Bancor is literally unstoppable.
Bancor is literally unstoppable
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Under .008 Eth now I see. Wew.
what do you do all fucking day? apart from jerking off to those sweet Ashkenazi genes
Bancor has more than its fair share of weak hands. Mad because they didn't get an instant flip.
I know what's being released soon Veeky Forums :D Thank fuck I joined all the telegrams instead of believing the fud here.
Likely a guide to creating your own smart tokens
Why do you keep posting this? This company isn't impressive. I have no idea how they fucking raised the money they did. I guess they get congrats for that.
I might fuck the girl. Depends on the night.
Yep a very unimpressive list of people here
I'm sure you know more about the potential for a project than draper.
Check current coin prices, hack. I know what I am doing, and this looks like a fucking loser, which is why real crypto MEN, not dumbass Venture Bros turned crypto investors, are avoiding it. Do you even understand what liquidity is? You realize that Bitcoin is specifically designed to have less liquidity than $'s? You're a dumb cunt.
How many bags you holding OP?
>Liquidity is bad
>Buy high sell low
some of you are so fucking stupid i swear to god
check how many BNT transacion per day in ETH are made through BNT smartcontract, and then say shit about liquidity
why dont you tell us what the fuck you're even talking about?
what don't you understand?
are you fucking retarded?
BNT smartcontract generates similar volume as Bittrex, so Bancor liquidity is shit?
You literally don't understand how Bitcoin works. Yes, liquidity isn't necessarily a good thing, you hack. Bitcoin is being adopted partially because it isn't as liquid as fiat. For its uses, having less liquidity is a good thing. Things like liquidity aren't by nature good or bad, you stupid motherfucker.
Dump Bancor. They hire stupid pieces of shit to shill their "product" here (which is basically questionable and easy to copy so who gives a fuck).
Panjeets could make the shit that Bancor claims is revolutionary (it is a highly questionable market)
Tip me what you save:
DD tip jar: Ro7U1CbvEYDVbxf5RToTxUGcnmLnzV34Ks (looking forward to ReddID and then this will be easier!)
Litecoin tip jar: LTiUiNwK9S83Xp3m5Em1rcebVAKY3sMBP1
Monero XMR 48nXBajorzkZLeotCBw1XgYaUgENGuxS1hhK75hoGgUSQVHsoVa3EWj86EvqKjeorUY77SVu8fj8TPevfz3dnmX567djac2
Complete Shill bullshit. You would have to be a fucking moron to read this and think it says anything interesting. Throwing shit at a fan. Fuck you, Shill.
This is literally meaningless. Liquidity isn't some Platonic Quality. It is a math. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it isn't. Sometimes you want more, sometimes you want less. Fucking neck yourself you shill piece of shit. I fucking went to Berkeley, and I pray to God you are not associated with that university. Bancor is a blight on my Alma mater. Complete shit company funded by Venture bros who can't do math.
>Platonic Quality. It is a math
Probably the best troll ever posted on Veeky Forums. It wouldn't have gotten a bite.
Why the hell are you comparing Bitcoin which is basically a store of value to Bancor in which the whole point of is liquidity and saying "liquidity isn't necessarily good"? The whole point of the platform is liquidity between tokens, so in Bancor's case liquidity is PROBABLY a good thing. I never said anything resembling "Bitcoins should have more liquidity" you fucking imbecile
Posting your tip jar as well are ya, no wonder you're still poor given how retarded you are
>This is winning
Readers: Dump Bancor. It is a shit company with a shit idea. You already lost money, but tip me 10% because this piece of shit is going to zero within the year.
Read this guy's post ten times. Even the shills know this COIN is absolute shit. If a market even develops for this product, which I doubt it will, fucking Panjeets can do it for 5 million in seed funding, fuck an ICO.
Tough one, guys. Listen to this idiot weeb or the creator of the euro which calls Bancor a new paradigm. Better tip him as well.
Your shit coin is dead no matter what I do.
>unstoppable on its way down
What is your point other than it's shit because the price is low and it's not doing the exact same thing as Bitcoin?
To review:
>It is easily copyable: Creating smart contracts is only hard because of a lack of Solidity programers. Bancor has no advantage in creating the product in claims it wants to create.
>Its use is highly questionable. I am not the only one who thinks tying low liquidity coins to established ones presents possible exploitation scenarios (shady traders could use Bancor's questionable product idea to rip off people).
>IT HAS NO FUCKING MARKET. Why would someone choose Bancor's platform? Literally every single benefit Bancor lists applies to straight Ether. "Pay a premium to use a shittier eco system!"
Tip me 10% of what you save or make:
RDD tip jar: Ro7U1CbvEYDVbxf5RToTxUGcnmLnzV34Ks (looking forward to ReddID and then this will be easier!)
Litecoin tip jar: LTiUiNwK9S83Xp3m5Em1rcebVAKY3sMBP1
Monero XMR 48nXBajorzkZLeotCBw1XgYaUgENGuxS1hhK75hoGgUSQVHsoVa3EWj86EvqKjeorUY77SVu8fj8TPevfz3dnmX567djac2
>It is easily copyable: Creating smart contracts is only hard because of a lack of Solidity programers. Bancor has no advantage in creating the product in claims it wants to create.
It raised $150 million. When the ICO regulations set in full force I doubt some pajeet project doing the exact same thing will be able to do that. The team and their partnerships which are already established, the advisors and their army of lawyers are what you might call advantages.
>Its use is highly questionable. I am not the only one who thinks tying low liquidity coins to established ones presents possible exploitation scenarios (shady traders could use Bancor's questionable product idea to rip off people).
How? Exploitation scenarios will be possible everywhere in this market until it is regulated.
>IT HAS NO FUCKING MARKET. Why would someone choose Bancor's platform? Literally every single benefit Bancor lists applies to straight Ether. "Pay a premium to use a shittier eco system!"
Even though it's still in its infancy, Stox, Sharpe Capital with their team consisting of Oxford PhDs and what not, EnjinCoin plus a couple of others I've forgotten about. If you think it stops with them you are delusional. Liquidity is why.
Uh guys
To my friends. Read this 10 times. Read what I wrote ten times. Tip me just 10% for revealing this bullshit. How could anyone, ANYONE, read this and not get chills? Disgusting. I will never exploit you like this. Bancor is the lowest of the low.
Tip me 10% of what you save or make:
RDD tip jar: Ro7U1CbvEYDVbxf5RToTxUGcnmLnzV34Ks (looking forward to ReddID and then this will be easier!)
Litecoin tip jar: LTiUiNwK9S83Xp3m5Em1rcebVAKY3sMBP1
Monero XMR 48nXBajorzkZLeotCBw1XgYaUgENGuxS1hhK75hoGgUSQVHsoVa3EWj86EvqKjeorUY77SVu8fj8TPevfz3dnmX567djac2
thank u sir pls posting e$p address for tip
There is something off about you. Either this is some sort of clever irony or you are completely brain dead.
wow user
I haven't seen crazy bat shit FUDDER like you in a long time here
Sure if you look at it now it might look bad but the swings are literally cent's and completely irrelevant in the long run.
All the big coins have had this long flatline period of accumulation and if you were to zoom in close enough you would see the same thing as bancor looks right now.. but once it moons its completely irrelevant and almost indistinguishable from the rest of the flat line.
If you're not boarding bancor now you'll just fomo buy in later when the giant finally awakens