So this is Veeky Forums...
don't judge us
>38.7% DGB
>33.5% ETH
>16.7% XVG
>11.1% LTC
100% BTC
Amount: none of your business
It's 4am. All the europoors and third worlders are posting.
Is blockfolio safe
No personal info is provided to it, just times of purchase, amounts, and other variables to calculate your current holdings.
Want to get in shit coins but my ledger doesn't support many coins. Also The only way I want to trade coins is shapeshift and challengy. I don't trust Exchange keeping my coins and keeping track of my transactions
Unless you got it in potential coins for holding you're making pennies.
I'm really new to this.
Any advice?
Please help
Plz no bully.
Hold your ETH
R8 M8
Will trust ever rise above a dollar?
um, buy eth
get rid of bat. Do not support advertisers.
They are the whales of biz
I know ldg is a super shit coin, but think it will rise like ut did before when they hosted some boxing matches
im thinking of getting something else than bitcoin. which is showing a prominent future?
Net losses about 20 usd since chink crash and post recovery
zrx, lsk, omg
not enough zrx
Will I make it bros?
Shill me on XLM
I don't even know why I have this. I forgot why I bought it and I've got so little of it that I can't even trade it into Bitcoin. Same reason why I still have some BCC
I really have nothing to say about it
If there's another fat dip, grab some more OMG
>he panic sold
Sell it all and get a bottle of pic related.
Literally just 15 bucks worth of BTC and 4 OMG.
Only holding muh 916 OMG
Just waiting for a transfer so I can get some xmr
You think you're cool huh
Bought BTC at 2500
DNT at 08 and 12 cents
ZRX at 11 cents
CAT at 1.23
>comma as decimal point
>decimal as comma
Jesus christ
Anybody seen that dead horse around?
100% OmiseGO~
Also, Hai~! Where ya been mate?
>Implying it isn't Americans who are assbackwards for no reason again
Dont listrn to that guy, if you sell bat you re never gonna get your lambo
>First week of trading
>Buy 3 LTC at all time high a few days ago
>Immediately lose money
>Few days later
>LTC dips
>Buy 11.3 coins
>Made 200 bucks
>Gonna HODL
Am I doing it right??
don't feel like updating blockfolio anymore, I use it for alerts.
Sell your Potcoin and Ripple for OMG. You'll thank me later.
I'm new.
thx bud but i bought 20 OMG coins yesterday, im keeping a keen eye on it.
feel good about the future of POT and XRP, ill keep my small bets on those.
ive caved and am currnelty updating Blockfolio even though it crasheall the fucking time.
$300 portfolios lol
I'm a newfag who made the mistake of over-diversifying. What should I consolidate to?
Fucking NEO... been moving it OMG.
you're probably going to need to start moving more over soon
Yeah, maybe. OMG gonna rocket as soon as this fucking news gets released. If it turns out to be what I read, it's going to be fucking insanity.
At the same time, NEO will recover and take off as well. I got in at $1.10 each, so I am cool with leaving it be
>displaying amounts in aud
Just moved all my neo to golem and omisego, it's time to let go.
Why the fuck didn't you move it already, fucking moron. OMG enroute to moon while NEO is fucking you in the ass.
nice, did you get any sells in when it hit 50?
Of course not... because I'm an idiot. Figured the 50s were gonna be the new low.
NEO will recover, but I'm starting to lean towards that.
What news. Some fucking sticker on a skateboard again?
Not pictured :
8k odn (soon to be 10k)
6k link
2k bmc
1 yoshicoin
Pls r8
Taiwanese banking system to run off their platform
How do you handle holding all those different currencies? Seems like a lot to keep track of.
They're almost all erc20 tokens so they're all in one wallet except xmr and (soon) odn. The icos will go in the wallet once they are distributed.
So far I've just been leaving my coins on the sites I bought them to avoid transfer fees, is that fucking me somehow?
Not if you want easy liquidity, but in the long term yes. You are trusting someone else with your money. Remember mtgox?
Where can I buy GNT?
thats not animechan
Dip hit me hart, so I sold all my NEO. Starting over.
Too many meme coins.
Move it all to OMG, NEO is still great but short-term, this is a better move.
Get rid of the ETH, you will make 0 gains off that because you own so little. Put that money in Basic Attention Token.
Just started a week ago
I need some help- am I going to make it?
Sell PAY and buy MCO. Super cheap rn and they're gonna announce Visa later this month.
If you cash out now your family will have enough to buy your burial plot.
Forgot pic
Bts was a mistake
>mfw only one with six figures plus in here
hot damn
Started a bit more than a year ago with 2k dollar. Never listened to biz. Will I be a millionaire next year?
Yfw you put 500 in dnt made 2500 cashed oyt at ATH and put it all into OMG. Feels /comfy/
Holding those bags of NEO tho?
Got about 130 at 8-9 bucks. Sold half around 34 (should have sold at 50) and put into TenX and IOC.
The rest is just fuck around money I guess incase NEO moons.
Any suggestions what I should be holding instead?
big bois dont post folio
why these threads ? are you not confident in your picks ? youre not gonna make it hahahahahahahaah
If you have less than 5 figures in your blockfolio please don't humiliate yourself by posting it. Thanks
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Pls no bully
i have private key copy on two password protected drives that are hidden inside my house