with moor blood mixed in. Usually night black curly hair, dark skins, black eyes imagining they were patricians. Look, Mediterranean is a mess. The original roman families were described as having fair features, and no this doesn't mean they wuz germanic. They were fair featured meds, can you believe that. Its not either dark sandnigger or nord, there is a big spectrum in between. Anyway a lot of "italians" are just descendants of slaves imported in from the rest of the med and are arguably nonwhite.
Did you unironically link a nordicist website and post a greek with a blond dye as some sort of 'proof'?
>Did you unironically ... ?
Did you serious just call the apricity a nordicist website and make references to the conspiracy theory that every blond Greek and Roman in depiction and historical mention was just dying their hair after a fad from Gaul?
>be dark haired swarthy skin italian
>"lol you're not roman you're arab!"
>be light haired pale skin italian
>"lol you're not roman you're germanic!"
well who the fuck is a roman then? did they all die out or what?
>well who the fuck is a roman then?
>All of these liberal morons unironically saying yeah
Topkek, britbongs are nothing but slaves to what the bourgeoisie wants.
>Keep importing all these 3rd worlders to drive down wages
>They are the real British people
>Fuck racism
How about you liberal niggers actually think about your opinions?
Weird as there's no genetic evidence for what you're claiming. The I1 Nordic/Germanic Y-DNA haplogroup is only 4.5% of Italians, it's as minor as it gets.
Is this the reason why people say that Arabs are Greek, and that Greek people were never blond? Because they have some sort of anti"""""racist"""""" agenda and don't want to admit that Greeks are white?
There are a lot of factors to consider though.
>I1 is only a third of the Nordic haplotype to begin with
>the Lombards who left weren't necessarily predominantly I1, a majority could have been R1b
>intermixing with the continental locals in regions like Pannonia on their way to Italy
>bringing other tribes into Italy under the Lombard banner including Bulgars and Saxons
>Lombards mainly marrying their own kind or into Ostrogothic families, rarely Latin ones
R1b isn't and never will be Germanic. This is also the point when you realize countries like Germany and Netherlands aren't really Germanic but mongrels.
Doesn't make a difference what you call it, it's still there.
What is?
>I don't understand Roman citizenship, look at me!
the average person of Roman ethnicity probably would look like someone from north of Rome today. your pic looks like a southern central Italian
>what is citizenship
A rare privilege that was not extended will nilly to all comes until the end of the Roman empire.
I think that poster only implied that particular woman has dyed hair.
But she is actually all natural tho
1). Rome was like Italy today. Blondism was more common in the North due to prehistoric gene flow.
2). Blonde hair dyeing was rampant, especially amongst the elite. This is very well documented. Partially due to the influence of Greek culture (the Greeks loved to dye their hair blonde too and also had it as a minority native trait). The second reason is indeed the influx of Gaul and Germanic hair imports.
pic related is rare naturally blonde Greek
What's the disagreement?
Mitch made him.